surah.translation .


(92:1) By the night when it enshrouds,

(92:2) and by the day when it breaks in its glory,

(92:3) and by Him Who created the male and the female:

(92:4) surely your strivings are divergent.1

(92:5) As for him who gave out his wealth (for Allah's sake) and abstained
(from disobeying Him),

(92:6) and affirmed the Truth of goodness:2

(92:7) We shall facilitate for him the Way to Bliss.3

(92:8) As for him who was a miser and behaved with aversion (to Allah),

(92:9) and denied the Truth of goodness:4

(92:10) We shall facilitate for him the way to Hardship,5

(92:11) and his wealth shall be of no avail to him when he perishes.6

(92:12) Surely it is for Us to show the Right Way,7

(92:13) and to Us belong the Next Life and the present.8

(92:14) I have now warned you of a Blazing Fire,

(92:15) where none shall burn except the most wicked,

(92:16) who rejected the Truth, calling it falsehood and turned his back
on it.

(92:17) But the God-fearing shall be kept away from it,

(92:18) the Godfearing who spends his wealth to purify himself;9

(92:19) not as payment for any favours that he received,

(92:20) but only to seek the good pleasure of his Lord Most High.0

(92:21) He will surely be well-pleased (with him).1