9. Bending his neck in pride[1] (far astray from the Path of Allâh), and leading (others) too (far) astray from the Path of Allâh. For him there is disgrace in this worldly life, and on the Day of Resurrection We shall make him taste the torment of burning (Fire).
(V.22:9) Narrated ‘Abdullah bin Mas‘ûd رضي الله عنه: Allâh’s Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Whosoever has pride in his heart equal to the weight of an atom (or a small ant) shall not enter Paradise." A person (amongst the audience) said, "Verily, a person loves that his dress should be beautiful, and his shoes should be beautiful." The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم remarked, "Verily, Allâh is the Most Beautiful and He loves beauty. (الكبر: بطر الحق وغمط الناس) Pride is to completely disregard the truth, and to scorn (to look down upon) the people." (Sahih Muslim, Book of Faith, Vol.1, Hadîth No.164).

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