ترجمة معاني سورة السجدة
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي
Alif. Lām. Mīm.
The revelation of this Book comes, beyond any doubt, from the Lord of all the worlds.
Do they say: ‘He has invented it?’ It is indeed the truth from your Lord, so that you may warn a community to whom no warner has come before you, and that they may be guided.
God it is who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in six days, and established Himself on the Throne. You have none to protect you from God, and none to intercede with Him for you. Will you not, then, reflect?
He regulates and governs all that exists, from the celestial space to the earth; and in the end all shall ascend to Him [for judgement] on a day the length of which is one thousand years by your reckoning.
Such is He who knows all that is beyond the reach of human perception, and all that can be witnessed, the Almighty, the Ever-Merciful,
who makes most excellent everything that He creates. He begins the creation of man out of clay;
then He causes his progeny to be begotten out of the essence of a humble fluid;
then He fashions him and breathes into him of His spirit. Thus He endows you, mankind, with hearing and sight and hearts. Yet seldom are you grateful!
They say: ‘What! After we have vanished into the earth, shall we be [restored to life] in a new act of creation?’ Nay, they indeed deny that they will be meeting their Lord.
Say: ‘The angel of death who has been given charge of you will gather you, and then to your Lord you will be brought back’.
If you could but see when those wrongdoers will hang down their heads before their Lord and say: ‘Our Lord! We have now seen and we have heard. Return us [to our earthly life] and we will do good deeds. We are now firm believers’.
Had We so willed, We could indeed have imposed Our guidance on every human being. Instead, My word shall be fulfilled: ‘Most certainly will I fill hell with jinn and humans all together’.
‘Taste this, for you [deliberately] forgot you would ever meet this day. We, too, will forget you; and taste this abiding suffering for all the evil you did’.
Only they believe in Our revelations who, whenever they are reminded of them, fall down prostrating themselves in adoration, and extol their Lord’s limitless glory and praise; and who are never arrogant;
who drag themselves out of their beds at night to pray to their Lord in fear and hope; and who are charitable with what We provide for them.
No one can imagine what blissful delights have been kept in store for them as a reward for what they used to do.
Is, then, the one who is a believer to be compared to one who is wicked? The two are certainly not equal.
Those who believe and do righteous deeds will have the gardens of repose for an abode in recompense for what they used to do;
whereas the wicked have the Fire as their abode: whenever they try to come out of it, they will be thrown back in it, and they will be told, ‘Taste this suffering through fire which you always thought to be a lie’.
We will certainly let them taste a suffering closer at hand before they experience the greater suffering so that they might return [to the right faith].
Who does a greater wrong than one who is reminded [of the truth] by his Lord’s revelations but he, nevertheless, turns away from them? We shall certainly inflict Our retribution on the ones who are guilty.
We certainly gave the Book to Moses, so be not in doubt about convergence with it. We made of it guidance for the Children of Israel,
and We raised among them leaders who, so long as they remained steadfast and had sure faith in Our revelations, spread guidance in accordance with Our command.
Your Lord is certainly the One who will decide between people on the Day of Resurrection with regard to all that on which they differ.
Do they not reflect on how many a generation We have destroyed before their time, in whose dwelling places they now walk about? In this there are signs indeed: will they not listen?
Are they not aware that it is We who drive water to dry land devoid of herbage, and with it We bring forth crops of which their cattle and they themselves eat? Can they not see?
They say: ‘When will this judgement be, if you are telling the truth?’
Say: ‘On the Day when judgement is made no benefit will it be to unbelievers if they then believe; nor will they be granted respite’.
Therefore, leave them alone, and wait. They are certainly waiting.