ترجمة معاني سورة المدّثر باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي .

You, wrapped in your cloak,
arise and give warning.
Glorify your Lord’s greatness;
clean your garments;
stay away from all filth;
do not hold up what you give away, showing it to be much;
but to your Lord turn in patience.
When the Trumpet is sounded
that will be a day of anguish,
far from easy for the unbelievers.
Leave to me the one I created alone,
to whom I have granted vast wealth,
and sons by his side,
making life smooth and easy for him;
yet he greedily desires that I give him more.
No! He has set himself stubbornly against Our revelations.
I will constrain him to endure a painful uphill climb!
He thought and he schemed.
Damn him, how he schemed!
Again, damn him, how he schemed!
He looked around,
then he frowned and glared,
then he turned his back and gloried in his arrogance,
and said, ‘This is just sorcery handed down from olden times!
This is nothing but the word of a mere mortal!’
I will cast him into the scorching Fire.
Would that you knew what the scorching Fire is like!
It leaves nothing, and spares nothing;
it appears before mankind,
guarded by nineteen.
We have appointed none other than angels to guard the Fire, and We have made their number a test for the unbelievers. Thus those who have been granted revelations in the past may be convinced and the believers may grow yet more firm in their faith; and so those who have been granted revelations and the believers will entertain no doubt; but the sick at heart and the unbelievers will ask, ‘What could God mean by this image?’ Thus God lets go astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. No one knows your Lord’s forces except Him. This is all but a reminder for mankind.
No! by the moon!
By the night when it departs,
and the shining dawn!
It is indeed one of the mighty things,
a warning to all mankind,
to those of you who choose to go ahead or to lag behind.
Every soul is held in pledge for what it has wrought,
except for those on the right hand.
They will be in gardens, and will ask
about the guilty ones:
‘What brought you into the scorching Fire?’
They will answer: ‘We were not among those who prayed,
neither did we feed the needy;
but we indulged with others in vain talk,
and we denied the Day of Judgement
until there came upon us that which is certain’.
So, of no benefit to them could be the pleas of any intercessors.
What is the matter with them that they turn away from all admonition
like terrified asses
fleeing from a lion?
Every one of them demands to be given revelations unfolded before him.
No! They do not fear the life to come.
No! This is indeed an admonition.
Let him who will, take heed.
They, however, will not take heed unless God so wills. He is the Lord to be feared, the Lord of forgiveness.