ترجمة معاني سورة المائدة
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation
O you who have believed, fulfil your contracts. The brute of cattle (Ancam = cattle, camels, sheep and goats) has been made lawful to you, except whatever is (now) recited to you without violating the prohibition against (game) hunting (Literally: making hunting lawful) when you are in pilgrim sanctity (i.e. whether in the Inviolable precincts or in the special garment). Surely Allah judges (according to) whatever He wills.
O you who have believed, do not violate the way marks of Allah, nor the Inviolable Month, nor the offering, nor the garlands, nor the ones repairing to the Inviolable Home seeking from their Lord Grace and all-blessed Satisfaction; and when you are not on pilgrimage, (Literally: when you have become legally permissible, i.e., no longer in the sanctified state of a pilgrim) then (go game) hunting. And do not let antagonism of a people who barred you from the Inviolable Mosque provoke you to transgress. And help one another to benignancy and piety, and do not help one another to vice and hostility, and be pious to Allah; surely Allah is strict in punishment.
Prohibited to you are carrion, (i.e. dead meat) and blood, and the flesh of swine, and what has been acclaimed to other than Allah, and the strangled, and the beaten (to death), and the toppled (to death), and the gored (to death), and that eaten by wild beasts of prey-excepting what you have immolated-and whatever has been slain on the altars (for the idols), and that you adjure division (i.e. by gambling with arrows or in any similar way) by divining: that is immorality. Today the ones who have disbelieved have despaired of your religion, so do not be apprehensive of them and be apprehensive of Me. Today I have completed your religion for you, and I have perfected My favor on you, and I am satisfied with Islam as a religion for you. And whoever is constrained in scantiness, (i.e., compelled by need) without unfairly (inclining) to vice, then surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
They ask you what is made lawful for them. Say, "The good things are made lawful to you, and (such) hunting creatures as you teach, (training them) as hounds, teaching them (part) of what Allah has taught you." So eat of whatever they hold back for you, and mention the Name of Allah over it. And be pious to Allah, surely Allah is swift at the reckoning.
Today the good things are made lawful for you, and the food of the ones to whom the Book was brought is lawful to you, and your food is made lawful to them. And (so) are believing women in wedlock, and in wedlock women of (the ones) to whom the Book was brought even before you when you have brought them their rewards in wedlock, other than in fornication, neither taking them to yourselves as mates (i.e., girl-friends). And whoever disbelieves in belief, (i.e., the religion) then his deed has been frustrated and in the Hereafter he is among the losers.
O you who have believed, when you rise up for prayer, then wash your faces, and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads, (Or: "part of" the head) and (wash) your legs to the ankles. And in case you are ritually unclean, (i.e., from the emission of semea or "for women" sexual discharge) then totally purify yourselves; and in case you are sick or on a journey, or (in case) any of you has come up from the privy, or you have had contact with women, yet you cannot find water, then have recourse to good (i.e. a mounting place, high and dry) soil (and) so wipe (most of) your faces and hands with (some) of it. In no way does Allah indeed will to make any restriction for you, but indeed He wills to purify you and perfect His favor on you, indeed, that possibly you would thank (Him).
And remember the favor of Allah upon you and His compact by which He has solemnly bound (Literally: compacted) you as you said, "We have heard and we obey." And be pious to Allah, surely Allah is Ever-Knowing of the inmost thoughts in the breasts (Literally: what the breasts own).
O you who have believed, be constantly upright for Allah, witnesses with equity, and let not antagonism of a people provoke you to not do justice. Do justice; that (Literally: it) is nearer to piety. And be pious to Allah, surely Allah is Ever-Cognizant of whatever you do.
Allah has promised the ones who have believed and done deeds of righteousness (that) they will have forgiveness and a magnificent reward.
And the ones who have disbelieved and cried lies to Our signs, those will be the companions (i.e. the inhabitants) of Hell-Fire.
O you who have believed, remember the favor of Allah upon you as a (certain) people designed to stretch against you their hands, so He restrained their hands from you. And be pious to Allah, and in Allah let the believers then put their trust.
And indeed Allah already took compact with the Seeds (Or: sons) of , Israel) and We sent forth among them twelve chieftains. And Allah said, "Surely I am with you, indeed in case you keep up the prayer, and bring the Zakat, (i.e., pay the poor-dues) and believe in My Messengers, and rally to them in assistance, and lend to Allah a fair loan, indeed I will definitely expiate for you your odious deeds, and indeed I will definitely cause you to enter Gardens from beneath which Rivers run. So whoever of you disbelieves after that, then he has already erred away from the level way.
So, for their breaking their compact, We cursed them and We made their hearts hard. They pervert the Wordings from their contexts, (i.e. original meanings) and they have forgotten a portion of what they were reminded. And you will not cease viewing some treacherous (act) on their part, except a few of them. Yet be clement towards them and pardon; surely Allah loves the fair-doers.
And from (the ones) who say, "Surely we are Nasara, " (i.e. Christians) We took their compact, yet they have forgotten a portion of what they were reminded of, so We induced among them enmity and abhorrence till the Day of the Resurrection. And Allah will eventually fully inform them of (the things) they used to do.
O you Population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) our Messenger has already come up to you; he makes evident to you many things you have been concealing of the Book, and he is clement about many things. A light has already come up to you from Allah, and an evident Book.
Whereby Allah guides whomever closely follows His all-blessed Satisfaction in the ways of peace; and He brings them out of the darkness (es) into the light by His permission, and He guides them to a straight Path.
They indeed have already disbelieved who say, "Surely Allah, He is the Masih, son of Maryam." (The Missiah son of Mary) Say, "Who then (can) avail (Literally: possess) anything against Allah in case He wills to cause the Masih son of Maryam to perish, and his mother, and whoever is in the earth altogether? And to Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them. He creates whatever He decides. And Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything.
And the Jews and Nasara (The Christians) have said, "We are the sons of Allah and His beloved ones." Say, "Why then does He torment you for your guilty deeds?" No indeed, you are mortals, (Human beings) (like) all the (beings) He has created; He forgives whomever He decides, and He torments whomever He decides. And to Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the Destiny.
O Population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) Our Messenger has already come to you making (things) evident to you, upon an interval between the Messengers, that you should not say, "In no way has there come to us any bearer of good tidings, nor a warner." Yet (now) there has already come to you a bearer of good tidings and a warner; and Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything.
And as Musa (Moses) said to his people, "O my people, remember the favor of Allah upon you, as He made among you Prophesiers, (i.e., prophets) and made you kings, and brought you what He had not brought anyone of the worlds.
O my people, enter the Holy Land (Literally: the hallowed land) which Allah has prescribed for you and do not turn back in your traces, (Literally: on your hind parts) (and) so you turn over as losers."
They said, "O Musa, surely there are people in it (who are) giants, and surely we will never enter it until they go out of it. So, in case they go out of it, then surely we will be entering."
Said two men of the ones that feared Allah) (and) whom Allah had favored, "Enter in upon them (by) the gate. So, when you enter it, then surely you will be overcoming them. And so put all your trust in Allah in case you are believers."
They said, "O Musa (Moses), surely we will never enter it at all so long as they are in it. So go forth, you and your Lord, and then you (two) fight (them). Surely we will be sitting here now!"
He said, "Lord! Surely I possess (no authority) on anyone except myself and my brother. So distinguish between us (Literally: part between us and "between") and the immoral people.
Said He, "Then surely it will be prohibited for them for forty years (while) they go astray in the earth. So do not feel sad about the immoral people."
And recite to them the tiding of the two sons of Adam with the truth as they offered a sacrifice, (Literally: sacrificed an all-sanctified sacrifice) (and) it was (graciously) accepted of one of them and not (graciously) accepted of the other. One (of them) said, "Indeed, I will definitely kill you." (The other) said, "Surely Allah (graciously) accepts only of the pious.
Indeed, in case you stretch out your hand against me to kill me, in no way will I be stretching out my hand against you to kill you. Surely I fear Allah, The Lord of the worlds.
Surely I would (like) that you would incur (upon yourself) my vice and your vice, (and) so you become one of the companions (i.e. inhabitants) of the Fire, and that is the recompense of the unjust."
Then his self persuaded him to the killing of his brother, so he killed him, then he became among the losers.
Then Allah sent forth a raven (Or: crow) searching into the earth to show him how he should overlay the shameful parts (i.e. the vile body) of his brother. He said, "Oh woe to me! Am I unable to be like this raven, (and) so overlay the shameful parts of my brother?" So he became among the remorseful.
On that account We prescribed for the Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) that whoever kills a self-other than for (killing another) self or (Literally: nor) for corruption in the earth-then it will be as if he had killed mankind altogether; and whoever gives life to it, (i.e., a self) then it will be as if he had given life to mankind altogether. And indeed Our Messengers have already come to them with supreme evidences; thereafter surely many of them after that are indeed extravagant in the earth.
Surely the only recompense of (the ones) who war against Allah and His Messenger and (diligently) endeavor to do corruption in the earth, is that they should be (all) massacred or crucified, or that their hands and legs should be cut asunder alternately or that they should be exiled from the land. That is a disgrace for them in the present (life), (Literally: the lowly "life", i.e., the life of this world) and in the Hereafter they will have a tremendous torment.
Except for (the ones) who repent even before you are capable of (punishing) them. So know that Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
O you who have believed, be pious to Allah and seek (close) proximity to Him, and strive in His way, that possibly you would prosper.
Surely the ones who have disbelieved, (even) if they had whatever is in the earth altogether and the like of it, with it to ransom themselves from the torment of the Day of the Resurrection, in no way would it be (favorably) accepted of them, and they will have a painful torment.
They would like to go out of the Fire, and in no way will they be going out of it; and they will have a perpetual torment.
And the male thief and the female thief: then cut (off) the hands of both, as a recompense for what they (both) have earned, as a torture from Allah; and Allah is Ever-Mighty, Ever-Wise.
Yet whoever repents, even after his injustice, and acts righteously, then surely Allah relents towards (i.e. accepts his repentance) him; surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
Do you not know that to Allah belongs the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth? He torments whomever He decides and forgives whomever He decides; and Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything.
O you Messenger, do not let them grieve you that vie swiftly with one another in disbelief, of the ones who say, "We believe, " with their mouths, and their hearts do not believe. And of the ones who have Judaized are constant listeners to lies, (and) constant listeners to other people, (who) have not come up to you, perverting the Wordings from their original meanings (Literally: even after their positions). They say, "In case you are brought this, then take it, and in case you are not brought it, then beware." And whomever Allah wills to (subject to) temptation, then you will never possess for him anything against Allah. Those are (they) whose hearts Allah is not willing to purify; for them is disgrace in the present (life), (Literally: lowly "life", i.e., the life of this world) and in the Hereafter they will have a tremendous torment.
Constant listeners to lies, constant eaters of illicit gain, so in case they come to you, then judge between them or veer away from them; and in case you veer away from them, then they will never harm you anything; and in case you judge, then judge with equity between them. Surely Allah loves the equitable.
And how do they make you their judge and the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses", of which the extant Torah is a corruption) is in their presence, wherein is the Judgment of Allah? Thereafter they turn away even after that. And in no way are those the (real) believers.
Surely We sent down the Tawrah, wherein there is a guidance and a light, thereby the Prophets who had become Muslims (Literally: who had surrendered themselves to Allah) gave judgment to the ones who Judaized, and (so) did the rabbis and the doctors (of the Law), according to whatever they were asked to preserve of the Book of Allah, and were witnesses to. So do not be apprehensive of mankind, and be apprehensive of Me, and do not trade My signs for a little price. And whoever does not judge according to what Allah has sent down, then those are they (who are) the disbelievers.
And therein We prescribed for them, "The self for the self, and the eye for the eye, and the nose for the nose, and the ear for the ear, and the tooth for the tooth, and for wounds retaliation. So, whoever donates it, (i.e., remits the penalty or the retaliation as alms "a free-will offering") then it is an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge according to what Allah has sent down, then those are they (who are) the unjust."
And We made to supervene on their tracks Isa son of Maryam, (Jesus son of Mary) sincerely verifying whatever of the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses", of which the extant Torah is a corruption) was before him, (Literally: between: between his two hands) and We brought him the Injil, (The Book revealed to Isa "Jesus", of which the extant Gospel is a corruption) wherein there is a guidance and a light, and sincerely verifying whatever of the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses", of which the extant Torah is a corruption ) was before him, (Literally: between: between his two hands) and a guidance and an admonition to the pious.
And let the Population (Or: the Family) of the Injil (The Book revealed to Isa "Jesus", of which the extant Gospel is a corruption) judge according to what Allah has sent down therein. And whoever does not judge according to what Allah has sent down, then those are they (who are) the immoral.
And We have sent down to you the Book with the Truth, sincerely verifying whatever of the Book that was before it, (Literally: between its two hands) and Supremely Hegemonic over it. So judge between them according to what Allah has sent down, and do not ever follow their prejudices away from the Truth that has come to you. To every one of you We have made a legislation and a program. And if Allah had so decided, He would indeed have made you one nation; but (He did not) that He may try you in what He has brought you. So race with each other in the charitable (deeds); to Allah will be your return, altogether; so He will fully inform you of that wherein you used to differ.
And (that) you should judge between them according to what Allah has sent down. And do not ever follow their prejudices, and beware of them (lest) they tempt you away from some (part) of what Allah has sent down to you. So, in case they turn away, then know that Allah wills only to afflict them for some of their guilty deeds; and surely many of mankind are indeed immoral.
Is it then the judgment of (pagan) ignorance that they inequitably seek? And who is fairer in judgment than Allah, for a people having certitude?
O you who have believed, do not take to yourselves the Jews and the Nasara (Christians) as patrons; some of them are patrons to some (others). And whoever of you patronizes them, then surely he is one of them. Surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
So you see the ones in whose hearts is sickness vie swiftly with one another among them. They say, "We are apprehensive lest a turn of (bad) fortune should afflict us." Yet it may be that Allah will come up with the conquest, or a Command from His Providence, so they will be remorseful for what they kept secret within themselves.
And the ones who have believed say, "Are these the ones who swore by Allah their most earnest oaths that surely they were indeed with you? Their deeds are frustrated, so they have become losers."
O you who have believed, whoever of you turns back from His Allah's) religion, then Allah will eventually come up with a people He loves and who love Him, humble towards the believers, mightily proud towards the disbelievers, striving in the way of Allah; and they do not fear the blame of (any) blamer. That is the Grace of Allah (that) He brings to whomever He decides; and Allah is Ever-Embracing, Ever-Knowing.
Surely your Ever-Patronizing Patron is only Allah; and His Messenger, and the ones who have believed-who keep up the prayer and bring the Zakat, (i.e., pay the poor-dues) and are bowing down (to Allah) - (are also your patrons).
And whoever makes Allah his Ever-Patronizing patron, and His Messenger and the ones who have believed (as patrons), (i.e., "those one the party of Allah) then surely the party of Allah are they who are the overcomers.
O you who have believed, do not take to yourselves the ones who take your religion in mockery and as a plaything- from among the ones who were brought the Book even before you and (from among) the steadfast disbelievers-as constant patrons; and be pious to Allah in case you are believers.
And when you call out to prayer, they take it to themselves in mockery and as a plaything; that is they are a people who do not consider.
Say, (i.e. the prophet) "O you Population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book; i.e., the Jews and Christians) do you take vengeance on us (for anything) except that we have believed in Allah, and what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down earlier, and that most of you are immoral?"
Say (i.e. the prophet) "Shall I (fully) inform you of a requiting in the Meeting with Allah eviler than that? Whomever Allah has cursed and with whom He is angry and made (some) of them apes and swine, and worshipers of the Taghut, (i.e. idols, and anything worshiped besides Allah) those are in eviler place and have erred further away from the level way."
And when they come to you, (i.e. the believers. The pronoun is plural) they say, "We believe." And they have already entered with disbelief, and they have already gone out with it; and Allah knows best whatever they used to keep back.
And you (i.e., The prophet. The pronoun is singular) see many of them vie swiftly in vice and hostility and in their eating (up) of illicit gains; miserable indeed is whatever they used to do!
If (only) the rabbis and the doctors (of the Law) had been forbidding them speaking vice and the eating (up) of illicit gains! Miserable indeed is whatever they used to work out!
And the Jews have said, "The Hand of Allah is shackled." Shackled are their hands, and they are cursed for what they have said. No indeed (but) both His Hands are out spread, He expends how He decides. And indeed what has been sent down to you from your Lord will definitely increase many of them in all-in ordinance and disbelief; and We have cast among them enmity and abhorrence till the Day of the Resurrection. Whenever they kindle fire for war, Allah will extinguish it. And they endeavor (diligently) in the earth doing corruption; and Allah does not like the corruptors.
And if the Population of the Book (O: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) had believed and been pious, We would indeed have expiated for them their odious deeds and would indeed have caused them to enter the Gardens of Bliss.
And if they had kept up the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses") and the Injil (The Book revealed to Isa "Jesus") and what was sent down to them from their Lord, they would indeed have eaten from above them and from beneath their legs (i.e., beneath their feet). Among them is a moderate nation, and many of them-odious is whatever they do.
O you Messenger, proclaim whatever has been sent down to you from your Lord; and in case you do not perform (that), then in no way have you proclaimed His Message; and Allah safeguards you from mankind. Surely Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.
Say, "O Population of the Book, you are up to nothing until you keep up the Tawrah and the Injil and whatever has been sent to you from your Lord." And indeed what has been sent down to you (The prophet Muhammad) from your Lord will definitely increase many of them in ordinance and disbelief, so do not feel sad for the disbelieving people.
Surely the ones who have believed and the ones who have Judaized, and the SabîÉûn, (Sabaeans) and the Nasara, (The Christians) whoever has believed in Allah and the Last Day and done righteousness, then no fear will be on them, nor will they grieve.
Indeed We already took compact with the Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) and We sent Messengers to them. Whenever a Messenger came to them with what their selves do not yearn to, a group they cried lies to, and a group they killed.
And they reckoned that there would be no temptation, so they were willfully blind, and they were willfully deaf, (yet) thereafter Allah relented on them; (then) thereafter they were willfully blind and they were willfully deaf, many of them; and Allah is Ever-Beholding whatever they do.
Indeed they have already disbelieved, the ones who have said, "Surely Allah, He is the Masih son of Maryam." (The Missiah) And the Masih said, "O Seeds of worship Allah, my Lord, and your Lord; surely whoever associates with Allah (anything), Allah has already prohibited him (entrance to) the Garden, and his abode will be the Fire; and in no way will the unjust have any vindicators."
Indeed they have already disbelieved, the ones who have said, "Surely Allah is the third of three." And in no way is there any god except One God. And in case they do not refrain from what they say, indeed there will definitely touch the ones of them that have disbelieved a painful torment.
Will they not then repent to Allah and ask His forgiveness? And Allah is Ever Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
In no way is the Masih son Maryam (The Messiah son of Mary) (anything) except a Messenger. The Messengers before him already passed away, and his mother was constantly sincere; they both used to eat food. Look how evident We make the signs to them; (then) thereafter look (again) however they are diverged (into falsehood).
Say, "Do you worship, apart from Allah, that which possesses for you neither harm nor profit, and Allah, Ever He, is The Ever-Hearing, The Ever-Knowing?"
Say, "O Population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) do not go beyond the bounds in your religion, (following) other than the truth, and do not (ever) follow the prejudices of a people who have already erred earlier and led many into error, and erred away from the level way."
Cursed were the ones who disbelieved of the Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) by the tongue of Dawud (David) and Isa the son of Maryam; (Jesus son of Mary) that is for that they disobeyed and they were transgressing.
They used not to forbid one another any malfeasance that they performed. Miserable indeed was whatever they were performing!
You see many of them patronizing the ones who have disbelieved. So miserable indeed is whatever their selves have forwarded for them, that Allah has been wrathful against them, and in the torment they are eternally (abiding).
And if they had believed in Allah and the Prophet and what has been sent down to him, in no way would they have taken them to themselves as patrons; but many of them are immoral.
Indeed you will definitely find the most serious of mankind in enmity to (the ones) who have believed are the Jews and the ones who have associated; (i.e., associated others with Allah) and indeed you will definitely find the nearest of them in affection to the ones who have believed are the ones who say, "Surely we are Nasara." (Christians) That is for that among them are priests and monks, and they do not wax proud.
And when they hear what has been sent down to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflow with tears for what they recognize of the Truth. They say, "Our Lord, we believe; so write us down among the witnesses.
And what is it with us that we do not believe in Allah and what has come to us of the Truth! And we long for our Lord to cause us to enter with the righteous people."
So, Allah has requited them for what they say, Gardens from beneath which Rivers run, eternally (abiding) therein, and that is the recompense of the fair-doers.
And the ones who have disbelieved and cried lies to Our signs, those are the companions (i.e., inhabitants) of the Hell-Fire.
O you who have believed, do not prohibit whatever good things Allah has made lawful for you, and do not transgress. Surely Allah does not love the transgressors.
And eat of whatever Allah has provided you, lawful and good, and be pious to Allah, in Whom you are believers.
Allah does not take you to task for an idleness in your oaths, but He takes you to task for whatever contracts you have made by oaths. So the expiation thereof is the feeding of ten indigent persons with the average of that wherewith you feed your own families; or their raiment; or the freeing of a neck. (i.e., a slave) Yet, for him who does not find the (means), then (the expiation is) the fasting for three days. That is the expiation of your oaths when you have sworn; and keep your oaths. Thus Allah makes evident to you His signs, that possibly you would thank (Him).
O you who have believed, surely wine and games of chance, and altars (for idols) and divining (i.e., divination by arrows or in any other way) are only an abomination of Ash-Shaytan's (The all-vicious, the Devil) doing, so avoid it, that possibly you would prosper.
Surely Ash- Shaytan's (The all-vicious, the Devil) would only (like) to excite enmity and abhorrence among you by means of wine and games of chance, (Literally: in wine and games of chance) and to bar you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer. Will you then be refraining?
And obey Allah and obey the Messenger, and beware; so, in case you turn away, then know that surely it is only for Our Messenger (to go on) with the evident proclamation.
It is not a fault in the ones who have believed and done deeds of righteousness whatever they may (have fed) on (in the past) when they are (now) pious, and believe, and do deeds of righteousness, thereafter are pious, and believe, thereafter are pious, and do fair deeds; and Allah loves the fair-doers.
O you who have believed, indeed Allah will definitely try you with something of the game that your hands and lances attain, that Allah may know who fears Him in the Unseen; so whoever transgresses after that, then he will have a painful torment.
O you who have believed, do not kill the game (while) you are in pilgrim sanctity; (i.e., in the sacred precints or in the sanctified) and whoever of you kills it premeditatedly, then the recompense is the like of what he has killed, in (grazing) livestock as shall be judged by two men of justice (Literally: possessing "a sense of" justice) among you, an offering to reach the Kacbah, or expiation food for indigent persons, or the just equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the pernicious result of His Command. (i.e. the Command of Allah) Allah has been clement towards what is bygone; and whoever goes back (to offense), then Allah will take vengeance on him; and Allah is Ever-Mighty, Owner of vengeance.
The game of the sea and the food of it are made lawful for you, as (a necessary) enjoyment for you and the travellers; and prohibited to you is the game of the land, so long as you are in pilgrim sanctity; (i.e., in the sacred precincts or in the sanctified state of a pilgrim) and be pious to Allah, to Whom you will be mustered.
Allah has made the Kacbah, the Inviolable Home, an upright (in-gathering) for mankind, and (likewise He has made) the in- violable month, and the offering, and the garlands. That (is so) that you may know that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and that Allah is Ever-Knowing of everything.
Know that Allah is strict in punishment, and that Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
In no way is there any (duty) for the Messenger except the proclamation (of the Message); and Allah knows whatever you display and whatever you keep back.
Say, "The wicked and the good are not equal, even if you may admire the multiplicity of the wicked." So be you (all) pious to Allah, you who are endowed with intellects, that possibly you would prosper.
O you who have believed, do not ask about things which, in case they were displayed to you, would vex you, and in case you ask about them while the Qur'an is being sent down, they will be displayed to you. Allah has been clement towards them, (i.e., those things) and Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Forbearing.
A people even before you already asked about them; thereafter they became disbelievers in them.
In no way has Allah appointed (anything) as a Bahîrah or a SaÉibah, or a Wasilah or a Ham; (3) but the ones who have disbelieved fabricate against Allah lies, and most of them do not consider.
And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has sent down and to the Messenger, " they say, "Enough (Literally: enough reckoning) for us is what we found our fathers (doing)." And even if their fathers did not know anything and were not guided?
O you who have believed, (look) after your (own) selves (Literally: upon you are yourselves). He who errs (does not) harm you when you are (rightly) guided. To Allah will be your return, altogether, so He will fully inform you of whatever you were doing.
O you who have believed, the testimony between you, when death is present to any of you while bequeathing, shall be two (men) with (i.e. owning) a sense of justice or two others from other (folk), in case you are striking in the earth (i.e., traveling) so the affliction of death afflicts you. You shall detain them (both) after the prayer (s), then they shall swear by Allah, in case you are suspicious, "We will not trade it for a price, even if it were a near kinsman, nor will we keep back the testimony of Allah, (for) lo, surely in that case we are indeed of the vicious (people)."
Yet, in case it be discovered that both of them have truly merited (the accusation of) vice, then two others shall rise up in place (Literally: in both their stations) of the ones nearest of the most concerned, (Literally: truly merit the right to witness, or near kinship, or who claim a lawful right) then they both shall swear by Allah, "Indeed our testimony is truer than their testimony, and in no way have we transgressed, (for), surely in that case we are indeed of the unjust (people)."
So, it is likelier that they will bear testimony in proper form (Literally: come up with the testimony at its "proper" face) or fear that after their (other) oaths may be turned back to. And be pious to Allah and give ear (obediently); and Allah does not guide the immoral people.
The Day when Allah will gather the Messengers, so He will say, "What answer were you given?" They will say, "We have no knowledge; surely You, Ever You, are The Superb Knower of the (Things) Unseen."
As Allah said, "O Isa son of Maryam, (Jesus son of Mary) remember My favor upon you, and upon your (female) parent as I aided you with the Spirit of Holiness, Also called the Holy Spirit, i.e., the Angel Jibril) (so that) you speak to mankind in the cradle and in maturity; and as I taught you the Book, and (the) Wisdom and the Tawrah, (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses") and the Injil; (The Book revealed to Isa "Jesus") and as you create out of clay as the semblance of a bird, by My permission, so you blow into it, then it is a bird, by My permission; and you heal him who was born blind and the leper by My permission; and as you bring the dead out, by My permission; and as I restrained the Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) from you as you came to them with the supreme evidences; then the ones who disbelieved among them said, "Decidedly this is nothing except evident sorcery."
And as I revealed to the Disciples (The followers of Isa "Jesus", also called the Apostles) (saying), "Believe in Me and in My Messenger." They said, "We believe, and bear you witness that surely we (ourselves) are Muslims." (Literally: we have surrendered to Him).
As the Disciples (The followers of Isa "Jesus", also called the Apostles) said, "O Isa son of Maryam, (Jesus son of Mary) is your Lord able to send down (The Arabic verb implies sending down more than once or in large quantities) upon us a Table from the heaven?" he said, "Be pious to Allah, in case you are believers."
They said, "We would (like) to eat of it and our hearts be composed; and that we may know that you have already (spoken) to us sincerely and that thereof we may be among the witnesses."
Isa son of Maryam said, "O Allah, our Lord, send down upon us a Table from the heaven that will be (for) us a festival, for the first of us and the last (of us), and a sign from You. And provide for us; and You are The Most Charitable of providers."
Allah said, "Surely I am sending it down upon you; so, whoever of you hereafter disbelieves, then surely I will torment him with a torment wherewith I do not torment anyone of the worlds."
And as Allah said, "O Isa son of Maryam, (Jesus son of Mary) did you say to mankind, "cTake me and my mother to your selves as two gods, apart from Allah '?" He said, All Extolment be to You! In no way is it for me to say what I have no right to. In case I ever said it. then You already know it. You know whatever is within my self, and I do not know what is within Your Self; surely You, Ever You, are The Superb Knower of the Things Unseen.
In no way did I say to them (anything) except whatever You commanded me (saying), "Worship Allah, my Lord, and your Lord." And I was a witness over them, as long as I was among them; then as soon as You took me up, You, Ever You, have been The Watcher over them, and You are Ever-Witnessing over everything.
In case You torment them, then surely they are Your bondmen; and in case You forgive them, then surely You, Ever You, are The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Wise."
Allah said, "This is the Day the sincere ones will profit by their sincerity (Literally: their sincerity will benefit the sincere "ones"). For them are Gardens from beneath which Rivers run, eternally (abiding) therein forever. Allah is satisfied with them, and they are satisfied with Him. That is the magnificent triumph."
To Allah (belongs) the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth and whatever is in them; and He is Ever-Determiner over everything.