وَجَعَلۡتُ لَهُۥ مَالٗا مَّمۡدُودٗا

And set up (Literally: made) for him extensive wealth,

وَبَنِينَ شُهُودٗا

And sons always in presence,

وَمَهَّدتُّ لَهُۥ تَمۡهِيدٗا

And made (life) smooth for him in an accessible (way).

ثُمَّ يَطۡمَعُ أَنۡ أَزِيدَ

Thereafter he expects that I increase (My favors).

كَلَّآۖ إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ لِأٓيَٰتِنَا عَنِيدٗا

Not at all! Surely he has been stubborn to Our signs.

سَأُرۡهِقُهُۥ صَعُودًا

I will soon oppress him to a (hard) mounting (in calamities).

إِنَّهُۥ فَكَّرَ وَقَدَّرَ

Surely he did think and he determined!

فَقُتِلَ كَيۡفَ قَدَّرَ

So, may he be slain, how he determined!

ثُمَّ قُتِلَ كَيۡفَ قَدَّرَ

Again, (Literally: Thereafter) may he be slain, how he determined!

ثُمَّ نَظَرَ

Thereafter he looked (round);

الصفحة التالية