
Reading Quran in Ramadan
Can I read qura'an while i am on my menistral period (without touching it of course) and still get rewarded for reading it in Ramadan? Jakum Allah Khairan


All praise is due to Allah. Although there are a number of scholars and schools of fiqh that state that the menstruating woman is not allowed to recite the Quran, the basis for their opinions are weak reports. Such reports include, for example, ibn Umar narrating that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘The menstruating woman and the sexually defiled person is not to recited anything of the Quran.” (Recorded by al-Tirmidhi via a weak chain.) Al-Daaraqutni also recorded Jaabir as narrating that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The menstruating woman and the post-partum woman are not to recite anything of the Quran.” The chain of that report is very weak. As such, there is no strong, explicit authentic evidence that restricts the general instruction of the Quran to recite and ponder over the Quran. Therefore, in the absence of any prohibiting evidence, it is permissible for the menstruating woman to recite the Quran, as ibn Taimiyyah and a number of others have concluded.
