ترجمة معاني سورة النجم باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي .

By the star when it sets.
This fellow-man of yours has not gone astray, nor is he deluded.
He does not speak out of his own fancy.
That [which he delivers to you] is nothing less than a revelation sent down to him,
something that a very mighty one has taught him,
[an angel] of surpassing power, who stood
on the highest horizon,
and then drew near, and came close,
until he was two bow-lengths away, or even closer,
and revealed to God’s servant what he revealed.
[Muhammad’s] heart did not belie what he saw.
Will you, then, contend with him over what he sees?
Indeed, he saw him a second time
by the lote tree of the farthest limit,
near to the garden of abode,
when the lote tree was shrouded with whatever shrouded it.
The eye did not waver, nor was it too bold;
he certainly saw some of the greatest signs of his Lord.
Have you considered al-Lat and al-[Uzza,
and Manat, the third other?
Are you to have the male and He the female?
That would then be an unfair division.
These are nothing but names which you have invented – you and your forefathers – for which God has given no authority. They [who disbelieve] follow nothing but surmise and the whims of their own souls, even though right guidance from their Lord has now come to them.
Is man to have all that he may wish for,
when both the life to come and this present life belong to God alone?
Numerous are the angels in the heavens, yet their intercession will avail nothing until God has given leave to whomever He wills and with whom He is pleased.
Those who do not believe in the life to come give the angels female names.
Yet of this they have no knowledge. They follow nothing but surmise, but surmise can never take the place of truth.
So, ignore those who turn away from Our message and care only for the life of this world.
Such is the sum of their knowledge. Your Lord knows best who strays from His path, and He knows best who follows right guidance.
Indeed, to God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. He will requite those who do evil in accordance with what they did, and will reward those who do good with what is best.
As for those who avoid grave sins and shameful deeds, apart from casual indulgence, your Lord is abounding in forgiveness. He is fully aware of you when He brings you into being out of the earth, and when you are still hidden in your mothers’ wombs. Do not, then, assert your own goodness. He knows best those who are truly God-fearing.
Consider the one who turns away:
he gives little at first then hardens and stops.
Does he have knowledge of what lies beyond the reach of human perception so that he can clearly see?
Has he never been told of what is written in the revelations given to Moses,
and to Abraham who was true to his trust:
that no soul shall bear the burden of another;
that man will only have what he strives for;
that his labour will be seen
and he will be given the fullest reward for it;
that with your Lord is the ultimate end;
that it is He who causes [people] to laugh and weep;
and it is He who deals death and gives life;
that it is He who creates the two sexes, male and female,
from a seed as it is lodged in place;
that it is He who brings about a second life;
that it is He who gives riches and possessions;
that He is the Lord of Sirius;
that it is He who destroyed the ancient ꜤĀd;
and Thamūd, leaving no trace of them;
as well as Noah’s people before them, for these were truly most unjust and most overweening;
that it is He who brought down the ruined cities
enveloping them with whatever came over them.
Which, then, of your Lord’s blessings do you still doubt?
This is a warning like those warnings given in former times.
The imminent Hour draws ever nearer.
None but God can remove it.
Do you find this discourse strange?
Do you laugh instead of weeping,
and pay no heed?
Prostrate yourselves before God and worship Him alone.