ترجمة معاني سورة التغابن
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب الترجمة الإنجليزية - مركز رواد الترجمة
All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth glorifies Allah. To Him belongs the dominion, and to Him belongs all praise, and He is Most Capable of all things.
It is He Who created you, yet some of you are disbelievers and some of you are believers. And Allah is All-Seeing of what you do.
He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose, He shaped you and perfected your form. And to Him is the final return.
He knows all that is in the heavens and earth, and He knows whatever you conceal and whatever you reveal. And Allah is All-Knowing of what is in the hearts.
Has there not come to you the stories of those who disbelieved before you? They tasted the evil consequence of their deeds, and for them there will be a painful punishment.
That is because their messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they said, “How can a human guide us?” Thus they disbelieved and turned away, but Allah had no need for them, for Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.
The disbelievers claim that they will never be resurrected. Say, “Yes, by my Lord, you will surely be resurrected, then you will surely be informed of what you did. And that is easy for Allah.”
So believe in Allah and His Messenger, and in the Light [the Qur’an] that We have sent down. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.
When He will gather you for the Gathering Day; that is the Day of great loss. But whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds, He will absolve them of their bad deeds and will admit them to gardens under which rivers flow, abiding therein forever. That is the supreme triumph.
As for those who disbelieve and reject Our verses, they will be the people of the Fire, abiding therein forever. What a terrible destination!
No calamity befalls except with Allah’s permission. Whoever believes in Allah, He will guide his heart. And Allah is All-Knowing of everything.
Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, then the duty of Our Messenger is only to convey the message clearly.
Allah, none has the right to be worshiped except Him. So in Allah let the believers put their trust.
O you who believe, indeed, among your wives and your children are some who are enemies to you, so beware of them. But if you pardon and overlook, and forgive, then Allah is indeed All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Your wealth and your children are but a trial, and with Allah is a great reward.
So fear Allah as much as you can, listen and obey, and spend in charity; that is better for your souls. Whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul, it is they who are successful.
If you lend Allah a goodly loan, He will multiply it for you and forgive you, for Allah is Most Appreciative, Most Forbearing,
Knower of the unseen and the seen, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.