
Comprehension of the Qur'an
Asslamu alaikum wa-rahmatu Allah wa-brakatuh, I am a Muslim woman, and I hope to become close to Allah, be exalted. I love Allah, and His messenger. Moreover, I love the Qur'an, I love to apply its teachings, and I love to know Allah by means of His Names and Attributes. By asking questions, doing research, and reading, I come to know that the best method to achieve my goals is to read the Qur'an attentively, make supplication to Allah, and be faithful. What is the best method for comprehending, and loving the Qur'an? In sha' Allah, I intend to begin a practical plan to achieve this goal : I will read the whole Qur'an attentively, e.g. I will read one page from the Qur'an many times attentively, and humbly every day , and definitely, this will take time in the beginning. Then, I will write my notes of what I have read, read the meaning difficult words, and read the interpretation of ayahs that I have read if I find time to do so. May Allah bless, and reward you good reward. Is it a practical or imaginary plan? Would you give me advice so that I can reach to this level of loving and comprehending the speech of Allah, and consequently, I will attain the love of Allah, and His messenger, and become close to Him. May Allah bless you, your efforts, and your time. I ask Allah to put them on the scale of your good deeds. Amen.


In the name of Allah, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem

All praise is due to Allah, and peace and blessing be upon the Messenger of Allah, his household, his companions, and his followers.

O daughter, may Allah bless you, increase peoples like you and help you manage you religious, and worldly life affairs. Your intention to comprehend the Qur'an is blessed endeavor, and I think your plan for doing so is right and appropriate. However, I advise you to study under a qualified teacher so that you can refer to him with regard to the problematic, ambiguous matters. That is because the basic rule is to study Islamic knowledge through direct contact with the teacher. In fact, it is known that learning only from books leads to mistakes. Therefore, do your best to find an institution where you can study Islamic knowledge. If that is impossible, then try to study by means of distance learning via the internet since there are some institutions that offer Islamic programs through distance learning. I ask Allah to grant you and me success. And Allah knows best.
