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باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي
Alif. Lām. Rā. This is a Book, with verses which have been perfected and distinctly spelled out, bestowed on you by One who is wise, all-aware.
Worship none but God. I come to you from Him as a warner and a bearer of glad tidings.
Seek the forgiveness of your Lord, and then turn towards Him in repentance, and He will grant you a goodly enjoyment of life for an appointed term. He will grant everyone with merit a full reward for his merit. But if you turn away, I dread for you the suffering of an awesome day.
To God you shall all return, and He has power over all things.
They cover up their breasts in order to hide from Him. Surely, when they cover themselves with their garments, He knows all that they keep secret as well as all that they bring into the open. He has full knowledge of what is in people’s hearts.
There is no living creature on earth but depends for its sustenance on God; and He knows its habitation and its resting-place. All this is in a clear record.
He it is who has created the heavens and the earth in six aeons, whereas His throne has rested upon water, so that He may test you [to make manifest] which of you is best in conduct. Yet if you say to them: ‘You shall be raised again after death’, those who disbelieve are sure to say: ‘This is nothing but plain sorcery’.
If we defer their suffering for a definite term, they are sure to say: ‘What is holding it back?’ On the Day when it befalls them there will be nothing to avert it from them; and they shall be overwhelmed by that which they used to deride.
And thus it is: if We let man taste some of Our grace, and then take it away from him, he becomes utterly in despair, totally ungrateful.
And if We let him taste ease and plenty after hardship has visited him, he is sure to say: ‘Gone is all affliction from me’, and he grows jubilant and boastful.
Not so the ones who are patient in adversity and do righteous deeds. They shall have forgiveness and a great reward.
Is it, then, conceivable that you may omit any part of what is being revealed to you and feel distressed in your heart at their saying: ‘Why has not a treasure been bestowed on him from on high?’ - or, ‘Why has not an angel come with him?’ You are only a warner, whereas God has everything in His care.
If they say: ‘He has invented it’, say: ‘Produce, then, ten invented surahs like it, and call for help on all you can other than God, if what you say is true’.
If they do not respond to you, know that it [the Qur’an] has been bestowed from on high with God’s knowledge, and that there is no deity other than Him. Will you then submit yourselves to Him?
As for those who desire only the life of this world and its bounties, We shall fully repay them in this life for all they do, and they shall suffer no diminution of their just dues.
It is they who, in the life to come, shall have nothing but the Fire. In vain shall be all that they have done in this world, and worthless shall be all their actions.
Have you considered him who takes his stand on clear evidence from his Lord, followed by a testimony from Him, which is preceded by the Book of Moses [revealed as] a guide and a mercy [to people]? These believe in it. As for those, of any groups, who deny its truth, the Fire is their appointed place. So, be not in doubt concerning it; it is the truth from your Lord, even though most people do not believe.
Who could be more wicked than one who invents lies against God? These shall be brought before their Lord, and witnesses shall say: ‘These are they who lied against their Lord’. God’s curse is on the wrongdoers,
who debar others from the path of God and seek to make it crooked, and who deny the life to come.
Never can they be immune [from punishment] on earth, nor have they any friends to protect them from God. Their suffering shall be doubled. They could not bear to hear, and they used not to see.
These are the ones who have lost their own souls, and that which they used to invent shall fail them.
Most certainly, it is they who in the life to come shall be the greatest losers.
Those who believe and do righteous deeds and humble themselves before their Lord are destined for Paradise, and there shall they abide.
The case of the two parties is like that of the one who is blind and deaf and the one who sees and hears. Can the two be deemed equal? Will you not take heed?
We sent forth Noah to his people: ‘I have come to you with a plain warning.
‘Worship none but God. I certainly fear that suffering should befall you on a grievous day’.
The notables of his people who disbelieved said: ‘We see you but a mortal man like ourselves. Nor can we see anyone following you except the most abject among us; those who are rash and undiscerning. We do not consider that you are in any way superior to us: indeed we think you are liars’.
Noah said: ‘Think, my people! If I take my stand on clear evidence from my Lord, and He has favoured me with grace from Himself, to which you have remained blind, can we force it upon you when you are averse to it?
‘And, my people, I ask of you no money in return; my reward rests with none but God. Nor will I drive away those who believe; they will surely meet their Lord, whereas in you I see people with no awareness [of right and wrong].
‘And, my people, who would protect me from God were I to drive them away? Will you not reflect?
‘I do not say to you that God’s treasures are with me, or that I know what lies beyond the reach of human perception. Nor do I say: I am an angel. Nor do I say of those whom you eye with contempt that God will never grant them any good. God knows best what is in their hearts – for then I would indeed be a wrongdoer’.
‘Noah’, they replied, ‘you have argued with us, and argued to excess. Bring upon us that with which you have been threatening us, if you are a man of truth’.
He said: ‘Only God can bring it upon you, if He so wills. You cannot be immune.
‘Nor will my counsel benefit you, much as I desire to give you good counsel, if it is God’s will to let you remain in error. He is your Lord and to Him you shall return’.
Do they claim that he [Muhammad] has invented it? Say: ‘If I have invented it, upon me be this crime of mine, but I am innocent of the crimes you perpetrate’.
Noah received this revelation: ‘None of your people will believe now apart from those who have already accepted the faith. Be not in distress over anything they may do.
‘Build the ark under Our eyes, and according to Our inspiration. Do not appeal to Me on behalf of the wrongdoers. They shall be drowned’.
So he set himself on building the ark. And whenever a group of his people passed by him they scoffed at him. He said: ‘If you are scoffing at us, we are indeed scoffing at you, just as you are scoffing at us’.
You will surely come to know who it is that will be visited by suffering that will cover him with ignominy, and who will be afflicted by long-lasting suffering.
Until, when Our will came to pass and the fountains of the earth gushed forth, We said [to Noah]: ‘Take into it a pair of every species, as well as your family, except those against whom Our word has passed, and all those who have accepted the faith’. None believed with him except a few.
He said to them: ‘Embark in it. In the name of God be its course and its riding at anchor. Indeed is my Lord much-forgiving, ever–merciful’.
And it sailed with them amid waves towering like mountains. Noah cried out to a son of his who stood apart [from the rest]: ‘Embark with us, my child, and do not stay with the unbelievers’.
He answered: ‘I shall seek refuge in a mountain, which will afford me protection from the water’. Said (Noah): ‘Today there is no protection for anyone from God’s judgement, except those who shall enjoy His mercy’. Thereupon waves rose up between them and he was among those who were drowned.
And the word was spoken: ‘Earth, swallow up your waters. Heaven, cease [your rain]’. Thus the waters sank into the earth, and God’s will was done, and the ark came to rest on Mount Judi. The word was spoken: ‘Away with these wrongdoing folk’.
Noah called out to his Lord, saying: ‘Lord, my son is of my family. Surely Your promise always comes true, and You are the most just of judges’.
‘Noah’, He answered, ‘he was not of your family; his was unrighteous conduct. Do not question me about matters of which you have no knowledge. I admonish you lest you become one of the ignorant’.
Said (Noah): ‘My Lord, I do indeed seek refuge with You from ever questioning you about anything of which I have no knowledge. Unless you grant me forgiveness and have mercy on me I shall be among the losers’.
The word was spoken: Noah, disembark in peace from Us, and with Our blessings upon you as well as upon generations from those who are with you. As for other folk, We shall let them have enjoyment, and then there will befall them grievous suffering from Us.
These accounts of things that have passed We now reveal to you. Neither you nor your people knew them before this. Be, then, patient in adversity; for the future belongs to those who are God-fearing.
To the [Ad We sent their brother Hud. He said: ‘My people! Worship God alone; you have no deity other than Him. You are indeed inventors of falsehood.
‘No reward do I ask of you, my people, for this [message]. My reward rests with Him who brought me into being. Will you not, then, use your reason?
‘My people! Seek your Lord’s forgiveness, and then turn to Him in repentance. He will cause the sky to rain abundance on you, and will add strength to your strength. Do not turn away as guilty criminals’.
They replied: ‘Hud, you have brought us no clear evidence. We are not forsaking our gods on your mere word, nor will we believe in you.
‘All we can say is that one of our gods may have smitten you with something evil’. He said: ‘I call God to witness, and you, too, bear witness, that I disassociate myself from all those you claim to be partners with God.
‘Scheme against me, all of you, if you will, and give me no respite.
‘Indeed I have placed my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is no living creature which He does not hold by its forelock. Straight indeed is my Lord’s way.
‘But if you turn away, I have delivered to you the message with which I was sent to you. My Lord may replace you with another people. You can do Him no harm. My Lord watches over all things’.
And so, when Our judgement came to pass, by Our grace We saved Hud and those who shared his faith. We have indeed saved them from severe suffering.
Such were the [Ad. They denied their Lord’s revelations, disobeyed His messengers, and followed the bidding of every arrogant, unrestrained tyrant.
They were pursued by a curse in this world and on the Day of Judgement. Indeed, the [Ad denied their Lord. Oh, away with the [Ad, the people of Hud.
To the Thamud We sent their brother Salih. He said ‘My people! Worship God alone. You have no deity other than Him. He it is who brought you into being out of the earth and settled you therein. Seek His forgiveness and then turn to Him in repentance. My Lord is ever-near. He answers all’.
They answered: ‘Salih, great hopes did we place in you before this. Would you now forbid us to worship what our forefathers worshipped? We are indeed in grave doubt about that to which you call us’.
He said: ‘Think, my people! If I take my stand on clear evidence from my Lord who has bestowed on me His grace, who will save me from God were I to disobey Him? You are, in such a case, only aggravating my ruin.
‘And, my people, here is God’s she-camel, a clear sign for you. Leave her to graze at will in God’s land, and do her no harm, lest speedy punishment befall you’.
Yet they cruelly slaughtered her. He said: ‘You have just three more days to enjoy life in your homes. This is a promise which will not be belied’.
When Our judgement came to pass, by Our grace We saved Salih and those who shared his faith from the ignominy of that day. Indeed, your Lord is the One who is powerful, almighty.
The blast overtook the wrongdoers, and when morning came, they lay lifeless on the ground, in their very homes,
as though they had never prospered there. The Thamud denied their Lord! Oh, away with the Thamud.
Our messengers came to Abraham with good news. They bade him peace, and he answered: ‘Peace [be to you]’. He then hastened to bring them a roasted calf.
But when he saw that their hands did not reach out to it, he felt their conduct strange and became apprehensive of them. They said: ‘Do not be alarmed. We are sent to the people of Lot’.
His wife, standing nearby, laughed; whereupon We gave her the happy news of [her giving birth to] Isaac and after Isaac, Jacob.
Said she: ‘Woe is me! Shall I bear a child, now that I am an old woman and this my husband is well-advanced in years? This is a strange thing indeed’.
They said: ‘Do you marvel at God’s decree? May God’s mercy and blessings be on you, people of this house. He is indeed ever to be praised, glorious’.
When his fear had left Abraham, and he received the happy news, he began to plead with Us for Lot’s people.
Abraham was indeed most clement, tender-hearted, and devout.
Abraham! Leave off all this [pleading]. Your Lord's judgement must come to pass. They shall be afflicted by an irrevocable torment.
When Our messengers came to Lot he was troubled on their account, for he was powerless to offer them protection. He said: ‘This is a woeful day’.
His people came running towards him, for they had been long keen on abominable practices. He said: ‘My people! Here are my daughters: they are purer for you. Have fear of God and do not disgrace me by wronging my guests. Is there not one right-minded man among you?’
They answered: ‘You know we have no need of your daughters; and indeed you well know what we want’.
He said: ‘Would that I had the strength to defeat you, or that I could lean on some mighty support’.
[The angels] said: ‘Lot,we are messengers from your Lord. They shall not touch you. Depart with your household, during the night, and let none of you look back, except for your wife. She shall suffer the same fate which is to befall them. Their appointed time is the morning. Is not the morning near?’
When Our judgement came to pass We turned those [towns] upside down, and rained on them stones of clay, ranged one upon another,
marked out as from Your Lord. Nor is such [punishment] far from the wrongdoers.
And to Madyan We sent their brother Shu[ayb. He said: ‘My people! Worship God alone. You have no deity other than Him. Do not give short measure and weight. I see you now in a happy state, yet I dread lest suffering befall you on a fateful day which will encompass all.
‘My people, always give full measure and weight, in all fairness, and do not deprive people of what is rightfully theirs, and do not spread corruption on earth by wicked actions.
That which rests with God is better for you, if you truly believe. I am not your keeper’.
They said: ‘Shu[ayb, do your prayers compel you to demand of us that we should renounce all that our forefathers worshipped, or that we refrain from doing what we please with our property? You are indeed the one who is clement and right-minded!’
He said: ‘Think, my people! If I take my stand on clear evidence from my Lord and He has provided me with goodly sustenance which He alone can give? I have no desire to do, in opposition to you, what I ask you not to do. All that I desire is to set things to rights in so far as it lies within my power. My success depends on God alone. In Him have I placed my trust, and to Him I always turn.
‘My people, let not your disagreement with me bring upon you a fate similar to those that befell the peoples of Noah, Hud or Salih; nor were Lot’s people far away from you.
Hence, pray to your Lord to forgive you your sins, and then turn towards Him in repentance. My Lord is indeed ever-merciful and all-loving’.
They said: ‘Shu[ayb, we cannot understand much of what you say. But we do see clearly how weak you are in our midst. Were it not for your family, we would have stoned you. You do not command a position of great respect among us’.
Said he: ‘My people, do you hold my family in greater esteem than God? You have turned your backs on Him. My Lord encompasses [with His might] all that you do’.
Do what you will, my people, and so will I. You shall come to know who shall be visited by suffering that will cover him with ignominy, and who is a liar. Watch, then [for what is coming], and I shall watch with you.
When Our judgement came to pass, by Our grace We saved Shu[ayb and those who shared his faith. The blast overtook the wrongdoers, and when morning came, they lay lifeless on the ground, in their very homes,
as though they had never prospered there. Oh, away with the people of Madyan, even as the Thamud have been done away with!
Indeed, We sent Moses with Our signs and a manifest authority
to Pharaoh and his noble men. They, however, followed only Pharaoh’s bidding. Pharaoh’s bidding led by no means to what is right.
He will come at the head of his people on the Day of Resurrection, leading them to the Fire. Vile was the destination towards which they were led.
A curse is made to follow them in this world and on the Day of Resurrection. Vile was the renewable gift which they were given.
These are some of the accounts of past communities which We relate to you. Some still remain while others are extinct, like a field mown-down.
No wrong did We do to them, but it was they who wronged themselves. Those deities of theirs which they were keen to invoke instead of God availed them nothing when your Lord’s judgement came to pass; they only added to their ruin.
Such is your Lord’s punishment whenever He takes to task any community which is bent on wrongdoing; His punishment is indeed painful, severe.
In this there is surely a sign for those who fear the suffering in the life to come. That is a day when all mankind shall be gathered together, and that is a day which will be witnessed [by all].
We shall not delay it beyond an appointed term.
When that day comes, not a soul will speak except by His leave. Some among them will be wretched, and some happy.
Those who will have brought wretchedness upon themselves, they will be in the Fire where, moaning and sobbing,
they will abide as long as the heavens and the earth endure, unless your Lord wills it otherwise. Your Lord always does whatever He wills.
And those who are blessed with happiness will be in Paradise, abiding there as long as the heavens and the earth endure, unless your Lord wills it otherwise: an unceasing gift.
So be not in doubt about anything which these people worship. They worship only as their fathers worshipped before them. We shall most certainly give them their full due, without any reduction.
Indeed, We gave the Scriptures to Moses, and there was strife over them. Had it not been for a decree that had already gone forth from your Lord, judgement would have been passed on them. Yet, they are in grave doubt concerning that.
To each and all your Lord will surely give their full due for whatever they may have done. He is indeed aware of all that they do.
Follow, then, the right course as you are bidden, together with those who, with you, have turned to Him; and let none of you transgress. Surely, He sees all that you do.
Put no trust in those who do wrong, lest the Fire engulf you. You would, then, have none to protect you from God, nor would you find any help.
Attend to your prayers at both ends of the day and in the early watches of the night. Surely, good deeds erase evil ones. This is a reminder for those who are thoughtful.
And be patient in adversity; God does not fail to reward those who do good.
If only there had been among the generations that have gone before you some people of virtue to speak out against the spread of corruption on earth, as did the few whom We saved from among them! The wrongdoers pursued what ensured for them a life of comfort and plenty; they were indeed guilty.
In truth, your Lord would have not destroyed those cities, without just cause, had their people been righteous.
Had your Lord so willed, He would have made all mankind one single community. As it is, they continue to differ,
except those upon whom your Lord has bestowed His grace. And to this end He created them. The word of your Lord shall be fulfilled: ‘I shall certainly fill hell with jinn and humans all’.
All that We relate to you of the histories of earlier messengers is a means by which We strengthen your heart. Through these [accounts] there has come to you the truth, as well as an admonition and a reminder for all believers.
Say to those who will not believe: ‘Do whatever lies within your power, and so shall we.
Wait if you will; we too are waiting’.
God alone knows whatever is hidden in the heavens and the earth. All authority over all matters belongs to Him alone. Worship Him, then, and place your trust in Him alone. Your Lord is not unaware of what you do.