
Sura 43 Ayat 18
Al-Salamu 'Alaikum Wa Barakatuh How can you explain the meaning of this ayat to a Christian woman who wanted to revert to Islam until she read this ayat in which the interpretation (Tafsir Ibn Kathir) is the following: "A creature who is brought up in adornments and who in dispute cannot make itself clear" Does it refer to women or to the idols?. Jazaka Allah Khairn Wassalamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahma Allah Wa Barakatuh


Alhamdu Lillah


This Ayah came in the middle of a debate in which Allah SWT was responding and clarifying an accusation the disbelievers made that He SWT took angels as His daughters.



At that time in Arabian Peninsula, it was a prevailing culture that having a new baby girl is a shame and bad luck for the father! This is-according to their meaningless culture- due to the potential dishonor and bad reputation the girl might bring to her family in the future when committing fornication!  


Furthermore; Tribalism was quite prevalent phenomena. Arab people at that time used to prefer males over females for military purposes too, meaning, boys were potential fighters and protectors for their families and tribes, while girls are not as they do not usually fight.


 With this in mind, Allah SWT was responding by using the logic they understand by saying: How comes that you accuse Allah of having offspring? And not even boys, the one you like to have, but girls (whom you feel ashamed of) who are brought up in adornment and who could not fight or dispute.

Nevertheless, some Tafseer resources indicate that (idols) are the ones meant in the Ayah in question. This approach is attributed to both; Ibn Zaid and Al-Dahhak. Both are renowned  scholars of Tafseer (religious interpretation of the Holy Quran)

