surah.translation .


(67:1) Blessed is He1 in Whose Hand is the dominion of the Universe,2
and Who has power over everything;3

(67:2) Who created death and life that He might try you as to which of you
is better in deed.4 He is the Most Mighty, the Most Forgiving;5

(67:3) Who created the seven heavens one upon another.6 You will
see no incongruity in the Merciful One's creation.7 Turn your vision
again, can you see any flaw?8

(67:4) Then turn your vision again, and then again; in the end your vision
will come back to you, worn out and frustrated.

(67:5) We have adorned the lower heaven9 with lamps,0
and have made them a means to drive away the satans.1 We have prepared
for them the chastisement of the Blazing Fire.

(67:6) The chastisement of Hell awaits those who disbelieve in their Lord.2
What a wretched destination!

(67:7) When they will be cast into it, they will hear it roar as it boils,3

(67:8) as though it will burst with rage. Every time a multitude is cast
into it, its keepers will ask them: “Did no warner come to you?”4

(67:9) They will say: “Yes, a warner came to us, but we gave the lie to him
and said: 'Allah has revealed nothing. You are surely in huge error.'5

(67:10) They will say: 'If we had only listened and understood,6
we would not be among the inmates of the Blazing Fire.'”

(67:11) Thus will they confess their sins.7 Damned are these
inmates of the Blazing Fire.

(67:12) Surely forgiveness and a mighty reward9 await those who
fear Allah without seeing Him.8

(67:13) Whether you speak in secrecy or aloud, (it is all the same to Allah).
He even knows the secrets that lie hidden in the breasts of people.0

(67:14) Would He not know, He Who has created,1 when He is All-Subtle,2

(67:15) He it is Who made the earth subservient to you. So traverse in its
tracks and partake of the sustenance3 He has provided. To Him will
you be resurrected.4

(67:16) Do you feel secure that He Who is in the heaven5 will
not cause the earth to cave in with you, and then suddenly it will begin to
rock violently?

(67:17) Do you feel secure that He Who is in the heaven will not let loose
upon you a storm of stones?6 Then shall you know what My warning
is like!7

(67:18) Those who came before them also gave the lie (to the Messengers):
then how awesome was My chastisement!8

(67:19) Have they not seen birds above them spreading and closing their wings,
with none holding them except the Merciful One?9 He oversees everything.0

(67:20) Which is your army that will come to your aid against the Merciful
Lord?1 But the unbelievers are in utter delusion.

(67:21) Who shall provide for you if He withholds His sustenance? Nay; but
they persist in rebellion and aversion.

(67:22) Who is better guided: he who walks grovelling on his face,2
or he who walks upright on a Straight Path?

(67:23) Say: “He it is Who has brought you into being, and has given you
hearing and sight, and has given you hearts to think and understand. How seldom
do you give thanks!”3

(67:24) Say: “Allah it is Who multiplied you in the earth and to Him you
will be mustered.”4

(67:25) They say: “If you are truthful, tell us when will this promise (of
the Hereafter) be fulfilled?”5

(67:26) Say: “Allah alone knows about that; and I am no more than a plain

(67:27) When they will see it near at hand, the faces of all those who had
denied it will be distraught,7 and then they will be told: “This
is the doom which you used to ask for.”

(67:28) Say to them: “Did you ever consider: whether Allah destroys me and
those that are with me, or shows mercy to us, who can protect the unbelievers
from a grievous chastisement?”8

(67:29) Say to them: “He is Merciful, and it is in Him that we believe, and
it is in Him that we put all our trust.9 Soon will you know who
is in manifest error.”

(67:30) Say to them: “Did you even consider: if all the water that you have
(in the wells) were to sink down into the depths of the earth, who will produce
for you clear, flowing water?”0