surah.translation .

Was there not a period of time when man was not yet something to be thought of?
We have created man from a drop of mingled fluid, so that We might try him. Therefore, we have endowed him with hearing and sight.
We have shown him the way, [giving him the choice] to be thankful or ungrateful.
For the unbelievers, we have prepared chains and shackles, and a blazing fire.
The righteous shall drink from a cup mixed with kafur,
a fountain where God’s servants shall drink, making it flow in abundance.
They are the ones who fulfil their vows and stand in awe of a day of woes that fly far and wide,
Who give food – though they need it themselves – to the needy, the orphan and the captive,
[saying within themselves,] ‘We feed you for the sake of God alone. We desire neither recompense from you, nor thanks.
We fear the Day of our Lord: a bleak, distressful day.’
God will save them from the woes of that day, and will grant them radiance and joy,
and will reward them for their patience in adversity with a garden and [garments of] silk.
They will recline there on soft couches, feeling neither burning sun nor severe cold.
Its shades will come low over them, and its clusters of fruit will hang low, within easy reach.
They will be served with silver plates and goblets that seem to be crystal,
crystal-clear, but made of silver, the measure of which they are the ones to determine.
They will be given to drink of a cup flavoured with ginger,
from a spring there called Salsabil.
They will be waited upon by immortal youths. If you see them, you would think they were scattered pearls.
If you were to look around, you would see only bliss and a vast kingdom.
They shall be arrayed in garments of fine green silk and brocade; and adorned with bracelets of silver. And their Lord will give them a most pure drink.
This is a reward for you. Your endeavours are well appreciated.
It is We who have bestowed the Qur’an upon you by gradual revelation.
Await, then, your Lord’s judgement in all patience, and pay no heed to any of these sinners and unbelievers.
Remember your Lord’s name morning and evening.
At night prostrate yourself before Him, and extol His limitless glory throughout the long night.
These people love the fleeting life, and leave behind them a day that will be heavy.
It is We who have created them and strengthened their constitution. If it be Our will, We can replace them entirely with others of their kind.
This is but a reminder. Let him who will, take the way to his Lord.
Yet you cannot will except by the will of God. God is indeed all-knowing, wise.
He admits to His grace whoever He will, but for the wrongdoers He has prepared painful suffering.