ترجمة معاني سورة العلق باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب الترجمة الإنجليزية للمختصر في تفسير القرآن الكريم .

1. O Messenger! Read what Allah reveals to you, starting with the name of your Lord who created the creation.
2. He created the human from a clot of congealed blood, after it had been a drop of semen.
3. O Messenger! Read what Allah reveals to you. Your Lord is the most Kind; no kind person can come to His kindness, because He has abundant generosity and goodness.
4. The one who taught to write, and the revelation, through the pen.
5. He taught the human that which he did not know.
6. Truly, indeed, the transgressing human i.e. Abu Jahl, has crossed the limit in overstepping the limits of Allah.
7. Just because he has seen him showing no need of the prestige and wealth he possesses.
8. O human! Indeed, to your Lord is the return on the Day of Judgement, where He will requite each person with what he deserves.
9. Have you seen anything more shocking than the matter of Abu Jahl, who prevented.
10. He prevented My servant Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he performed prayer near the Ka‘bah.
11. What do you think will happen, if this person who has been prevented, is following guidance and foresight from his Lord?
12. Or that he instructs the people to be mindful of Allah by fulfilling His commands and refrain from the things he has not allowed; can such a person be prevented?
13. What do you think will happen if this preventer rejected whatever the Messenger brought and turned away from it? Does he not fear Allah?
14. Does the preventer of this servant from prayer not know that Allah sees whatever he does, and that nothing is hidden from Him?
15. It is not as this ignorant person imagines; if he does not stop causing harm to My servant and rejecting him, I will definitely seize him and drag him violently by the top of his head, towards the hellfire.
16. The owner of that forehead is a liar in speech and erroneous in action.
17. So when he is seized by his forehead towards the hellfire, let him call out to his companions and associates asking for their help to save him from the punishment.
18. I will call upon the gatekeepers of hell: the fierce angels who do not disobey My command when I command them, and do whatever they are commanded to do. It will then be seen which of the two parties are stronger and more capable.
19. It is not as this oppressor thinks: that he can cause any harm to you. So do not follow him in command or prohibition; rather, prostrate to Allah and draw closer to Him through acts of obedience, because that is how you can draw closer to Him.