surah.translation .


(88:1) Has the news of the overwhelming event reached you?1

(88:2) Some faces2 that Day shall be downcast with fear,

(88:3) be toiling and worn-out;

(88:4) they shall burn in a Scorching Fire;

(88:5) their drink shall be from a boiling spring.

(88:6) They shall have no food except bitter dry thorns3

(88:7) that will neither nourish nor satisfy their hunger.

(88:8) On that very Day some faces shall be radiant with joy,

(88:9) well-pleased with their striving.4

(88:10) They will be in a lofty Garden

(88:11) wherein they shall hear no vain talk.5

(88:12) In it there shall be a flowing spring,

(88:13) and couches raised high,

(88:14) and goblets laid out,6

(88:15) and cushions arrayed in rows,

(88:16) and rich carpets levelled out.

(88:17) Do (these unbelievers) not observe the camels: how they were created?

(88:18) And the sky: how it was raised high?

(88:19) And the mountains: how they were fixed?

(88:20) And the earth: how it was spread out?7

(88:21) So render good counsel, for you are simply required to counsel,

(88:22) and are not invested with the authority to compel them.8

(88:23) But whoever will turn away (from the Truth),

(88:24) Allah will chastise him with the most terrible chastisement.

(88:25) Surely to Us is their return;

(88:26) and then it is for Us to call them to account.