surah.translation .


He (The prophet) frowned and turned away,

That the blind man came to him.

And what makes you (The prophet) realize whether he (The blind man (Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum) would possibly (try) to cleanse himself.

Or that he would constantly remember, and the Reminding would profit him?

(But) as for him who thinks himself self- sufficient,

To him then you (are eager) to attend,

And in no way is it up to you (if) he should not (try to) cleanse himself.

And as for him who has come to you endeavoring (to cleanse himself),

And he is apprehensive (of his Lord),

Then of him you were being unmindful.

Not at all! Surely it is a Reminder.

So, whoever decides will remember it.

(It is) in Scrolls high-honored,

Upraised, purified.

By the hands of (serene) Scribes,

Honorable, benign.

Slain be man! How disbelieving he is!

Of whichever thing did He create him?

Of a sperm drop He created him; so He determined him.

Thereafter the way He eased for him,

Thereafter He makes him to die, so He entombs him,

Thereafter when He (so) decides, He makes him rise again.

Not at all! (Man) has not as yet performed what He has commanded him!

So, let (man) look into his food;

(For) that We poured water in abundance, (Literally: with abundant pouring)

Thereafter We clove the earth in fissures, (Literally: in cloven "fissures").

So, therein We caused (the) grain to grow,

And vines, and clover, (Or: reeds).

And olives and palm trees,

And enclosed orchards with dense trees,

And fruits, and grass, (Or: fodder)

An enjoyment for you and your cattle (ÉAncam includes cattle, camels, sheep and goats).

Then when the Blast comes,

On the Day when a person will flee from his brother,

And his mother, and his father,

And his female companion, and his seeds, (Or: sons).

Upon that Day every (single) person of them will have an affair that will preoccupy him.

(Some) faces upon that Day will be shining,

Laughing, (happy) at the glad tidings.

And (some) faces upon that Day will be (covered) by resentment,

Oppressed by gloom.

Those are they (who) are the persistent, impious disbelievers.