ترجمة معاني سورة الطور
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation
(52:1) By the Mount,1
(52:2) and the Book inscribed
(52:3) on fine parchment;2
(52:4) by the much-frequented House,3
(52:5) by the elevated canopy;4
(52:6) and by the swelling sea:5
(52:7) verily your Lord's chastisement shall come to pass,
(52:8) none can avert that.6
(52:9) (It shall come to pass) on the Day when the heaven will convulse in
a great convulsion,7
a great convulsion,7
(52:10) and the mountains shall violently fly about.8
(52:11) Woe, then, on that Day to those who give the lie (to this Message)
(52:12) and amuse themselves with vain argumentation.9
(52:13) On the Day when they shall be thrust into Hell with a violent thrust
(and shall be told):
(and shall be told):
(52:14) “This is the Hell which you used to give the lie to.”
(52:15) Is this, then, any feat of magic or are you unable to see?0
(52:16) Go now and burn in it. It is all the same whether you bear it patiently
or do not bear it with patience. You are only being recompensed for your deeds.”
or do not bear it with patience. You are only being recompensed for your deeds.”
(52:17) Surely the God-fearing1 shall be in Gardens and bliss,
(52:18) enjoying what Allah will have endowed them with; and their Lord will
have saved them from the torment of the Blazing Fire.2
have saved them from the torment of the Blazing Fire.2
(52:19) (They will be told): “Eat and drink to your hearts'3
content as a reward for your deeds.”
content as a reward for your deeds.”
(52:20) The God-fearing shall be reclining on couches facing each other,
and We shall wed them to maidens with large, beautiful eyes.4
and We shall wed them to maidens with large, beautiful eyes.4
(52:21) We shall unite the believers with those descendants of theirs who
followed them in their faith, and shall not deny them any part of the reward
for their good deeds.5 Every person is pledged to what he did.6
followed them in their faith, and shall not deny them any part of the reward
for their good deeds.5 Every person is pledged to what he did.6
(52:22) We shall provide them in abundance with all kinds of fruit and meat,
7 whatever they may desire.
7 whatever they may desire.
(52:23) They shall pass on to one another a cup that will incite neither
levity nor sin.8
levity nor sin.8
(52:24) Youths as fair as hidden pearls will be set apart to wait upon them;
they will be running to and fro to serve them.9
they will be running to and fro to serve them.9
(52:25) They will turn to one another and ask (regarding the past events).
(52:26) They will say: “When we were living before among our kinsfolk we
lived in constant fear (of Allah's displeasure).0
lived in constant fear (of Allah's displeasure).0
(52:27) Then Allah graced us with His favour and saved us from the chastisement
of the scorching wind.1
of the scorching wind.1
(52:28) Formerly we had always prayed to Him. Surely He is Most Benign, Most
(52:29) So exhort (them, O Prophet), for by your Lord's Grace, you are neither
a soothsayer nor a madman.2
a soothsayer nor a madman.2
(52:30) Or do they say: “He is a poet for whom we await an adverse turn of
(52:31) Tell them: “Wait; I too am waiting with you.”4
(52:32) Do their minds prompt them to say such things, or are they a people
immersed in transgression?”5
immersed in transgression?”5
(52:33) Do they say: “He has himself fabricated the Qur'an?” No; the truth
is that they are altogether averse to believing.6
is that they are altogether averse to believing.6
(52:34) (If they are truthful in this), then let them produce a discourse
of similar splendour.7
of similar splendour.7
(52:35) Did they come into being without any creator? Or were they their
own creators?
own creators?
(52:36) Or is it they who created the heavens and the earth? No; the truth
is that they lack sure faith.8
is that they lack sure faith.8
(52:37) Or do they have your Lord's treasures in their keeping? Or have absolute
authority over them?9
authority over them?9
(52:38) Or do they have a ladder whereon they can climb and attempt to listen
(to what is transpiring in the Higher Realm)? Then, let any of them who has
listened to it produce a clear proof of it.
(to what is transpiring in the Higher Realm)? Then, let any of them who has
listened to it produce a clear proof of it.
(52:39) Or does Allah have daughters whereas you have sons?0
(52:40) Or is it that you ask of them any recompense so that they should
fear to be weighed down under the burden of debt?1
fear to be weighed down under the burden of debt?1
(52:41) Or is it that they have access to (the Truths in) the realm beyond
sense-perception which they are writing down?2
sense-perception which they are writing down?2
(52:42) Or are they contriving a stratagem against you?3 If so,
that stratagem will rebound against the unbelievers.4
that stratagem will rebound against the unbelievers.4
(52:43) Do they have any god other than Allah? Exalted be Allah above whatever
they associate (with Him in His Divinity).5
they associate (with Him in His Divinity).5
(52:44) (So obstinate are they that) even if they were to see some fragments
of the sky falling down they would still say: “It is only a mass of cloud.”6
of the sky falling down they would still say: “It is only a mass of cloud.”6
(52:45) So leave them alone until they encounter that Day of theirs when
they shall be struck down,
they shall be struck down,
(52:46) when their stratagem shall be of no avail to them, nor shall they
be succoured.
be succoured.
(52:47) Surely a chastisement awaits the wrong-doers even before the coming
of that Day; but most of them do not know.7
of that Day; but most of them do not know.7
(52:48) Be patient, then, (O Prophet), until the judgement of your Lord comes.8
For surely you are before Our eyes.9 And celebrate the praise of
your Lord when you rise,0
For surely you are before Our eyes.9 And celebrate the praise of
your Lord when you rise,0
(52:49) and also celebrate His praise at night,1 and at the retreat
of the stars.2
of the stars.2