ترجمة معاني سورة المدّثر باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation .


O you shrouded (in your mantle),

Rise up (and) so warn!

And so your Lord magnify,

And so your clothes purify,

And so defilement forsake!

And be not bountiful, (hoping) to gain more,

And to your Lord (endure) patiently!

So when Trumpet is sounded (Literally: trumpeted).

Upon that Day then it will be a difficult Day.

For the disbelievers, other than being easy.

Leave Me with him whom I created alone,

And set up (Literally: made) for him extensive wealth,

And sons always in presence,

And made (life) smooth for him in an accessible (way).

Thereafter he expects that I increase (My favors).

Not at all! Surely he has been stubborn to Our signs.

I will soon oppress him to a (hard) mounting (in calamities).

Surely he did think and he determined!

So, may he be slain, how he determined!

Again, (Literally: Thereafter) may he be slain, how he determined!

Thereafter he looked (round);

Thereafter he frowned, and he scowled;

Thereafter he withdrew, and he waxed proud.

So he said, "Decidedly this is nothing except sorcery, transmitted relics.

Decidedly this is nothing except the speech of mortals."

I shall soon roast him in Saqar.

And what makes you realize what Saqar is?

It neither spares (i.e., no survivors remain) nor leaves (anything) behind,

Shriveling mortals,

Over it are nineteen.

And in no way have We made the Wardens (Literally: companions) of the Fire except Angels, and in no way have We made their (right) number except as a temptation for the ones who have disbelieved, (and) that the ones to whom the Book has been brought may have certitude, and that the ones who have believed may increase in belief, and that the ones to whom the Book has been brought and the believers may not be suspicious, and that the ones in whose hearts there is sickness and the disbelievers may say, "What would Allah intend by this as a similitude?" Thus does Allah lead into error whomever He decides, and He guides whomever He decides, and in no way does anyone know the hosts of your Lord except He. And in no way is it anything except a Reminding to the mortals.

Not at all! And (by) the moon,

And the night as it with draws,

And the morning when it shines (forth),

Surely it is indeed one of the greatest things,

As a warning to mortals,

To whomever of you who decides to go forward or postpone (i.e., performing righteous deeds or falling into evil).

Every self will be pledged for whatever it has earned.

Except the companions of the Right.

In Gardens they will ask one another (questions).

Concerning the criminals,

"What inserted you into Saqar?"

They will say, "We were not of the ones who prayed,

And we did not feed the indigent,

And we used to wade with the waders, (i.e., wade in vaintalk).

And we used to cry lies to the Day of Doom.

Until the Certitude came up to us."

So in no way will the intercession of the intercessors profit them.

Then what is it with them that they are veering away from the Reminder.

As if they were stampeding reddish asses,

Fleeing from a fierce beast? (Or: animal)

No indeed, every person of them would like scrolls spread open to be brought him.

Not at all! No indeed, (but) they do not fear the Hereafter.

Not at all! Surely it is a Reminder.

So whoever decides will remember it.

And in no way will they remember, except that Allah decides. He is The Source (Literally: The only Qualified One) of piety and The Source of forgiveness.