surah.translation .

By the sun and his morning brightness,
by the moon as she follows him,
by the day, which reveals his splendour,
by the night, which veils him.
By the heaven and its construction,
by the earth and its spreading,
by the soul and its moulding
and inspiration with knowledge of wickedness and righteousness.
Successful is the one who keeps it pure,
and ruined is the one who corrupts it.
In their overweening arrogance the people of Thamud denied the truth,
when their most hapless wretch broke forth.
God’s messenger said to them: ‘It is a she-camel belonging to God, so let her have her drink’.
But they rejected him, and cruelly slaughtered her. For this their sin their Lord let loose His scourge upon them, and razed their city to the ground.
He does not fear what may follow.