
Established Ways of Allah
Allah mentions in Surah al-An'am, verses 42 to 45, one of His Established Ways and Enactments, "And We have already sent [messengers] to nations before you, …" The verses end with, "So the people that committed wrong were eliminated. …" The interpreters stated that this verse refers to the polytheists. Does this mean that this enactment does not go on Muslims in case they do the same mistakes mentioned in these verses?


In the Name of Allah The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful

Praise be to Allah; Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon the Messenger, his household and his companions.

The Noble Qur'an relates to us the stories of people of the remote past, as an example to learn from, so that we do not pursue them and meet the same fate. Allah, Supreme and Exalted be He, talked to us about the Jews of Banu an-Nadhir at the beginning of Surah al-Hashr and how they were punished and their houses demolished with their own hands and the believers'. Then He says, "So take warning, O people of vision" , meaning, beware of following their way in order not to meet the same fate. Hence, although the interpreters' stated that 'the people that commited wtong' in the verse refers to the polytheists, yet this does not deny that it is a general way of Allah and is enacted on anyone who treads in their footsteps and follows their route.

We ask Allah to strengthen us all. And Allah knows best.
