
Reading Quran in English!
Salam Alaykom,  Im 15 years old, living in the US. I go to an Arabic/Islamic school, Im in the tenth grade and can barely read Arabic. Alhamdulillah, I try. I try to read the Quran in Arabic, but Im very slow. Can I just read it in English, or do I have to read it in Arabic?  I've asked many of my teachers during Ramadan because I wanted to read it then, and they told me that I couldnt. Is that true? 


All praise be to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be on His final messenger, Muhammad.

You may read the meanings of Quran in English, and you will need to do that if that is how you may understand the message of Allah to you. You will be greatly rewarded for that. As for the ritual recitation that is mentioned in the ahadeeth of the reward of recitation, this needs to be recitation of the Quran, not the meanings. The Quran, as the word of God, is only one version in one language, which is Arabic. There are millions of Quran memorizers in Pakistan, a country that doesn’t speak Arabic.

Allah knows best.
