
Scientific findings about female ejaculation and the Quran
Assalaam alaikum Sheikh, It is mentioned in the Quran verse 86:7 that in semen is produced between the backbone (sulb) and the ribs (tara'ib).We know that in men semen is produced from seminal vesicles which is between the backbone and ribs.But in the case of women it is said that the sexual fluid (ovum) is produced in the ribs but the ovum is the female gamete or egg and not female sexual fluid.It is scientifically proven that female ejaculation is produced in female prostate gland and not in the ribs as mentioned in the quran .Please clarify. JazakAllah


All praise be to Allah, and may His blessings and peace be upon His messenger,

I have copied the following information from Wikipedia: ‎

  • “Descent of the Testes

    At an early period of fetal life the testes are placed at the back part of the ‎abdominal cavity. ‎The descent of the testes consists of the opening of a connection from the testis ‎to its final location at the anterior abdominal wall, followed by the development of ‎the gubernaculum, which subsequently pulls and translocates the testis down ‎into the developing scrotum. ‎

    Descent of the Ovaries

    Just as in the male, there is a gubernaculum in the female, which effects a ‎considerable change in the position of the ovary, though not so extensive a ‎change as in that of the testis.”

In this case the origin of these gonads is from that area in the back of the abdominal cavity between the ribs and the vertebral column (backbone).

Truly, Allah knows best. 
