ترجمة معاني سورة البقرة باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation .


Alif, Lam, Mim. (These are the names of three letters from the Arabic alphabet, probably indicating that this inimitable Revelation, the Qur'an, is made of this Arabic alphabet. Only Allah Knows their meaning here).

That is the Book, there is no suspicion about it, a guidance to the pious.

Who believe in the Unseen, and keep up the prayer, and expend of what We have provided them,

And who believe in what has been sent down to you, and what has been sent down (even) before you, and they constantly have certitude in the Hereafter.

Those are upon guidance from their, and those are they who are the prosperers.

Surely, the ones who have disbelieved, it is equal to them whether you have warned them or have not warned them, they do not believe.

Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing; and on their be-holdings (i.e. eyesights) is an envelopment. And for them is a tremendous torment.

And of mankind (there) are some who say, "We have believed in Allah and in the Last Day." And in no way are they believers.

They try to deceive Allah and (the ones) who have believed, and in no way do they deceive (anyone) except themselves, and in no way are they aware.

In their hearts is a sickness. So Allah has increased them in sickness, and for them is a painful torment for (that) they used to lie.

And when it is said to them, "Do not corrupt in the earth, " they say, "Surely we are only doers of righteousness." (i.e. reformers, peacemakers)

Verily, they, (only) they, are surely the corruptors, but they are not aware.

And when it is said to them, "Believe just as mankind has believed, " they say, "Shall we believe just as the fools have believed?" Verily, they, (only) they, are surely the fools, but they do not know.

And when they meet the ones who have believed they say, "We have believed, " and when they go apart to their shayatin, (The all-vicious (ones), i.e. devils) they say, "Surely we are with you; surely we are only mocking.

Allah mocks them and grants them extension in blundering in their inordinance.

Those are they who have traded errancy (at the price of) guidance; so, in no way has their commerce gained (anything) and in no way have they been rightly-guided.

The likeness of them is as the likeness of one who set to kindle a fire; so, as soon as it illuminated whatever is around him, Allah went away with their light, (i.e., took away their light)and left them in darkness (es) (where) they do not behold (anything).

Deaf, dumb, blind, so they will not return.

Or as a cloudburst from the heaven in which are darknesses, and thunder, and lightning. They set their fingers in their ears against stunning (thunderbolts), wary of death, and Allah is Supremely Encompassing the disbelievers.

The lightning almost snatches their beholdings (Literally: eyesights); whenever it illuminates for them they walk in it, and when it darkens over them, they keep stationed; and if Allah had so decided, He would indeed have gone away with (i.e., taken away) their hearing and their beholdings. (Literally: eyesights) Surely Allah is Ever Determiner over everything.

O you mankind, worship your Lord Who created you and the ones (that were) even before you, that possibly you would be pious;

Who has made the earth for you (as) a bedding, and the heaven an edifice, (Literally: a building) and has sent down out of the heaven water so He has brought out with it (all kinds of) products as provision for you. So do not set up compeers to Allah and you know (He has no compeers).

And in case you are suspicious (Literally: in suspicion) about what We have been sending down upon Our bondman, (i.e., the prophet. A bondman or slave is the highest title conferred by Allah upon his chosen men) then come up with a s?rah of like (manner), and invoke your witnesses, apart from Allah, in case you are sincere.

So, in case you shall not perform that-and you will never perform it-then protect yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is mankind and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.

And give good tidings to the ones who have believed and done deeds of righteousness that for them are Gardens from beneath which Rivers run. Whenever they are provided with any produce therefrom (once) as a provision, they will say, "This is the (same) as we were provided earlier."And they are brought (them) in (perfect) resemblance; and therein they will have purified spouses and they are therein eternally (abiding).

Surely Allah does not shy from striking a likeness even of a gnat, or anything above it. So for the ones who have believed, (then) they know that it is the Truth from their Lord, and as for the ones who have disbelieved, then they say, "What is it that Allah would (teach) by this for a similitude?"Thereby He leads many into error, and thereby He guides many; and thereby in no way does He lead into error anyone except the immoral. (The ungodly, the depraved)

The ones who break the covenant of Allah even after its (binding) compact and cut (off) what Allah has commanded to be held together and corrupt in the earth, those are they (who are) the losers.

How do you disbelieve in Allah and you were dead, then He gave you life, thereafter He (causes) you to die, (and) thereafter He gives you life (again), (and) thereafter to Him you will be returned?

He is (The One) Who created for you whatever is in the earth altogether. Thereafter He leveled Himself (How He did so is beyond human understanding stauling) to the heaven; so He leveled them seven heavens, and He is Ever-Knowing of everything.

And (remember) as your Lord said to the Angels, "Surely I am making in the earth a successor." They said, "Will You make therein one who will corrupt in it and shed blood (Literally: bloods) while we (are the ones who) extol (with) Your praise and call You Holy? Literally: hallow for you)" He said, "Surely I know whatever you do not know."

And He taught Adam all the names; Thereafter He set them before the Angels; so He said, "Inform me of the names of these, in case you are sincere."

They said, All Extolment be to You! We have no knowledge except that which You have taught us. Surely, You, Ever You, are The Ever-Knowing, The Ever-Wise."

He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." So, when he (Adam) informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not say to you (that) surely I know the Unseen of the heavens and the earth and I know whatever you display and whatever you used to keep back?"

And (remember) as We said to the Angels, "Prostrate (yourselves) to Adam", so they prostrated (themselves) except Iblis: He refused and waxed proud, and he was (one) of the disbelievers.

And We said, "O Adam, dwell, you and your spouse in the Garden, and eat (Both of you) thereof opulently where you decide to, and (both of) you should not draw near this tree, (or) then you (both) would be of the unjust."

Then Ash-Shaytan (The all-vicious, i.e., the devil) caused them to slide back therefrom, so he drove them out of what they (both) were in; and We said, "Get down, each of you is an enemy of the other; (Literally: some of you an enemy of some) and in the earth you (The pronoun is plural, not dual, i.e., more than two) will have a repository and an enjoyment for a while."

Then Adam received (some) Words from his Lord; so He relented towards him; surely He, Ever He, is The Superbly Relenting, The Ever-Merciful.

We said, "Get down out of it altogether, then, if ever there should definitely (The verb has an emphatic ending, thereby saying that guidance will come) come up to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, then no fear will be on them, neither will they grieve."

And (the ones) who have disbelieved and cried lies to Our signs, those are the companions (i.e. the inhabitants) of the Fire; they are therein eternally (abiding).

O Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) remember My favor wherewith I favored you, and fulfil My covenant (and) I will fulfil your covenant, and do have awe of Me (only).

And believe in what I have sent down, sincerely (verifying) that which is with you, and do not be the first disbelievers of it, and do not trade My signs for a little price, and be pious towards Me (only).

And do not confound the Truth with the untruth and do not keep back the Truth and you know (it).

And keep up the prayer and bring the Zakat (i.e., pay the obligatory poor-dues) and bow down with the ones bowing down.

Do you command mankind to benignancy and forget yourselves, and you recite the Book? Do you then not consider?

And seek help in patience and prayer; and surely it is indeed great (i.e., formidable, hard) except for the submissive.

Who expect that they are meeting their Lord and that to Him they are returning.

O Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel remember My favor wherewith I favored you, and that I graced you over the worlds.

And protect yourselves against a Day (when) no self will recompense for another self in anything and no intercession will be accepted from it, nor any justice (i.e. compensation) be taken from it, neither will they be vindicated. (Or: granted victory)

And (remember) as We safely delivered you from the House of Firaawn (Pharaoh) (who were) marking you out for odious torment, constantly slaying your sons, and sparing alive your women; and in that (Literally: these "atrocious acts") was a tremendous trial from your Lord.

And (remember) as We separated the sea for you. So We delivered you and drowned the house of Firaawn (pharaoh) (while) you were looking (at them).

And (remember) as We appointed with Musa (Moses) forty nights; thereafter you took to yourselves the Calf even after him and you were unjust.

Thereafter We were clement towards you even after that, that possibly you would thank (Us).

And (remember) as We brought Musa (Moses) the Book and the all-distinctive Furqan, (Literally: the Criterion for right and wrong) that possibly you would be guided.

And (remember) as Musa (Moses) said to his people, "O my people, surely you have done injustice to yourselves by taking the Calf to yourselves. So repent to your Initiator (and) so kill yourselves. (i.e., the unburdening of their sins; forgiveness) That (Literally: these "killings") is most charitable for you in the Providence of your Initiator; so He relented towards you. Surely He, Ever He, is The Superbly Relenting, The Ever-Merciful".

And (remember) as you said, "O Musa (Moses) we will never believe you until we see Allah openly." So the (stunning) thunderbolt took you (while) you were looking on.

Thereafter We made you to rise again even after your death, that possibly you would thank (Us).

And We overshadowed you with mists and We sent down manna and quails upon you. "Eat of whatever good things We have provided you." And in no way did they do injustice to Us, but they were doing injustice to themselves.

And (remember) as We said, "Enter this town, so eat opulently of it where you decide, and enter (in at) the gate, constantly prostrating and say, (Unburdening)" (Literally: these "killings") (Then) We forgive you your sins and We will soon increase the fair-doers.

Then the ones who did injustice exchanged a saying other than that which had been said to them. So We sent down upon the ones who did injustice chastisement from the heaven for that they used to commit immorality.

And (remember) as Musa (Moses) asked Allah) for water for his people, so We said, "Strike with your staff the stone." Then there gushed forth from it twelve springs. Each folk already knew their drinking-place. "Eat and drink of the provision of Allah, and do not perpetrate (mischief) in the earth, (as) corruptors."

And (remember) as you said, "O Musa, (Moses) we will never (endure) patiently one (sort) of food; so invoke your Lord for us that He may bring out for us of what the earth grows of its green herbs and its cucumbers, and its garlic, and its lentils, and its onions." He said, "Would you wish to exchange that which is most charitable for that which is meaner? Get you down to (any) township; (Some say that it is Egypt) then surely you will have (there) what you asked for." And they were stricken with humiliation and indigence, and they incurred the anger of Allah, That was for that they had disbelieved in the signs of Allah, and killed the Prophets (Literally: Prophesiers) untruthfully. That was for that they disobeyed and were (always) transgressing.

Surely (the ones) who have believed and the ones who have Judaized and the Nasara (Christians) and the Sabi'in, (Sabaeans) whoever have believed in Allah and the Last Day and done righteousness, then they will have their reward in the Providence of their Lord, and no fear will be on them, neither will they grieve.

And (remember) as We took compact with you and raised above you the Tur (i.e. the Mount): "Take powerfully what We have brought you and remember what is in it, that possibly you would be pious (towards Me)."

Thereafter you turned away even after that, so had it not been for the Grace of Allah towards you and His mercy, indeed you would have been of the losers.

And you already know of (the ones) of you who transgressed the Sabbath; so We said to them "Be apes, (miserably) spurned."

So We made it (i.e. the city "and its population") an (exemplary) torture for their own (Literally: between its two hands) and what is behind it (i.e. succeeding "generations") and an admonition for the pious.

And as Musa (Moses) said to his people, "Surely Allah commands you to slay a cow, " they said, "Do you take us to yourself in mockery?" He said, "I take refuge in Allah from being one of the ignorant."

They said, "Invoke your Lord for us that He make evident to us what (cow) she is." He said, "Surely He says that surely she is a cow neither too old, nor new, middling between the two. So, perform what you are commanded."

They said, "Invoke your Lord for us that He make evident to us what color she is." He said, "Surely He says that surely she is a yellow cow, bright (is) her color, pleasing to the onlookers".

They said, "Invoke your Lord for us that He make evident to us what she is; surely the cows to us are similar to each other; and surely in case Allah so decides, we will indeed be rightly-guided."

He said, "Surely He says that surely she is a cow not tractable (Literally made subservient) to stir the earth or to water the tillage, with no blemish in it. They said, "Now you have come with the truth." So, they slew her, and they had scarcely performed that.

And (remember) as you killed a self, (and) so you parried about it, and Allah is to bring out whatever you were keeping back.

So We said, "Strike him with some (i.e. part of it) of it." Thus Allah gives life to the dead and shows you His signs, that possibly you would consider.

Thereafter your hearts hardened even after that; so they were as stones, or (even) strictly harder. And surely there are stones from which rivers erupt forth, and surely there are (some) that cleave so that water goes out of them, and surely there are (still others) that crash down in the apprehension of Allah. And in no way is Allah ever heedless of whatever you do.

Do you then long for (the fact) that they should believe you, and a group of them already were hearing the Speech of Allah; thereafter they perverted it even after they had considered it, while they knew (the Truth).

And when they meet (the ones) who have believed, they say, "We have believed (too)." And when they go privately one to another, (Literally: some of them with some others) they say, "Do you discourse with them about what Allah has opened (i.e. granted, revealed) up on you that they may thereby argue with you in the Meeting of your Lord? Would you then not consider?"

And do they not know that Allah knows whatever they keep secret and whatever they make public?

And among them are illiterates (who) do not know the Book except (only) fancies, and decidedly they do (nothing) except surmise.

So woe to (the ones) who write the Book with their hands; thereafter they say, "This is from (the Providence of) Allah, that they may trade it for a little price; So, woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they have earned.

And they have said, "The Fire will never touch us except a (few) numbered days." Say, "Have you taken to yourselves in the Providence of Allah a Covenant? So Allah will never fail in His Covenant, or do you say against Allah that which you do not know?"

Yes indeed, whoever has earned an odious deed and his offense(s) have encompassed him, then those are therein the companions ( (i.e. inhabitants) of the Fire; they are therein eternally (abiding).

And the ones who have believed and done deeds of righteousness, those are the companions of the Garden; they are therein eternally (abiding).

And (remember) as We took Compact with the Seeds (or: sons)of Israel) (that), "You shall not worship any (god) except Allah, and (show) fairest companionship to parents, and near kinsmen, and to orphans, and to the indigent; and speak fair to mankind, and keep up the prayer, and bring the Zakat. (i.e., pay the obligatory poor-dues)" (But) thereafter you turned away excepting for a few of you, and you are (still) veering away.

And (remember) as We took compact with you (that), "You shall not shed your blood, (Literally: bloods) nor drive out yourselves (i.e., your own people) from your residences." Thereafter you ratified (that), and you yourselves bore witness.

(Yet) thereafter, you are these (who) kill yourselves (i.e. kill some of you) and drive out a group among you from their residences, backing each other against them in vice and hostility; and in case they come up to you captured, you ransom them, (while) driving them out is prohibited for you. Do you then believe in some (parts) of the Book and disbelieve in other parts? (Literally: in some parts) So in no way is the recompense of whoever of you performs that (anything) except disgrace in the present (Literally: the lowly (life), i.e., the life of this world) life, and on the Day of the Resurrection they are to be turned back to the strictest torment. And in no way is Allah ever heedless of whatever you do.

Those are (they) who have traded the present life for the price of the Hereafter. So for them the torment will not be lightened, neither will they be vindicated.

And indeed We already brought Musa (Moses) the Book, and We made to supervene the (other) Messengers even after him; and We brought Isa son of Maryam (Jesus son of Mary) the supreme evidences and aided him with the Spirit of Holiness; (The Holy Spirit, the Angle jibril "Gabriel") yet, is it not (the case that) whenever there came to you a Messenger with what (you) yourselves did not yearn to, you waxed proud, (and) so you cried lies to a group of them and (another) group you kill?

And they said, "Our hearts are encased." No indeed, (but) Allah has cursed them for their disbelief; so, little do they believe.

And as soon as a Book came to them from the Providence of Allah, sincerely (verifying) what was with them-and they earlies prayed for an opening (victory, conquest) over the ones who disbelieved-yet, as soon as there came to them what they recognized, they disbelieved in it; so the curse of Allah is on the disbelievers.

Miserable is that (for which) they have traded themselves, that they have disbelieved in what Allah has sent down, inequitably (grudging) that Allah should (be) sending down of His Grace upon whomever He decides of His bondmen. So they incurred anger upon anger; and for the disbelievers is a degrading torment.

And when it was said to them, "Believe in what Allah has sent down, " they said, "We believe in what was sent down on us, " and they disbelieve in what is beyond it, and it is the Truth sincerely (verifying) what is with them. Say, "Why then did you kill the Prophesiers (i.e. Prophets) of Allah earlier in case you are believers?"

And indeed Musa (Moses) already came up to you with the supreme evidences; thereafter you took to yourselves the Calf even after him, and you were unjust.

And as We took compact with you (Literally: took your compact) and raised above you the Tur (i.e. the Mount): "Take powerfully what We have brought you and give ear to (Our Word)." They said, "We have heard, and we disobey." And they were made to drink the Calf in their hearts (i.e., their hearts were filled with love for it) for their disbelief. Say, "Miserable is that to which your belief commands you, in case you are believers!"

Say, "In case the Last Residence in the Providence of Allah is yours exclusively, apart from (all) mankind, then covet death in case you are sincere."

And they will never covet it, at all, for what their hands have forwarded; and Allah is Ever-Knowing of the unjust.

And indeed you will definitely find them the eagerest of mankind for life, and (also some) of the ones who have associated others (with Allah). One of them would like to be granted a life of a thousand years, and in no way will it make him move away from torment that he is granted a long life; and Allah is Ever-Beholding of whatever they do.

Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Jibril (Angle Gabriel) - surely then it is he who has been sending it down upon your heart by the permission of Allah, sincerely (verifying) what was before it (Literally: between its two hands) and for a guidance and good tidings to the believers-

Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His Angels and His Messengers, and Jibril and Mikal, (Angle Gabriel and Michael, respectively) then surely Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers."

And indeed We have already sent down to you supremely evident signs, and in no way does anybody disbelieve in them except the immoral.

And is it, (that) whenever they have made (Literally: covenanted a covenant) a covenant, a group of them flung it (off)? No indeed, most of them do not believe.

And as soon as (there) has come to them a Messenger from the Providence of Allah, sincerely (verifying) what was with them, a group of them that were brought the Book flung the Book of Allah beyond their backs, as if they did not know.

And they closely followed what the Ash-Shayatin (the all-vicious (ones), i.e., the devils) recited over Sulayman's (Soloman's) kingdom. And in no way did Sulayman (Solomon) disbelieve but Ash- Shayatin (The all-vicious (ones), i.e., the devils) disbelieved, teaching mankind sorcery, and that which was sent down upon the two Angels in Babil, (Babylon) Harut and Marut; and in no way did they teach anyone till they said, "Surely we are only a temptation, so, do not disbelieve." Then from them (The two angels) they learned that by which they could cause separation between a person and his spouse. And in no way are they harming anyone except by the permission of Allah ; and they learned what harmed them and did not profit them. And indeed they already knew that indeed whoever trades it, in no way should he have any apportioning (of Grace) in the Hereafter; and miserable indeed was (that) for which they bartered themselves, if they had known (the Truth).

And if it be that they had believed and been pious, a requiting from the Providence of Allah would indeed have been most charitable if they had known.

O you who have believed, do not say, "Raaina" (This from of the verb was used by the Jews and had a derisive connotation in Hebrew. Here in means "heed us") and say, "Look upon us and listen, " (Literally: hear) and to the disbelievers is a painful torment.

In no way would the ones who include disbelieved among the population of the Book (Or: the Family of the Book. i.e., the Jews and Christians. and nor (Literally: and not) (among) the associators (i.e. Those who associate otrers with Allah) like that any charity (i.e., The choicest good) would always be sent down upon you from your Lord. And Allah appropriates His mercy to whomever He decides; and Allah is The Owner of the magnificent Grace.

In no way do We abrogate any ayah (i.e. verse, sign) whatsoever or cause it to be forgotten (except that) We come up with (i.e., bring) a more charitable one or the like of it. Do you not know that Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything?

Do you (i.e., the Prophet) not know that Allah has the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and that in no way do you (i.e., the believers) have, apart from Allah, either a constant patron or a constant vindicator.

Or ever would you (i.e., the believers) ask your Messenger as Musa (Moses) was asked earlier? And whoever exchanges belief for disbelief, has readily erred (away from) the level way.

Many of the Population of the Book (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., Jews and Christians) would like to turn you back steadfast disbelievers, even after your belief, through envy on the part of themselves, even after the Truth has become evident to them. So, be clement and pardon (them), till Allah comes up (i.e., brings) with His Command; surely Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything.

And keep up the prayer and bring the Zakat, (i.e., pay the poor-dues) and whatever charity you forward for yourselves, you will find it in the Providence of Allah; surely Allah is Ever-Beholding of whatever you do.

And they said, "Never will anybody enter the Garden except they who were Judaic or Nasara (i.e. Christians). Such (Literally: that) are their covetings. Say, "Offer your proof, in case you are sincere."

Yes indeed, whoever has surrendered his face (i.e., surrendered his will) to Allah and is a fair-doer, then he has his reward in the Providence of his Lord and no fear will be upon them, neither will they grieve.

And the Jews have said, "The Nasara (i.e. the Christians) do not (stand) on anything, " and the Nasara have said, "The Jews do not (stand) on anything, " and they recite the Book. Thus the ones who do not know have said the like of their saying. So, Allah will judge between them on the Day of the Resurrection wherein they used to differ.

And who is more unjust than he who prevents (praying in) the mosques of Allah so that His Name be not mentioned in them, and endeavors (diligently) for their ruin? Those can in no way enter them except in fear, for them is disgrace in the present life (Literally: The lowly, i.e., the life of this world) and in the Hereafter they will have a tremendous torment.

And Allah has the East and the West; so, wherever you turn around, (then) hence is the Face of Allah; surely Allah is Ever-Embracing, Ever-Knowing.

And they have said, " Allah has taken to Him a child." All Extolment be to Him! No indeed, He has whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are devout to Him,

The Ever-Innovating of the heavens and the earth; and when He has decreed a Command, then surely it is only (that) He says to it, "Be!" so it is.

And they that do not know have said, "if (only) Allah had spoken to us or a sign had come up to us." Thus did the ones even before them say the like of their saying. Their hearts resemble each other. We have already made evident the signs for a people that have certitude.

Surely We have sent you with the Truth, a bearer of good tidings and a war ner, and you will not be asked about the companions (i.e., the inhabitants) of the Hell-Fire.

And the Jews will never be satisfied with you, neither will the Nasara (i.e., the Christians) till you (closely) follow their creed. Say, "Surely the guidance of Allah is the Guidance." And indeed in case you ever (closely) follow their prejudices, after the (share of) knowledge that has come to you, in no way will you have from Allah either a constant Patron or a ready Vindicator.

The ones to whom We have brought the Book recite it with its true recitation: those believe in it; and whoever disbelieves in it, then those are they (who are) the losers.

O Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) remember My favor wherewith I favored you, and that I graced you over the worlds.

And protect (yourselves) against a Day (when) no self will recompense for (another) self (in) anything. And no justice (i.e. just compensation) will be accepted from it nor will any intercession profit it; neither will they be vindicated.

And as his Lord tried Ibrahim (Abraham) with (certain) Words; so, he fully carried them out. (Literally: perfected them) He said, "Surely I am going to make you a leader for mankind." Said he, Ibrahim" Abraham") "And of my offspring?" He said, "My Covenant will not pertain (i.e. is not attainable) to the unjust."

And as We made the Home an ingathering for mankind and a (place of) security, and take to yourselves Ibrahim's station for a place of prayer. And We covenanted with Ibrahim (Abraham) and Ismail, (Ishmael) (saying), "Purify My Home for the circumambulators, and the consecrators, and the ones often bowing down and prostrating themselves."

And as Ibrahim said, "Lord! Make this a secure land, and provide its population with (various) products, such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day." He said, "And whoever disbelieves, I will make him enjoy a little, thereafter I will constrain him to the torment of the Fire-and how miserable is the Destiny!"

And as Ibrahim raised up the foundations of the Home and Ismail (with him), (saying), "Our Lord, (graciously) accept (this) from us. Surely You, Ever You, are The Ever-Hearing, The Ever-Knowing

Our Lord, and make us (both) Muslims (i.e. surrendered) to You, and of our offspring a nation Muslim to You, and show us our rituals and relent towards us; surely You Ever You are The Superbly Relenting, The Ever-Merciful.

Our Lord, and send forth among them a Messenger, (one) of them, who (will) recite to them Your ayat (Signs verses) and teach them the Book, and (the) Wisdom, and cleanse them; surely You, Ever You, are The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Wise."

And whoever desirously shirks from the creed of Ibrahim (Abraham) except he who befools himself? And indeed We have already elected him in the present (life), (Literally: the lowly, i.e., the life of this world) and surely in the Hereafter he is indeed among the righteous.

As his Lord said to him, "Surrender, " (i.e., be muslim) he said, "I have surrendered to The Lord of the worlds."

And Ibrahim (Abraham) enjoined his seeds (Or. sons) with this, and (also) Yaaqub, (Jacob) (saying), "O my seeds! Surely Allah has elected for you the religion; so, definitely do not die except (while) you are Muslims."

Or (even) were you witnesses as death was present to Yaaqub? (Jacob) As he said to his seeds' (Or. sons) "What will you worship even after me?" They said, " We will worship your God and the God of your fathers Ibrahim, Ismail and Ishaq, (Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, respectively) One God; and to Him we are Muslims." (i.e., to Him we surrender).

That is a nation (that) has already passed away; it shall have whatever it earned, and you shall have whatever you have earned, and you shall not be questioned about whatever they were doing.

And they have said, "Be Judaic or Nasara, (Christian) (then) you shall be guided." Say, "No, indeed, (but) it is the creed of Ibrahim, (Abraham) the unswervingly (upright, ) (i.e. veering away from idolatry) and in no way was he one of the associators. (i.e. those who associate others with' Allah).

Say (O Muslims), "We have believed in Allah, and whatever has been sent down to us, and whatever was sent down to Ibrahim, and Ismail, and Ishaq and Yaaqub (Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob, respectively) and the Grandsons, (i.e., the Tribes) and whatever was brought down to Musa and Isa, (Moses and Jesus, respectively) and whatever was brought to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we are Muslims."

So, in case they believe in the like of whatever you have believed in, then they are readily guided; and in case they turn away, then surely they are only in opposition; so Allah will soon suffice you for them; and He is The Ever-Hearing, The Ever-Knowing.

(Our dye is) the dye (i.e. Religion) of Allah; and who has a fairer dye than that of Allah? And to Him we are worshipers.

Say, (i.e. the prophet) "Would you argue with us concerning Allah and He is our Lord and your Lord? And we have our deeds, and you have your deeds, and to Him we are faithful.

Or (even) do you say that Ibrahim, and Ismacil and Ishaq and Yaaqub and the Grandsons (i.e. Tribes) were Judaic or Nasara (i.e. Christian)?" Say, "Do you know best or Allah?" And who is more unjust than he who has kept back in his presence a testimony from Allah? And in no way is Allah ever heedless of whatever you do.

That is a nation (that) has already passed away; it will have whatever it earned; and you will have whatever you have earned; and you will not be questioned about whatever they used to do.

The foolish ones among mankind will say, "What has turned them away from their Qiblah (The Qiblah is the Kacbah at Makkah, towards which the Muslims face in prayer) which they had been (facing)?" Say, "To Allah (belong) the East and West; He guides whomever He decides to a straight Path."

And thus We have made you a middle nation to be witnesses over mankind, and (for) the Messenger to be a witness over you. And in no way did We make the Qiblah which you had been (facing), except that We should know who closely followed the Messenger from him who turned over on his heels. And decidedly it was indeed a great thing (i.e. Formidable, hard) except for the ones whom Allah has guided, and in no way will Allah indeed waste your belief. Surely Allah is indeed Ever-Compassionate, Ever-Merciful to mankind.

We have already seen the turning about of your face to the heaven; so We will indeed definitely turn you towards a Qiblah (Literally: their Qiblah) that shall satisfy you. So turn your face towards the Inviolable Mosque; and wherever you are, then turn your faces towards it. And surely the ones to whom the Book was brought do indeed know that it is the Truth from their Lord; and in no way is Allah ever heedless of whatever they do.

And indeed in case you come up with every sign to the ones to whom the Book was brought, in no way will they follow your Qiblah; and in no way are you a follower of their Qiblah, and in no way are some of them followers of the Qiblah of the others. (Literally: some of them are in on way followers of the Qiblah of some "others") and indeed in case you ever follow their prejudices even after the knowledge that has come to you, lo, surely you are indeed of the unjust.

The ones to whom the Book was brought recognize it just as they recognize their sons. And surely a group of them indeed keep back the Truth; and they know (it).

(It is) the Truth from your Lord; so definitely do not be of the constant wranglers.

And to each is a direction towards which he turns, so race with each other for the charitable (deeds). Wherever you may be, Allah will come up with you (i.e., bring you) altogether; surely Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything.

And from where you go out, then turn your face towards the Inviolable Mosque; and surely it is indeed the Truth from your Lord; and in no way is Allah ever heedless of whatever you do.

And from where you go out, then turn your face towards the Inviolable Mosque, and wherever you are, then turn your faces towards it, lest that mankind should have an argument against you, excepting (the ones of) them that do injustice. So do not be apprehensive of them, and be apprehensive of Me, and that I may perfect My favor on you and that possibly you would be guided.

Just as We have sent among you a Messenger of yourselves, to recite Our ayat (Signs, verses) to you, and to cleanse you, and to teach you the Book and (the) Wisdom, and to teach you that which you did not know.

So, remember Me, (and) I will remember you; and give thanks to Me; and do not disbelieve Me.

O you who have believed, seek help in patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient.

And do not say of whomever are killed in the way of Allah, " (They are) dead." No indeed, they are alive but you are not aware.

And indeed We will definitely try you with something of fear and hunger, and diminution of riches, and selves, and products; and give glad tidings to the patient,

Who, when an affliction afflicts them, say, "Surely we belong to Allah, and surely to Him we are returning."

Upon those are the prayers from their Lord, and mercy; and those are they (who) are the right-guided.

Surely, ÉAs-safa and Al-Marwah (i.e. two hills near the Kacbah) are among the way marks of Allah. So whoever makes the Pilgrimage (i.e. Hajj) to the Home, or makes the Visitation, (cUmrah, sometimes called the minor pilgrimage) then there is no fault in him to circumambulate them; and whoever volunteers any (optional) charity, then surely Allah is Thankful, Ever-Knowing.

Surely (the ones) who keep back whatever supreme evidences and guidance We have sent down even after We have made them evident to mankind in the Book, Allah curses those (people), and the cursers (also) curse them.

Except (the ones) who repent and act righteously and ascertain the evidence; then, to those I relent, and I am The Superbly Relenting, The Ever-Merciful.

Surely (the ones) who have disbelieved and die (while) they are steadfast disbelievers, upon those is the curse of Allah and the Angels and mankind all together.

Eternally (abiding) therein, the torment will not be lightened for them, and they will not be respited.

And your God is One God; there is no god except He, The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful.

Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation (Or: differences) of the night and the day-time, and the ships that run in the sea with whatever profits mankind, and whatever water Allah sends down from the heaven - so therewith He gives life to the earth after its death and disseminates therein all kinds of beast - and the (constant) turning about of the winds, and the clouds subjected between the heaven and the earth, (these) are indeed signs for people who consider.

And of mankind are (some) who take to themselves, apart from Allah, (false) compeers. They love them as with the love (due) to Allah; and (the ones) who have believed have stronger (fervor in the) love towards Allah. And if the ones who have done injustice might see, as they see the torment, that the power altogether (belongs) to Allah, and that Allah is strict in torment.

As (the ones) who were closely followed acquitted themselves of (the ones) who closely followed (them), and see the torment, and their means (of escape) are cut off.

And (the ones) who closely followed have said, "If a comeback were given us, so we (could) acquit ourselves of them, as they have acquitted themselves of us." Thus Allah will show them their deeds (as) regrets for them; and in no way will they be ever going out of the Fire.

O you mankind, eat of whatever is in the earth lawful and good; and do not closely follow the steps of Ash-shaytan; (The ever-vicious, i.e., the Devil) surely he is an evident enemy to you.

Surely he only commands you to odious (deeds) and obscenity, and that you should say against Allah that which you do not know.

And when it is said to them, "Closely follow what Allah has sent down, " they say, "No indeed, we closely follow what we have come upon from our fathers." And even if their fathers did not consider anything and they were not guided?

And the likeness of the ones who have disbelieved is as the likeness of one who screams to that which does not hear (anything) except an invocation and a calling out; deaf, dumb and blind; so they do not consider.

O you who have believed, eat of the good things (only) which We have provided you, and give thanks to Allah, in case He only is (The One) Whom you do worship.

Surely He has prohibited for you only carrion (i.e. dead meat) and blood and the flesh of swine, and whatever has been acclaimed to other than Allah. So, whoever is constrained, neither being inequitable nor aggressive, then no vice will be upon him; surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

Surely the ones who keep back whatever (part) of the Book (which) Allah has sent down and trade it for a little price, those in no way will eat (anything) in their bellies except the Fire. And Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, neither will He cleanse them, and they will have a painful torment.

Those are they who have traded guidance for errancy, and forgiveness for torment; so, how patiently will they (endure) the Fire!

That (is) because Allah has been sending down the Book with the Truth, and surely the ones who have differed about the Book are indeed in far- (reaching) opposition.

It is not benignancy that you turn your faces around in the direction of East and West; but benignancy is (in him) who believes in Allah, and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Prophets, and brings wealth in spite of his love for it (Or: offers out of love for Him) to near kinsmen, and the orphans, and the indigent, and the wayfarer, and the beggars, and (to ransom) necks, (i.e. captives "slaves") and keeps up the prayer, and bring the Zakat, (i.e. pay the poor-dues) and they who fulfil their covenant when they have covenanted, and the patient (ones) in misery and tribulation, and while in violence; (i.e. during fighting) those are (they) who act sincerely, and those are they who are the pious.

O you who have believed, prescribed for you is retaliation concerning (the ones) killed: the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female. Yet whoever is offered anything in clemency by his brother, then the close following after should be with beneficence, and the payment back to him should be with fairness. This (Literally: That) is a lightening from your Lord and a mercy; then, he who transgresses after that, then he will have a painful torment.

And in retaliation there is life for you, O (men) endowed with intellects, that possibly you would be pious.

Prescribed for you, when death is present to any of you, in case he leaves behind some charitable (benefit), is to make testament to parents and nearest kin, with beneficence-truly (binding) on the pious.

So whoever exchanges it after he has heard it, then surely the vice will be only upon (the ones) who exchange it; surely Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.

Then, whoever fears unfairness or vice from a testator, so he makes things righteous among them, (i.e., reconciles the parties) then no vice will be upon him; surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

O you who have believed, prescribed for you is the Fast, as it was prescribed for (the ones) who were before you, that possibly you would be pious.

(The fast is) (for) a prescribed number of days. So, whoever of you is sick or is on a journey, then a (fixed) number of other days; and against the ones who can afford it, there should be a ransom of food for an indigent man; (yet) whoever volunteers charitably, then it is most charitable on his part; and to fast is more charitable for you, in case you know.

185. The month of Ramadan (is the month) in which the Qur'an All-Supreme Reading) was sent down: a guidance to mankind, and supreme evidences of the guidance and the all-distinctive Criterion; So, whoever of you is present (Literally: witnesses the month) at the month, then he should fast it; and whoever is sick or on a journey, then a (fixed) number of other days. Allah wills for you ease, and He does not will difficulty for you (He wills) and that you should complete the (fixed) number. And magnify Allah for having guided you, and that possibly you would thank (Him).

And when My bondmen ask you concerning Me, then, surely I am near; I answer the invocation of the invoker when he invokes Me; so let them respond (to) Me, and let them believe in Me, so that possibly they would respond right-mindedly.

It is made lawful to you, upon the night of the Fast, to lie (Literally: lying) with your wives; they are a garment (i.e. vestment, mutual protection) for you, and you are a garment for them. Allah knows that you have been betraying yourselves, so He has relented toward you and has been clement to you. So now go in to them, and seek whatever Allah has prescribed for you. And eat and drink until the white thread becomes evident to you from the black thread at dawn; thereafter complete (Literally: perfect) the Fast to the night, and do not go in to them while you are consecrating yourselves in the mosques. Such are the bounds of Allah, so do not draw near them. Thus Allah makes His signs evident to mankind, that possibly they would be pious.

And do not eat up your riches among yourselves untruthfully and do not proffer them to the judges, that you may viciously eat up some (i.e. a portion; literally a group) of other men's riches, (while) you know (it).

They ask you concerning the new moons (Literally: crescents). Say, "They are fixed times for mankind, and (for) the Pilgrimage." And benignancy is not to come up to the homes from their backs; but benignancy is for man to be pious; and come up to the homes by their doors, and be pious towards Allah, so that possibly you would prosper.

And fight in the way of Allah the ones who fight you, but do not transgress; surely Allah does not love the transgressors.

And kill them wherever you catch them, and drive them out from where they drove you out; and temptation (Or: discord, sedition) is more serious (Literally: stronger) than killing; and do not fight with them at the Inviolable Mosque until they fight with you therein; so in case they fight with you, then kill them; thus is the recompense of the disbelievers.

Yet, in case they refrain, then surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

And fight them until there is no temptation, (Or: discrd, strife, sedition) and the religion is for Allah. Yet in case they refrain, then there shall be no hostility except against the unjust.

The Inviolable month (is) for the Inviolable month; (In which no warfare is permitted) and the Inviolable things (demand) retaliation. So whoever transgresses against you, then transgress against him in like (manner) as he transgressed against you; and be pious to Allah, and know that Allah is with the pious.

And expend in the way of Allah; and do not cast (yourselves) by your (own) hands into perdition (i.e., by neglecting to expend in the way of Allah, ), and do fair deeds; surely Allah loves the fair-doers.

And perfect the Pilgrimage and the Visitation (i.e., by neglecting to expend in the way of Allah, ) (to Makkah) to Allah; yet in case you are detained, then (make) whatever offering is the easiest, and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches its lawful destination. So whoever of you is sick or is hurt in his head, then (make) a ransom by fast or donation, or ritual (sacrifice). Yet, when you are secure, so whoever enjoys the Visitation until the Pilgrimage, then (make) whatever is easiest of offering. Yet, whoever does not find (any offering), then (make) a fast of three days in the Pilgrimage, and seven when you return, that is ten completely; that is for him whose family are not present (i.e. those who do not live in the vicinity of Makkah) at the Inviolable Mosque; and be pious to Allah, and know that Allah is strict in punishment.

The Pilgrimage is (in) months well-known; so, whoever ordains (upon himself) the Pilgrimage in them, then there shall be no lying with (womenfolk), nor evident immorality, nor disputing in the Pilgrimage. And whatever charity you perform, Allah knows it. And sustain yourselves; so, the most charitable sustenance is piety; and be pious to Me, O (you) endowed with intellects!

It is no fault in you that you constantly seek Grace from your Lord; so when you press on from Arafat, then remember Allah at the Inviolable Emblem, and remember Him as He has guided you, and decidedly you were even before it (i.e. before …Islam) indeed of the erring.

Thereafter, press on from where the multitude (Literally: mankind) press on, and ask for forgiveness from Allah; surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

So, when you have accomplished your (holy) rituals, then remember Allah like the remembrance of your fathers (The pagan Arabs used to praise their forefathers at the conclusion of the pilgrimage) or (even) with stronger fervor in remembrance. So, of mankind (there are) some who say, "Our Lord, bring us (provision) in the present (life), " and in no way does he have any share in the Hereafter.

And of them are (some) who say, "Our Lord, bring us in the (present) life a fair (reward), and in the Hereafter a fair (reward), and protect us from the torment of the Fire."

Those will have an assignment from whatever they have earned, and Allah is swift at the reckoning.

And remember Allah during a (prescribed) number of days. So, whoever hastens on in two days, then there is no vice in him, (Literally: on him) and whoever defers then there is no vice in him; (that is) for whoever is pious. And be pious to Allah, and know that to Him you will be mustered.

And of mankind (there is) he whose saying upon the present life makes you admire (it), and (he) calls on Allah to witness what is in his heart, (yet) he is most obstinate in adverseness.

And when he turns away, he (diligently) endeavors about the earth to corrupt in it and cause the tillage and stock to perish; and Allah does not love corruption.

And when it is said to him, "Be pious to Allah, might takes him, with vice. so Hell will be (enough) reckoning for him and miserable indeed is the resting place.

And of mankind (there is) he who barters himself seeking gracious satisfaction from Allah; and Allah is Ever-Compassionate with (His) bondmen.

O you who have believed, enter into peacefulness, the whole (of you), and do not ever follow the steps of As-shaytan; (The all-vicious, i.e., the Devil) surely he is an evident enemy to you.

So, in case you slide back even after the supreme evidences have come to you, know then that Allah is Ever-Mighty, Ever-Wise.

Do they look for (nothing) except that Allah will come up to them in the overshadowings of mist, and the Angels? And the Command is accomplished and to Allah (all) the Commands are returned.

Ask the Seeds (or: sons) of Israel) how many a supremely evident sign We brought them; and whoever exchanges the favor of Allah even after it has come to him, then surely Allah is strict in punishment.

Adorned for the ones who have disbelieved is the present life (Literally: the lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) and they scoff at the ones who have believed; and the ones who are pious will be above them on the Day of the Resurrection and Allah provides whomever He decides without reckoning.

Mankind was one nation; so, Allah sent forth the Prophets, constant bearers of good tidings and constant warners, and He sent down with them the Book with the Truth, to judge among mankind concerning that in which they differed. And in no way did anyone differ concerning it except the ones to whom it was brought even after the supreme evidences had come to them, being inequitable among themselves; So Allah guided the ones who believed to the Truth, concerning which they differed, by His permission, and Allah guides whomever He decides to a straight Path.

Or (even) did you reckon that you should enter the Garden, while as yet there had not come up to you the like of (the ones) who passed away even before you? Misery and tribulation touched them, and (they) were shaken until the Messenger and the ones who believed with him said, "When does victory from Allah (come)?" Verily, victory from Allah is surely near.

They ask you what (things) they should expend, Say, "Whatever charity you expend is for parents and nearest kin, and orphans, and the indigent, and the wayfarer; and whatever charity you perform, then surely Allah is Ever-Knowing of it."

Prescribed for you is fighting, and you have a hatred for it; and it may be that you hate a thing, while (Literally: and) it is most charitable for you; and it may be that you love a thing while (Literally: and) it is evil for you; and Allah knows and you do not know.

They ask you concerning the Inviolable month, (and) fighting in it. Say, "Fighting in it is great (transgression); and barring from the way of Allah, and disbelief in Him and the Inviolable Mosque, and driving its population out of it, is greater (transgression) in the Reckoning of Allah; and temptation is greater than killing." And they will not cease fighting against you till they make you turn back from your religion, in case they are able to do so. And whoever of you turn back from his religion, and so dies and he is a disbeliever, then those are the ones whose deeds have been frustrated in the present (life) (Literally: the lowly "life", i.e., the life of this world) and the Hereafter; and those are the companions (i.e., inhabitants) of the Fire; they are therein eternally (abiding).

Surely (the ones) who have believed, and (the ones) who have emigrated and striven in the way of Allah, those hope for the mercy of Allah; and Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

They ask you concerning wine and games of chance. Say, "In (both) is great vice, and profits for mankind; and the vice in them is greater than the profit." And they ask you (concerning) what (things) they should expend. Say, "Liberality." (Or: clemency) Thus, Allah makes evident the signs to you, that possibly you would meditate

On (Literally: in) the present (life) (Literally: the lowly "life", i.e., the life world) and the Hereafter. And they ask you concerning the orphans. Say, "Acting righteously with them is most charitable. (i.e. better) And in case you intermix with them, they are then your brethren; and Allah knows the corruptor from the reformer; (i.e. the doer of righteousness) and if Allah had (so) decided, He would have indeed distressed you; surely Allah is Ever-Mighty, Ever-Wise."

And do not marry female associators (Those who associate others with Allah) until they believe; and indeed a believing bondwoman is more charitable than a female associator, even if you may admire her. And do not (allow) associators to marry (your females) until they believe. And indeed a believing bondman is more charitable than an associator, even if you may admire him. Those call to the Fire, and Allah calls to the Garden and forgiveness, by His permission, and He makes evident His signs to mankind, that possibly they would remind themselves.

And they ask you concerning menstruation. Say, "It is hurt; so keep apart from women during menstruation, and do not draw near them till they are pure. So, when they have purified themselves, then come up to them (i.e., to have sexual intercourse) from where Allah has commanded you." Surely Allah loves the ones constantly repenting, and He loves the ones constantly purifying themselves.

Your women are a tillage for you; so come up to your tillage however you decide, and place forward (good deeds) for yourselves; and be pious to Allah, and know that you will be meeting Him. And give good tidings to the believers.

And do not make Allah an object for your oaths (i.e., idle oaths) (as an excuse) against being benign and pious, and acting righteously (Or: reconciling) among mankind, and Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.

Allah will not take you to task for idleness in your oaths, but He will take you to task for whatever your hearts have earned; and Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Forbearing.

For the ones who forswear their women (is) a wait of four months; so in case they concede, (i.e., if they change the minds) then surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

And in case they resolve on divorce, then surely Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.

And divorced women shall a wait by themselves for three periods; and it is not lawful for them to keep back what Allah has created in their wombs, in case they (really) believe in Allah and the Last Day. And their husbands have truer (right) to restoring (Literally: to sending them back) them in such time, in case they are willing to do righteousness. (i.e., reconcile) And they (the women) have (rights) like (the obligations) they are under with beneficence; and men have a degree above them; and Allah is Ever-Mighty, Ever-Wise.

Divorce is twice; then retention with beneficence or release in fairness. And it is not lawful for you to take anything of whatever you have brought (the women) except (in case) they both fear that they may not keep within (Literally: Keep up) the bounds of Allah. So, in case you fear that they may not keep within (Literally: Keep up) the bounds of Allah, it is no fault in them (both) for her to ransom herself. Those are the bounds of Allah; so, do not transgress them; and whoever transgresses the bounds of Allah then those are they (who are) the unjust.

Yet in case he has divorced her (finally), then she shall not be lawful to him ever after till she marries another spouse. So in case he (the other husband) has divorced her, then there is no fault in them (both) to return to each other, in case they expect that they will keep within (Literally: Keep up) the bounds of Allah. And those are the bounds of Allah; He makes them evident to people who know.

And when you have divorced women, (and) so they have reached their term, (i.e., cIddah, the term during which a divorced woman may not remarry) then retain them with you with beneficence or release them with beneficence; and do not retain them to their injury so that you transgress. (i.e., by obliging them to relinquish part or all of their dower to you) And whoever performs that, then he has already done injustice to himself; And do not take to yourselves the signs of Allah in mockery (among yourselves); and remember the favor of Allah upon you, and whatever He has sent down on you of the Book and (the) Wisdom to admonish you. And be pious to Allah, and know that Allah is Ever-Knowing of everything.

And when you have divorced women, (and) so they have reached their term, then do not pose problems for them from their marrying their spouses when they have consented among themselves with beneficence. That (instruction) is for (any) of you who believes in Allah and the Last Day to be admonished by it; That (Literally: those "instructions") is more cleansing for you and purer; and Allah knows, and you do not know.

And (women) giving birth, shall suckle their children two rounds completely, (i.e. two years) for the one who is willing to perfect the suckling. And it is for the man to whom children are born to offer them provision and raiment with beneficence. No self is charged except to its capacity. No woman giving birth shall be harmed on account of her child, nor shall a man to whom a child is born (be harmed) on account of his child; and the heir (is charged) in like manner. (Literally: like that) So, in case both of them are willing by mutual consent and consultation to wean, then there is no fault in them (both). And in case you are willing to seek suckling for your children, then there is no fault in you when you hand over whatever you have brought (them) with beneficence; and be pious to Allah and know that Allah is Ever-Beholding of whatever you do.

And the ones of you who are taken up, (i.e., those who die) and leave behind (them) spouses, (the spouses) (i.e., the widows. The following verb is in the feminine plural) shall await by themselves for four months and ten (days); (This is the ÉIddah "term" for a widowed woman before she can remarry) so, when they have reached their term, then there is no fault in you whatever they perform (with) themselves with beneficence; and Allah is Ever-Cognizant of whatever you do.

And there is no fault in you concerning whatever offer of betrothal you intimate to women, or nestle in yourselves. Allah knows that you will remember them. But do not make any promise with them secretly, excepting that you say some beneficent saying. And do not resolve on the knot (i.e., the bond) of marriage until the term (Literally: book) has been reached; its term; and know that Allah knows whatever is in yourselves, so be wary of Him. And know that Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Forbearing.

There is no fault in you in case you divorce women as long as you have not touched them nor ordained any marriage-portion (Literally: an ordinance) for them; and allow for their (necessary) enjoyment, the affluent man according to his determined means, and the one in reduced circumstances (Literally: grudging "circumstances") according to his determined means, an enjoyment with beneficence, a truly (binding) right on the fair-doers.

And in case you divorce them even before you have touched them, and you have already ordained for them a marriage-portion, (Literally: an ordinance) then (give her) one half of what you have ordained except (in case) the (women) remit, or he in whose hand is the knot of marriage remits; (and) that you remit is nearer to piety. And do not forget the (virtue of) grace among yourselves; surely Allah is Ever-Beholding of whatever you do.

Preserve (constantly) (i.e., observe strictly) the prayers, and the middle prayer, and rise up devoutly to Allah.

Yet, in case you fear (the enemy), then (pray) afoot or riding; so when you are secure, then remember Allah, as He taught you that (i.e., the prayers) which you did not know.

And the ones of you who are taken up (i.e., die) and leave behind (their) spouses, (shall) make a testament for their spouses, (i.e., wives. The verbs and pronouns in what follows indicate that these instructions are regarding widowed woman) a (necessary) enjoyment for a round (i.e., a year) without turning them out; yet in case they (The Arabic pronouns are in the feminine plural) go out, then there is no fault in you whatever they (The Arabic pronouns are in the feminine plural) performed with themselves (The Arabic pronouns are in the feminine plural) as beneficence; and Allah is Ever-Mighty, Ever-Wise.

And for the divorced women (there shall be) (the necessary) enjoyment with beneficence, truly (binding) on the pious.

Thus, Allah makes evident His signs to you, that possibly you would consider.

Have you not regarded the ones who went out of their residences and they were in thousands, wary of death. So, Allah said to them, "Die." Thereafter He gave them life. Surely Allah is indeed The Owner of Grace over mankind, but most of mankind do not thank (Him).

And fight in the way of Allah and know that Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.

Who is he who will lend Allah a fair loan, so He will double it for him manifold? And Allah grasps and outspreads; and to Him you will be returned.

Have you not regarded the chiefs of the Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) even after Musa, (Moses) as they said to a Prophet of theirs, "Send forth for us a king, (so that) we would fight in the way of Allah."He said, " Might it be that in case fighting is prescribed for you, you would not fight?" They said, "How is it that we would not fight in the way of Allah, and we have already been driven out of our residences and sons?" Yet, when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except a few of them; and Allah is Ever-Knowing of the unjust.

And their Prophet said to them, "Surely Allah has already sent forth Talut (Saul) for you as a king." They said, "However could he have kingship over us, and we have truer (right) than he of kingship, and he has not been brought affluence of wealth?" He said, "Surely Allah has elected him above you and has increased him sizably in knowledge (Literally: an outspreading of knowledge) and figure." And Allah brings (forth) His kingship to whomever He decides, and Allah is Ever- Embracing, Ever-Knowing.

And their Prophet said to them, "Surely the sign of his kingship is that the coffer (In earlier Scriptures it is said to be the " Ark", and Serenity is said to be "Shechina") will come up to you; in it (are) a Serenity from your Lord, and a remnant of what the house of Musa (Moses) and the house of Harun (Aaron) left (behind), the Angels carrying it. Surely in that is indeed a sign for you, in case you are believers".

Then as soon as Talut (Saul) departed with the hosts, he said, "Surely Allah will be trying you with a river; so whoever drinks of it, then he is not of me, and whoever does not taste (Literally: does not feed on it) it, then surely he is of me, excepting him who scoops up (a scoop) with his hand." Then they drank of it except a few of them. Then, as soon as he passed over it, he and the ones who believed with him, they said, "We have no capability today against Jalut (Goliath) and his hosts." (But) the ones who expect that they will be meeting Allah said, "How often a little community has overcome a much (larger) community by the permission of Allah; and Allah is with the patient."

And as soon as they went forth against Jalut (Goliath)and his hosts, they said, "Our Lord, pour out upon us patience, and make firm our feet, and give us victory over the disbelieving people!"

So they routed them, by the permission of Allah, and Dawud (David) killed Jaul?t; (Goliath) and Allah brought him the kingship, and (the) Wisdom, and He taught him (part of) whatever (knowledge) He decides. And had it not been for the repelling by Allah of mankind, some by means of others, (Literally: by means of some) the earth would indeed have corrupted; but Allah is The Owner of Grace over the worlds.

Those are the signs of Allah. We recite them to you with the Truth, and surely you are indeed (one) of the Emissaries.

Those are the Messengers; We have graced some of them over some others; of them (there are some) to whom Allah spoke, and some He raised in degrees. And We brought Isa son of Maryam (Jesus son of Mary) the supreme evidences and aided him with the Spirit of Holiness. (The Angel Jibril) And if Allah had (so) decided, the ones who (came) after them would not have fought against each other, after the supreme evidences had come to them. But they differed among themselves. So of them are the ones who believed, and of them are the ones who disbelieved. And if Allah had (so) decided, they would not have fought against each other; but Allah performs whatever He wills.

O you who have believed, expend of that which We have provided you even before there comes up a Day on which (there) will be no selling, nor (close) fellowship, nor intercession; and the disbelievers, they are the unjust.

Allah. There is no god except He, The Ever-Living, The Superb Upright Sustainer. Slumber does not overtake Him, nor sleep; to Him (belongs) whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. Who is there that intercedes for His Providence except by His Permission? He knows whatever is in front of them (Literally: between their hands) and whatever is behind them, and they do not encompass anything of His Knowledge except whatever He has decided. His Chair embraces the heavens and the earth; the preserving of them (Literally: them both) does not tire Him; and He is The Ever-Exalted, The Ever-Magnificent.

There is no compulsion in the religion; right-mindedness has already been evidently (distinct) from misguidance. So whoever disbelieves in the Taghut (i.e. false gods, idols, devils and seducers) and believes in Allah, then he has already upheld fast the most binding Grip, with no disjunction (ever); and Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.

Allah is The Ever-Patronizing Patron of (the ones) who have believed. He brings them out of the darknesses into the light. And for (the ones) who have disbelieved, their constant patrons are the Taghut (i.e. false gods, idols, devils and seducers) who bring them out of the light into the darknesses; those are the companions of the Fire; they are therein eternally (abiding).

Have you not regarded him who argued with Ibrahim (Abraham) about his Lord, that Allah had brought him the kingship? As' Ibrahim said, "My Lord is He Who gives life and makes to die, " he said, "I give life and make to die." Ibrahim said, "Yet surely Allah comes up with (i.e., brings) the sun from the East, so come up with (i.e., bring) it from the West." Then the one who disbelieved was confounded; and Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Or (such as) he who passed by a town, and it was completely devastated upon its trellises. He said, "However will Allah give life to this (town) after its death?" So Allah made him die a hundred seasons; (i.e., years) thereafter He made him rise again. He Allah) said, "How long have you lingered?" He said, "I have lingered a day or part of a day." He said, "No indeed, you have lingered a hundred seasons; So, look at your food and drink; it has not spoiled. And look at your ass, and, that We would make you a sign for mankind. And look at the bones, how We shall re-animate them, and afterwards dress them with flesh". So, as soon as it was evident to him, he said, "I know that Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything."

And as Ibrahim (Abraham) said, "Lord! Show me how You give life to the dead." He Allah) said, "And have you not believed?" He (Ibrahim) said, "Yes indeed, but that my heart be composed." Said He, "So take four of the birds, then wring them to you (and divide them); thereafter set a portion of them on every mountain; thereafter call them; they will come up to you with hasty diligence (and) know that Allah is Ever-Mighty, Ever-Wise."

The likeness of (the ones) who expend their riches in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain that grows seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. And Allah gives manifoldly to whomever He decides; and Allah is Ever-Embracing, Ever-Knowing.

(The ones) who expend their riches in the way of Allah (and) thereafter do not follow up whatever they have expended with reproach or hurt, have their reward in the Providence of their Lord, and no fear will be upon them, neither will they grieve.

A beneficent saying and forgiveness are more charitable than a donation followed by hurt. And Allah is Ever-Affluent, (Literally: Ever-Rich) Ever-Forbearing.

O you have believed, do not void your donations with obliging (reproach) and hurt, as one who expends his wealth (for the sake) of showing off to mankind and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day. So, the likeness of him is as the likeness of a smooth rock on which is dust, then a shower hits (Literally: afflicts) it; so it leaves (the rock) solid. They are unable (to do) anything with whatever they have earned; and Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.

And the likeness of the ones who expend their riches, seeking gracious satisfaction of Allah and confirming themselves, is as the likeness of a garden upon a mound; a shower hits it, so it brings forth its crop twofold; yet in case no shower hits it, then a drizzle; and Allah is Ever-Beholding of whatever you do.

Would any of you like to have a garden of palms and vineyards with rivers running from beneath it, (and) he has all (kinds) of products therein, and greatness (with years) afflicts him, and he has a weak offspring, then a whirlwind with fire therein afflicts it, so it is burned away? Thus Allah makes evident the signs to you, that possibly you would meditate.

O you who have believed, expend of the good things you have earned and of what We have brought out for you from the earth, and do not have recourse to the wicked of it for your expending, and you would not take it (yourselves) except you closed an eye on it, and know that Allah is Ever-Affluent, (Literally: Ever-Reich) Ever-Praiseworthy.

Ash-shaytan (The all-vicious, the Devil) promises you poverty and commands you to obscenity; and Allah promises you forgiveness from Him, and Grace; and Allah is Ever-Embracing Ever-Knowing.

He brings (the) Wisdom to whomever He decides; and whoever is brought (the) Wisdom, then he has been brought much charity (i.e., benefit); and in no way does anyone constantly remember except the ones endowed with intellects.

And whatever expenditure you expend or whatever vow you vow, then surely Allah knows it; and in no way (can) the unjust have any vindicators.

In case you display (your) donations, then how favored (you are) by them, and in case you conceal them and bring them to the poor, then it is more charitable for you; and He will expiate for you (some) of your odious (deeds); and Allah is Ever-Cognizant of whatever you do.

Their guidance is not upon you, but Allah guides whomever He decides. And whatever charity (benefit) you do expend, (then) it is for yourselves; and whatever you expend (should be) for nothing except for your seeking the Face of Allah; and whatever charity you do expend will be (paid) to you in full, and you will not be done an injustice.

(It is) for the poor who are detained in the way of Allah, (and) are unable to strike (i.e. journey in the land) in the earth. The ignorant man reckons them rich because of (their) regular abstinence. You recognize them by their mark; they do not ask of mankind importunately, and whatever charity you expend, then surely Allah is Ever-Knowing of it.

The ones who expend their riches by night and day time secretly and in public, then they have their reward from the Providence of their Lord, and no fear will be on them, neither will they grieve.

The ones who eat (up) riba (Interest or other unlawful gain; usury) will not rise up except as he whom Ash-shaytan (The all-vicious, i.e., the Devil) ever smites with the touch rises up. That is because they have said, "Surely selling is only like rib'a." And Allah has made selling lawful, and has prohibited riba." So, he to whom an admonition has come from his Lord (and) so has refrained (in obedience), then he will have whatever is bygone, (i.e. he is forgiven for his parts gains) and his case (Literally: command, i.e. the command of Allah to him) is for Allah; and whoever goes back, then those are the companions (i.e., the inhabitants) of the Fire, and they are therein eternally (abiding).

Allah expunges riba (Interest or other unlawful) and He augments donations, and Allah does not love every most disbelieving most-vicious person.

Surely, (the ones) who have believed and done deeds of righteousness and kept up the prayer and brought (forth) the Zakat, (i.e. paid the poor-dues) they have their reward from the Providence of their Lord, and no fear will be on them, neither will they grieve.

O you who have believed, be pious to Allah and leave behind what remains of rib'a, in case you are believers.

So, in case you do not perform (that), then take notice of a war from Allah and His Messenger (against you). And in case you repent, then you will have the capitals of your riches; you will not do injustice, and you will not be done injustice.

And in case any person is under difficulty, then he should (be granted) a respite to (the time of) ease; and that you donate (alms) is more charitable (i.e. more beneficial) for you, in case you know.

And protect yourselves against a Day in which you will be returned to Allah. Thereafter every self will be (paid) in full what it has earned, and they will not be done injustice.

O you who have believed, when you contract (i.e. when you have or contract a debt) a debt one upon another for a stated term, then write it down. And let a writer write it down between you with justice, and let not any writer refuse to write it down, as Allah has taught him. So let him write and let the one upon whom is the truthful duty of payment (i.e. the debtor) dictate, and let him be pious to Allah his Lord and not depreciate anything therein. So, in case the one upon whom is the truthful duty is foolish, or weak, or unable to dictate himself, then let his patron dictate with justice. And call in to witness two witnesses of your men; yet, in case the two are not two men, then one man and two women from among the witnesses you are satisfied with, so that (in case) one of the two women should err, then either of the two should remind the other, and let the witnesses not refuse whenever they are called (upon). And be not too loath to write it down, (whether) it is small or great, with (Literally: to is term) its term. That is more equitable in the Providence of Allah, and more upright for testimony, and likelier that you will not be suspicious. Except (when) it is commerce present that you transact among yourselves, then it shall be no fault in you if you do not write it down. And take witnesses when you sell one to another, and let not either writer or witness be harmed, and in case you perform (that), then that is evident immorality in you. And be pious to Allah, and Allah teaches you; and Allah is Ever-Knowing of everything.

And in case you are on a journey and you do not find a writer, then (take) a pledge in hand. (i.e. to be paid) Yet in case some of you feel more secure with some others, (Literally: if some of you "trust" some "others") then let him who is given the deposit pay back his deposit and let him be pious to Allah his Lord. And do not keep back the testimony; and whoever keeps it back, then surely his heart is vicious; and Allah is Ever-Knowing of whatever you do.

To Allah (belongs) whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; and in case you display whatever is in yourselves or conceal it, Allah makes reckoning with you for it. So He forgives whomever He decides, and torments whomever He decides, and Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything.

The Messenger has believed in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and the believers (believe). Every one (of them) has believed in Allah, and His Angels and His Books, and His Messengers. We make no distinction between any of His Messengers. And they have said, "We have heard, and we have obeyed. Grant (us) Your All-Supreme forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the Destiny.

Allah does not charge a self (anything) except its capacity; it has whatever it has earned, and against it is whatever it has acquired. Our Lord, do not take us to task in case we forget or we make mistakes. Our Lord, and do not burden us with an obligation as You burdened (the ones) who were before us. Our Lord, and do not over-burden us with whatever is beyond our capability. And be clement towards us, and forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Supreme Patronizer, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."