surah.translation .


(79:1) By those (angels) that pluck out the soul from depths,

(79:2) and gently take it away;

(79:3) and by those that speedily glide along (the cosmos),

(79:4) and vie with the others(in carrying out their Lord's behests);

(79:5) and then manage the affairs of the Universe(according to their Lord's

(79:6) The Day when the quaking will cause a violent convulsion,

(79:7) and will be followed by another quaking.2

(79:8) On that Day some hearts shall tremble (with fright),3

(79:9) and their eyes shall be downcast with dread.

(79:10) They say: “Shall we indeed be restored to life,

(79:11) even after we have been reduced to bones, hollow and rotten?”

(79:12) They say: “That will then be a return with a great loss!”4

(79:13) Surely they will need no more than a single stern blast,

(79:14) and lo, they will all be in the open plain.5

(79:15) Has6 Moses' story reached you?

(79:16) When his Lord called him in the sacred valley of Tuwa,7

(79:17) and directed him: “Go to Pharaoh, he has rebelled,

(79:18) and say to him: 'Are you willing to be purified,

(79:19) that I may direct you to your Lord and then you hold Him8
in awe?' ”

(79:20) Then Moses (went to Pharaoh and) showed him the Great Sign;9

(79:21) but he denied it as false and disobeyed,

(79:22) and then he turned back to have recourse to his craftiness,0

(79:23) and gathered his people and declared:1

(79:24) “I am the supreme lord of you all.”

(79:25) Thereupon Allah seized him for the chastisement of the World to Come
as well as of the present.

(79:26) Surely there is a great lesson in it for whoever would fear (Allah).2

(79:27) Is3 it harder to create you or the heaven?4
But Allah built it,

(79:28) and raised its vault high and proportioned it;

(79:29) and covered its night with darkness and brought forth from it its

(79:30) and thereafter spread out the earth,6

(79:31) and brought out of it its water and its pasture,7

(79:32) and firmly fixed in it mountains;

(79:33) all this as provision for you and your cattle.8

(79:34) But when the great calamity will come about9

(79:35) on the Day when man will recall all his strivings,0

(79:36) and Hell will be brought in sight for anyone to see:

(79:37) then he who transgressed

(79:38) and preferred the life of this world,

(79:39) most surely his abode shall be Hell.

(79:40) But he who feared to stand before his Lord, and restrained himself
from evil desires,

(79:41) most surely his abode shall be Paradise.1

(79:42) They ask you about the Hour: “When will it be?”2

(79:43) What concern do you have to speak about that?

(79:44) Its knowledge rests with your Lord.

(79:45) You are only a warner to him who has a fear of it.3

(79:46) On the Day they see it, they will feel as though they had stayed
(in the grave) no more than one evening or one morning.4