أدركه المغرب (أو أدرك هو المغرب) وهو في العين الحمئة. وتركيب الجملة يسمح بهذا بشيء غير قليل من الوجاهة، وإن لم يكن هو المعنى الذي يتبادر للذهن للوهلة الأولى. وشِبْه جملة "في عين حمئة" في هذه الحالة سيكون ظرفًا متعلقًا بفاعل "وجدها" وليس بالمفعول، أي أنه يصور حال ذى القرنين لا الشمس، وإن كان من المفسرين من يرفض هذا التوجيه كأبي حيان في "البحر المحيط"، إذ يرى فيه لونا من التعسف. وسأضرب لهذا التركيب مثلا أَبْسَط يوضح ما أقول، فمثلا لو قلنا: "ضرب سعيدٌ رشادًا واقفا" لجاز أن يكون المعنى هو أن سعيدا ضرب رشادا، وسعيد واقف، أو أن يكون المعنى هو أن سعيدا ضرب رشادا، ورشاد واقف. والسياق هو الذي يوضح ما يراد.
وأخيرًا أختم المقال بإيراد نص الرسالة التي بعث بها الأخ النصراني المهجري إلى العبد لله، والتي يصلنا منها الكثير منه ومن أمثاله لكننا نُغْضِى عنها عادة ولا نحب أن نشير إليها حتى لا يتحول الأمر إلى مسألة شخصية. وهذا هو النص المذكور:
Mr. Ibrahim ﷺwad
Articles Writer
Online ﷺ l Shaab Newspaper ﷺugust ٢٤، ٢٠٠٥
Cairo، ﷺ gypt.
In your article titled، 'Sayed Qumni retires'، in the ٨/٢٠/٠٥ issue of the Online ﷺ l Shaab Newspaper. ﷺ ven though the article subject was a critical review of Mr. Qumni's response to a threat on his life، you could not help but inject your venomous hate to Christianity، Christians and the West at large. What concerns me here is that you made two، equally absurd، Claims.
First claim :Christianity needs Islam، because it is the only religion that witness to the legitimacy of the lord Jesus Christ.
Second claim : تعالىenying miracle occurrence، matters not to Islam، Muhammad or the Quran because of its absence in their make up. Unlike Christianity with it's theology that relies heavily on belief in miracles.
To address the first claim: Make no mistake، Christianity never admitted that Islam is a God inspired religion، nor Christians ever appealed to
Muslim's god 'Allah'، his prophet Muhammad or the Quran to vouch for it's legitimacy.. It would be absolutely inappropriate for God، Jesus Christ، to ask a human to testify for Him. In the Gospel of John chapter ٥، the lord Jesus Christ explained what would be acceptable as witness for Him. I chose ٣ verses to quote. John ٥: ٣١ "If I bear witness to myself، my witness is not true." He goes on to say in ٥: ٣٤ "But I receive not testimony from man، but these things I say that you may be saved." then He drives in the point in ٥: ٣٦ " رضي الله عنut I have greater witness than that of John (the رضي الله عنaptist). For the works which the Father has given me to finish. The same works that I do bears witness of Me that the Father has sent me."
You ﷺre a writer and your works are articles and books. we know you as good or bad writer through your works، likewise a taxi driver، his works is to drive safely his customers، a teacher's work is to teach and so on... ، God's work is to create. and all his works to us humans are supernatural.
No one else but Him can do it، we call it miracles.
The works that Jesus Christ did، Mr. ﷺwad، bears witness to Him، and all His works can only be explained as the works of God. No sane person can deny that God's work s are miracles.
Responding to your second claim : رضي الله عنy contrast you claim that denying miracles، matters not to Islam.
ﷺ close examination of this statement reveals fast that it is unfounded. on account that Hadith and Sunnah recite that Muhammad experienced a miracle at the start of his mission. Whereupon، while in a cave in the mountain an angel Gabriel appeared to him Then holding Muhammad three times and ordering him to read in the name of ﷺllah، Sura ٩٦: ١-٥. He Muhammad-an illiterate man-learned to read. Would not you say that was a miracle of substantial importance to the advent of Islam.
However the internal evidence within the Quran reveals that it was a lie....!، رضي الله عنecause if ﷺllah the creator had performed the miracle of causing Muhammad learned to read. It would have stayed with him for the rest of his life....! ﷺlas a short while later when Muhammad had doubts about what ﷺllah says to him. ﷺllah in Sura :unis ١٠: ٩٤ says If you Muhammad had doubts about what I said to you then ﷺSk those who read the

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