
Qur'anic reference to the Samarita
Assalamu Alaikum What is the scholarly opinion about the Qur'anic reference to the Samaritan (e.g. Ta Ha 20: 95) which non-Muslims consider an 'error' in the Qur'an as Samaria did not exist at the time of Moses, pbuh, who lived at about 1200 B.C. In Wikepedia: "Ethnically, the Samaritans are the inhabitants of Samaria after the beginning of the Assyrian Exile of the Israelites (722BC) JAK



If Allah swt Himself is the one who mentioned the encounter between Mousa PBAH and the Samaritan in the Quran, then what else we need to assure the authenticity of these historical information!?

As of the doubts people of different faiths might raise in this regard; we believe that the current (what so called) scriptures they refer to are not the original ones revealed by Allah swt, and that these books are man-made ones in most of their contents if not in their entirety. Consequently; whatever doubts or misconceptions they raise deriving from these books is basically invalid, with all due respect!

