surah.translation .

Qāf. By the glorious Qur'an.
But the unbelievers deem it strange that a warner from among themselves should have come to them and they say: ‘This is indeed most strange!
When we have died and become dust…? Such a return [to life] is too far-fetched’.
We know very well what the earth takes away from them. We have an unfailing, comprehensive record.
Yet they deny the truth when it comes to them; and so they are in a state of confusion.
Do they not look at the sky above them: how We have built it and adorned it, leaving no flaws in it.
We spread out the earth and set upon it firm mountains, and caused every kind of delectable plants to grow on it,
so that it serves as a lesson and a reminder to everyone who wishes to turn to God.
We send down from the skies water rich in blessings, and We produce with it gardens and fields of grain,
and tall palm trees laden with clusters of dates,
providing sustenance suitable for people. Thus We bring dead land to life. So will [people] come forth from the dead.
Long before these unbelievers Noah’s people also disbelieved, as did the people of al-Rass, Thamud,
[Ad, Pharaoh, Lot’s brethren,
the dwellers of the wooded dales and the people of Tubba[: They all disbelieved God’s messengers, and therefore My warnings came true.
Were We worn out by the first creation? Yet they are still in doubt about a renewed creation.
It is We who have created man, and We know what his soul whispers to him. We are closer to him than his jugular vein;
with two receptors set to record, one on his right and one on his left,
every word he utters [is noted down by] an ever-present watcher.
The stupor of death brings with it the full truth: ‘This is what you tried to escape’.
The Trumpet will be blown: ‘This is the Day [you were] warned of’.
Every soul will come attended by one who will drive it on and another to bear witness.
‘Of this you have been unmindful, but We have lifted your veil and sharp is your sight today.’
And his companion will say: ‘Here is what I have recorded’.
‘Cast into hell every hardened unbeliever,
everyone who hindered good, was a sinful aggressor, fomenter of doubt,
who set up another deity alongside God. Cast him into severe suffering.’
His companion will say: ‘Our Lord! I did not make him transgress. He had already gone far astray’.
God will say: ‘Do not argue in My presence, for I had forewarned you.
My word will not be altered; but never do I do the least wrong to My creatures’.
On that Day We will ask hell, ‘Are you full?’ and it will reply, ‘Are there no more?’
And paradise will be brought close to the righteous and will no longer be distant:
‘This is what you have been promised; this is for everyone who used to turn to God and to keep Him in mind,
who used to stand in awe of the Lord of Grace although He is beyond the reach of human perception, and who comes before Him with a heart full of devotion.
Enter paradise in peace; this is the Day when everlasting life begins’.
There they shall have all that they desire, and We have even more for them.
How many a generation, far greater in power, have We destroyed before these [unbelievers]? They wandered through the lands seeking a place of refuge.
In this there is a reminder for everyone who has an alert heart, or one who attentively listens and sees.
We have indeed created the heavens and the earth and all that is in between in six eons. No weariness could ever touch Us.
Bear, then, with patience whatever they may say, and extol your Lord’s limitless glory before the rising of the sun and before its setting;
and in the night, too, extol His glory, and at the end of every prayer.
And listen out for the Day when the caller will call from a nearby place,
the Day when they will in truth hear the Mighty Blast; that is the Day when they will come out [of their graves].
It is We who grant life and deal death; and to Us all shall return.
On the Day when the earth will be rent asunder all around them, letting them rush out. That gathering will be easy for Us.
We are fully aware of what they say. You are not one to use coercion with them. Therefore, remind, with the Qur'an, those who fear My warning.