ترجمة معاني سورة التحريم باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation .


(66:1) O Prophet, why do you forbid what Allah has made lawful for you?1
Is it to please your wives?2 Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate.3

(66:2) Allah has prescribed for you a way for the absolution of your oaths.4
Allah is your Guardian. He is All-Knowing, Most Wise.5

(66:3) The Prophet confided something to one of his wives and then she disclosed
it (to another); so after Allah revealed to the Prophet (that she had disclosed
that secret), he made a part of it known to her and passed over a part of it.
And when he told her about this (i.e., that she had disclosed the secret entrusted
to her), she asked: “Who informed you of this?” He said: “I was told of it by
He Who is All-Knowing, All-Aware.”6

(66:4) If the two of you turn in repentance to Allah (that is better for
you), for the hearts of both of you have swerved from the Straight Path.7
But if you support one another against the Prophet,8 then surely
Allah is his Protector; and after that Gabriel and all righteous believers and
the angels are all his supporters.9

(66:5) Maybe if he were to divorce you, your Lord might grant him in exchange
wives better than you0 – those who truly submit to Allah,1
are full of faith, obedient,2 disposed to repentance,3
and given to worship4 and fasting5 – both previously
wedded ones and virgins.

(66:6) Believers, guard yourselves and your kindred against a Fire whose
fuel is human beings and stones,6 a Fire held in the charge of fierce
and stern angels who never disobey what He has commanded them, and always do
what they are bidden.7

(66:7) (It will then be said): “Unbelievers, make no excuses today. You are
being recompensed for nothing else but your deeds.”8

(66:8) Believers, turn to Allah in sincere repentance;9 maybe
your Lord will expunge your evil deeds and admit you to the Gardens beneath
which rivers flow.0 This will be on the Day when Allah will not
disgrace the Prophet and those who have embraced faith and are with him;1
their light will be running before them and on their right hands, and they will
say: “Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Surely You have power
over everything.”2

(66:9) O Prophet, strive against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and
be severe with them.3 Hell shall be their resort. What a grievous

(66:10) Allah has set forth for the unbelievers the parable of the wives
of Noah and Lot. They were wedded to two of Our righteous servants, but each
acted treacherously with her husband,4 and their husbands could
be of no avail to them against Allah. The two of them were told: “Enter the
Fire with all the others who enter it.”

(66:11) Allah has set forth for the believers the parable of Pharaoh's wife.
She prayed: “My Lord, build for me a house with You in Paradise and deliver
me from Pharaoh and his misdeeds;5 and deliver me from the iniquitous

(66:12) Allah has also set forth the parable of Mary, the daughter of Imran,6
who guarded her chastity,7 and into whom We breathed of Our Spirit,8
and who testified to the words of her Lord and His Books. She was among the