surah.translation .


(47:1) Allah has caused the works of those who disbelieve1 and
hinder people from the way of Allah2 to go to waste.3

(47:2) As for those who attained to faith and did righteous works and believed
in what was revealed to Muhammad4 � which indeed is the Truth from
their Lord5 � Allah has remitted their evil deeds and has set their
condition right.6

(47:3) That is because those who disbelieved followed falsehood whereas those
who believed followed the Truth that came to them from their Lord. Thus does
Allah set forth to people parables showing their true state.7

(47:4) When you meet the unbelievers (in battle), smite their necks until
you have crushed them, then bind your captives firmly; thereafter (you are entitled
to) set them free, either by an act of grace, or against ransom, until the war
ends.8 That is for you to do. If Allah had so willed, He would have
Himself exacted retribution from them. (But He did not do so) that He may test
some of you by means of others.9 As for those who are slain in the
way of Allah, He shall never let their works go to waste.0

(47:5) He will guide them and set their condition right

(47:6) and will admit them to Paradise with which He has acquainted them.1

(47:7) Believers, if you aid Allah, He will come to your aid2
and will plant your feet firmly.

(47:8) As to those who disbelieve, perdition lies in store for them3
and Allah has reduced their works to nought.

(47:9) That was because they were averse to what Allah had revealed;4
so He let their works go to waste.

(47:10) Have they not journeyed through the land to see the end of those
who went before them? Allah utterly destroyed them. These unbelievers are doomed
to the same end.5

(47:11) That is because Allah is the Protector of the believers whereas the
unbelievers have none to protect them.6

(47:12) Allah shall admit those who believe and do righteous works to the
Gardens beneath which rivers flow. As for the unbelievers, they enjoy the pleasures
of this transient life and eat as cattle eat.7 The Fire shall be
their resort.

(47:13) (O Prophet), how many are the cities that had greater power than
your city that drove you out? We destroyed them and there was none to protect

(47:14) Then, can he, who is on a Clear Guidance from His Lord, be like him
whose evil deeds have been embellished to him, and who pursued their lusts?9

(47:15) Here is the parable of Paradise which the God-fearing have been promised:
in it shall be rivers of incorruptible water,0 rivers of milk unchanging
in taste,1and rivers of wine, a delight to those that drink;2
and rivers of pure honey.3 In it they will have every kind of fruit
as well as forgiveness from their Lord.4 Can such be like those
who will abide in the Fire and will be given a boiling water to drink that will
tear their bowels apart?

(47:16) Among them some give ear to you. But no sooner do they leave your
presence than they ask those endowed with knowledge: “What is it that he said
just now?”5 Such are those whose hearts Allah has sealed and who
pursue their lusts.6

(47:17) As for those who were led to the Guidance,7 Allah increases
them in their guidance and causes them to grow in God-fearing.8

(47:18) Are they waiting, then, for anything else than the Last Hour to suddenly
come upon them?9 Already some of its tokens have come.0
But when it does actually come upon them, where will any time be left for them
to take heed?

(47:19) Know, therefore, (O Prophet), that there is no god but Allah, and
ask forgiveness for your shortcomings and also for (the shortcomings of) believing
men and believing women.1 Allah knows the places where you move
about and where you dwell.

(47:20) The believers used to say: “Why is a surah (that would ordain fighting)
not revealed?” But when a definitive surah was revealed wherein fighting was
mentioned, you saw that those in whose hearts there was a sickness looked at
you as though they were about to faint at the approach of death.2
Pity on them!

(47:21) (They keep affirming their) obedience and saying good words. But
when a course of action was clearly determined, it would have been better for
them if they had proved true to Allah.

(47:22) Now, if you were to turn away,3 what else can be expected
but that you will work corruption in the land and fly at each other's throats?4

(47:23) It is these upon whom Allah has laid His curse: so He made them deaf
and deprived them of their sight.

(47:24) Do they, then, not reflect on the Qur'an? Or are there locks on their

(47:25) Certainly those who have turned their backs on the True Guidance
after it became manifest to them, Satan has embellished their ways for them
and has buoyed them up with false hopes.

(47:26) This, because they said to those who are averse to the faith that
Allah has revealed: “In some matters we shall obey you.”6 Allah
has full knowledge of their secret parleys.

(47:27) But how will they fare when angels will take their souls at death
and will carry them, striking their faces and backs?7

(47:28) That is because they have followed a way that angered Allah, and
have been averse to His good pleasure. So He reduced all their works to nought.8

(47:29) Or do they, in whose hearts there is a sickness, believe that Allah
will not bring their failings to light?

(47:30) If We were to so will, We could have shown them to you so that you
would recognise them by their faces, and you would certainly know them by the
manner of their speech. Allah knows all your deeds.

(47:31) We shall certainly test you until We know those of you who truly
strive and remain steadfast, and will ascertain about you.

(47:32) Those who disbelieved and barred others from Allah's Way and opposed
the Messenger after the True Guidance had become manifest to them, they shall
not be able to cause Allah the least harm; rather, Allah will reduce all their
works to nought.9

(47:33) Believers, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not cause your
works to be nullified.0

(47:34) Verily Allah shall not forgive those who disbelieved and barred others
from Allah's Way and clung to their unbelief until their death.

(47:35) So, be not faint-hearted and do not cry for peace.1 You
shall prevail. Allah is with you and will not bring your works to nought.

(47:36) The life of this world is but sport and amusement.2 If
you believe and are God-fearing, He will grant you your reward, and will not
ask you for your possessions.3

(47:37) If He were to ask you for your possessions and press you (in that
regard), you would have grown niggardly, and Allah would have brought your failings
to light.4

(47:38) Behold, you are those who are called upon to spend in Allah's Way,
but some of you are niggardly. Whoever is niggardly is in fact niggardly to
himself. For Allah is All-Sufficient, whereas it is you who are in need of Him.
If you turn away, He will replace you by a people other than you, and they will
not be like you.