ترجمة معاني سورة الفجر باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation .


And (by) the dawn,

And (by) the ten nights, (Commonly understood to be the First ten night of the pilgrimage).

And (by) the Even and the Odd,

And (by) the night when it departs, (Or: sets forth passing away).

Is there in that an oath for a sensible person? (Literally: person owning sense).

Have you not seen how your Lord has done with Aad,

ÉIram comprising the columns, (i.e., It is the city of Aad, who were stalwart and huge buildings).

The like of which was not created in the lands?

And (with) Tham?d? who carved out the rocks in the valley,

And (with) Firaawn, (Pharaoh) owning the bulwarks? (Or: stakes).

(They) who tyrannized in the lands,

So they worked much corruption therein,

Then your Lord poured on them the scourge of torment?

Surely your Lord is indeed Ever-Observing.

Then, as for man, just when his Lord tries him, so He honors him, and showers His favors on him, then he says, "My Lord has honored me."

And just when He tries him, so He determines for him the right estimate of his provision, then he says, "My Lord has degraded me."

Not at all! No indeed, (but) you do not honor the orphan,

And you do not urge one another on (offering) food to the indigent,

And you eat the heritage with indiscriminate eating,

And you love wealth with an ardent love.

Not at all, When the earth is pounded (into powder), pounding, pounding,

And your Lord comes, and the Angels rank on rank,

And Hell is made to come (face to face) upon that Day, man will remember, upon that Day, and however will the Reminding (avail) him?

He will say, "Oh would that I had forwarded some good for my (future) life!"

So, upon that Day none will torment as He torments, (Literally: "as" His tormenting).

And none will bind (as) His binding.

O you self (that is) composed,

Return to your Lord satisfied with Supreme Satisfaction!

So enter among My bondmen!

And enter My Garden!