ترجمة معاني سورة الأحقاف باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي .

Ḥā. Mīm.
This Book is bestowed from on high by God, the Almighty, the Wise.
We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them otherwise than in accordance with the truth, and for an appointed term. Yet the unbelievers ignore the warnings they have been given.
Say: ‘Have you thought of those whom you invoke besides God? Show me what part of the earth they have created, or which share of the heavens they own. Bring me a book revealed before this, or some other vestige of knowledge, if what you claim is true’.
Who is in greater error than one who invokes, instead of God, such as will not respond to him till the Day of Resurrection, and are not even conscious of being invoked?
When all mankind are gathered [for judgement], these will be enemies to them and will disown their worship.
Whenever Our revelations are recited to them in all their clarity, the unbelievers describe the truth when it is delivered to them: ‘This is plain sorcery’.
Do they say: ‘He has invented it himself’? Say: ‘If I have invented it, you cannot be of the least help to me against God. He is fully aware of what you say amongst yourselves about it. Sufficient is He as a witness between me and you. He is indeed much-forgiving, ever-merciful.
Say: ‘I am not the first of God’s messengers. I do not know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow what is being revealed to me. I am only a plain warner’.
Say: ‘Have you thought: what if this Qur’an is really from God and you reject it? What if a witness from among the Children of Israel testifies to its similarity [to earlier scriptures], and has believed in it while you glory in your arrogance? God does not guide wrongdoers’.
The unbelievers say of those who believe: ‘If this [message] were any good, these people would not have preceded us in accepting it’. Since they refuse to be guided by it, they will always say, ‘This is an ancient falsehood’.
Yet before this the book of Moses was revealed as a guide and a [sign of God’s] grace. This book confirms it in the Arabic tongue, to warn the wrongdoers and to give good news to those who do good.
Those who say, ‘Our Lord is God’, and follow the straight path shall have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
They are the ones destined for paradise where they shall abide as a reward for what they do.
We have enjoined upon man to show kindness to his parents: in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth. His bearing and weaning takes thirty months. And so, when he attains to full manhood and reaches the age of forty, he prays: ‘My Lord! Grant me that I will be grateful for the blessings which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do righteous deeds that will meet with Your goodly acceptance. Grant me good descendants. To You I turn in repentance. I am indeed one of those who submit themselves to You’.
It is from such people that We shall accept the best that they ever did, and whose bad deeds We shall overlook. [They shall be] among the people destined for paradise. True is the promise that has been given them.
But there is one who says to his parents: ‘Fie on you both! Do you promise me that I shall be resurrected, when generations have passed away before me?’ And while they both implore God for help, [and say to him]: ‘Alas for you! Believe! God’s promise always comes true’, he answers: ‘All this is nothing but fables of ancient times’.
Such are the ones upon whom the verdict is passed, together with other communities of jinn and humans that have passed away before their time. They will be utterly lost.
They all shall have their grades in accordance with their deeds; and so, He will repay them in full for their doings, and none shall be wronged.
On the Day when the unbelievers will be brought before the Fire, they will be told: ‘You have exhausted your share of good things in your worldly life and took your fill of pleasure. So, today you shall be requited with the suffering of humiliation for having been arrogant on earth without any right, and for all your transgression’.
Remember that brother of ꜤĀd who warned his people who lived in the Valley of the Sand Dunes. Other warners have come and gone both before and after him. He said: ‘Worship none but God. I fear lest suffering befall you on a terrible day’.
They said to him: ‘Have you come to turn us away from our gods? Bring, then, upon us that with which you threaten us, if what you say is true’.
He said: ‘Only God knows when it will come. I only convey to you the message I am entrusted with; but I see that you are insolent people’.
When they saw a cloud approaching their valleys, they said: ‘This cloud will bring us rain’. ‘No, indeed. It is the very thing you wanted to hasten: a stormwind bearing painful suffering
which will destroy everything by the command of its Lord.’ When the morning came, there was nothing to see of them except their ruined dwellings. Thus do we requite guilty people.
We had securely established them in a manner in which We have never established you; and We had endowed them with hearing, and sight, and hearts. Yet nothing did their hearing, sight and hearts avail them since they persisted in denying God’s revelations. They were overwhelmed by the very thing which they had mocked.
We have also destroyed other communities that once lived around you, and We gave Our message in various ways so that they might return to the right way.
Why did those whom they had set up as deities beside God, hoping that they would bring them nearer to Him, give them no help? Indeed, they utterly failed them. Such were their lies and such their false inventions.
We sent to you a group of jinn to listen to the Qur’an. When they heard it, they said to one another, ‘Listen in silence!’ When the recitation ended, they returned to their people to warn them.
‘Our people’, they said, ‘we have been listening to revelation bestowed from on high after Moses, confirming what came before it. It guides to the truth and to a straight path.
‘Our people! Respond to God’s call and have faith in Him. He will forgive you your sins and deliver you from grievous suffering.
He who does not respond to God’s call cannot elude Him on earth, nor will they have any protector against Him. They are indeed in manifest error’.
Are they not aware that God, who has created the heavens and the earth and was not wearied by their creation, has the power to bring the dead back to life? Yes, indeed. He has power over all things.
On the Day when the unbelievers will be brought before the Fire, [they will be asked]: ‘Is this not the truth?’ They will answer: ‘Yes, by our Lord’. He will say: ‘Taste, then, this suffering, for you were unbelievers’.
Remain, then, patient in adversity, just as all messengers endowed with firm resolve bore themselves with patience. Do not seek to hasten their punishment. On the Day when they see what they were promised, it will seem to them as though they had dwelt [on earth] no more than an hour in a single day. This has been made clear. Will, then, any be destroyed except the evildoers?