surah.translation .

1. The Merciful one, possessor of vast mercy.
2. He taught the Qur’ān to people by making its memorization easy and facilitating the understanding of its meanings.
3. He created man perfectly and formed him in the best manner.
4. He taught him how to express what is within himself in speech and writing.
5. He fixed a perfectly calculated course for the sun and moon, to teach people the number of years and calculation.
6. Plants that do not have a stem and trees prostrate to Allah, (may He be glorified), in submission and surrender to Him.
7. He raised the sky above the earth as a roof for it. He established justice on earth and instructed His servants with it.
8. He established justice so that you, O people, are not unjust and deceitful in weighing and measurement.
9. Maintain the weighing justly between yourselves and do not give short weight or measure when you measure or weigh for others.
10. He prepared the earth for the creation to settle on it.
11. It contains trees that produce fruit and date-palms that have receptacles that split open to reveal clusters.
12. It contains grain with straw like wheat and barley and the different types of grain that you have been provided as food. It contains plants whose fragrances you find to be pleasant.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
14. He created Adam (peace be upon him) from dried clay that has a clatter like that of baked clay.
15. He created the father of the jinn from a flame that is pure of smoke.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
17. Lord of the sun’s two points of rising and its two points of setting in winter and summer.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
19. Allah mixed the two seas, the salty and the sweet, that converge as far as the eye can see.
20. Between them is a barrier that prevents each one of them from transgressing over the other so that the sweet remains sweet and the salty remains salty.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
22. From these seas pearls and coral emerge.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
24. He, (may He be glorified), alone has control of the ships that sail on the oceans like mountains.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
26. Every creation that is on the surface of the earth will inevitably perish.
27. The face of your Lord, O Messenger, the One of greatness, kindness and bounty for His servants, will remain and will never perish.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
29. The angels in the heavens and the jinn and men on earth ask Him for their needs. Every day he brings about a matter from the affairs of His servants such as giving life, death, provision etc.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
31. I will attend to your reckoning, O men and jinn. and I will recompense each one with the reward or punishment he deserves.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
33. Allah will say on the Day of Judgment, when He gathers jinn and men: O group of jinn and men, if you are able to find for yourselves an exit from one part of the heavens and earth then do so. You will never be able to do so except with power and evidence, and where do you have that?
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
35. A flame of smokeless fire will be sent on you, O men and jinn, and smoke without a flame, and you will not be able to protect yourselves.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
37. When the sky will split open for the angels to descend from it and it will be red like molten lead or the like due to the terror of the day of judgment.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
39. On that great day no man or jinn will be asked about their sins, because Allah knows their deeds.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
41. The guilty ones will be recognised on that day by their mark, which is the blackness of their faces and the blueness of their eyes. Their forelocks will be tied to their feet and they will be thrown into Hell.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
43. It will be said to them in rebuke: This is the Hell that the guilty ones used to reject in the world, which is before their eyes and which they are unable to deny.
44. They will go between it and water that is extremely hot.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
46. Those who fear to stand before their Lord in the Hereafter, and therefore have faith and do righteous deeds, will have two gardens.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
48. These two gardens will have huge fresh branches producing fruit.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
50. In the two gardens there will be two springs flowing between them with water.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
52. In them there will be two types of every fruit to enjoy.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
54. Reclining on spreads, whose inner lining will be of coarse silk, and the fruits that they will reap from the two gardens will be close and within reach of a person standing, sitting or reclining.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
56. In them there will be women who will restrict their gaze to their husbands, whose virginity was not broken by any man or jinn before their husbands.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
58. As though they are rubies and coral in their beauty and purity.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
60. The reward of those who properly followed their Lord is only that Allah will give them a proper recompense.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
62. Below those two mentioned gardens are another two gardens.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
64. Both of the deepest green.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
66. In these two gardens there are springs that forcefully gush forth with water. The gushing of their water does not stop.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
68. In these two gardens there are abundant fruit, huge date-palms and pomegranates.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
70. In these four gardens there are women with good characters and beautiful faces.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
72. Houris covered in tents as protection for them.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
74. Before their husbands no man or jinn has come close to them.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
76. Reclining on cushions covered with green covers, and beautiful carpets.
77. Which of Allah’s numerous favours to you, O group of Jinn and men, do you deny?
78. The name of your Lord, the Possessor of majesty, favour and bounty over His servants, is great and full of goodness.