ترجمة معاني سورة العاديات باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation .


And (by) the snorting chargers,

Then (by) the strikers (of fire) in sparks,

Then (by) the morning raiders,

So, they stir therewith a trail (of dust),

Then they push forward therewith into the midst of the (enemy) gathering-

Surely man is indeed ungrateful to his Lord;

And surely he is indeed a constant witness to that;

And surely he is indeed constantly (passionate) in his love for charity (i.e., good things).

So, does he not know (that), when whatever is in the tombs is scattered away.

And whatever is in the breasts is sought out,

Surely upon that Day their Lord is indeed of them Ever-Cognizant?