أَوۡ أَمَرَ بِٱلتَّقۡوَىٰٓ

Or he commands (people) to piety?

أَرَءَيۡتَ إِن كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلَّىٰٓ

Have you seen in case he cries lies and turns away?

أَلَمۡ يَعۡلَم بِأَنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَرَىٰ

Does he not know that Allah sees?

كَلَّا لَئِن لَّمۡ يَنتَهِ لَنَسۡفَعَۢا بِٱلنَّاصِيَةِ

Not at all! Indeed in case he does not refrain, We will indeed trail him by the forelock,

نَاصِيَةٖ كَٰذِبَةٍ خَاطِئَةٖ

A lying, sinful forelock.

فَلۡيَدۡعُ نَادِيَهُۥ

So let him call upon his assembly!

سَنَدۡعُ ٱلزَّبَانِيَةَ

We will call upon the guards of Hell.

كَلَّا لَا تُطِعۡهُ وَٱسۡجُدۡۤ وَٱقۡتَرِب۩

Not at all! Do not obey him, and prostrate yourself, and draw near (to Allah).

الصفحة التالية