ترجمة معاني سورة الماعون باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب الترجمة الإنجليزية للمختصر في تفسير القرآن الكريم .

1. Do you recognise the one who rejects the requital on the Day of Judgement?
2. It is the one who harshly turns away the orphan when in need.
3. He does not encourage himself nor others in feeding the poor.
4. So destruction and punishment be upon those who perform prayer.
5. Those who are heedless of their prayer; they do not care about it such that its time expires.
6. Those who show off by their prayer and good deeds, not being sincere in doing deeds for Allah.
7. And they refrain from helping others with things in which there is no difficulty helping in.