
Can we ask a question, and then open up the quran at random and get an answer?
Assalam alaikum. Can we ask a question, and then open up the quran at random and get an answer? I have heard that we may seek guidance and a message about our affairs by mentally formulating a question, and then randomly opening the quran and reading. Is this a bid'ah, or a genuine way to ask Allah to guide us in our affairs through His (swt) words? Jazak Allah Kheir.


Alhamdu Lillah


 Opening the Quran randomly to seek guidance after asking a question is not the right way to seek Allah’s guidance. The authenticity of this method is not supported by any evidence from the Quran or the Sunnah. Even logically, it does not make any sense, as you may read an Ayah that is irrelevant to the matter in question.


  The Sunnah of the Prophet SAAW when seeking Allah’s guidance in any worldly affair is to pray Salatul- Istikharah instead.


  Salatul-Istikharah is to pray two optional Raka’at and to supplicate afterward (O Allah; Behold I ask You the good through Your Knowledge, and ability through Your Power, and beg (Your favor) out of Your infinite Bounty. For surely You have Power; I have none. You know all; I know not. You are the Great Knower of all things.
O Allah! If in Your Knowledge this matter be good for my faith (Deen), for my livelihood, and for the consequences of my affairs, then ordain it for me, and make it easy for me, and bless me therein.
But if in Your Knowledge, this matter be bad for my faith (Deen) for my livelihood, and for the consequences of my affairs, then turn it away from me, and turn me away from, and ordain for me the good wherever it be, and cause me to be pleased therewith)

