ترجمة معاني سورة عبس باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation .


(80:1) He frowned and turned away

(80:2) that the blind man came to him.1

(80:3) How could you know? Perhaps he would cleanse himself,

(80:4) or he might be mindful and good counsel might avail him.

(80:5) Now he who waxes indifferent,

(80:6) you attend to him,

(80:7) though you are not to blame if he would not cleanse himself.

(80:8) But he who comes to you running,

(80:9) and fears (Allah),

(80:10) you pay no heed to him.2

(80:11) No indeed;3 this is only a Reminder.4

(80:12) So whoso wills may give heed to it.

(80:13) It is contained in scrolls highly honoured,

(80:14) most exalted and purified,5

(80:15) borne by the hands of scribes,

(80:16) noble6 and purified.7

(80:17) Accursed8 be man!0 How stubbornly he denies
the Truth.

(80:18) Out of what did Allah create him?

(80:19) Out of a sperm-drop1 did He create him and then determined
a measure for him,2

(80:20) and then made the course of life easy for him,3

(80:21) then He caused him to die and brought him to the grave,4

(80:22) and then, whenever He wishes, He will raise him back to life.5

(80:23) Nay, but man did not fulfil what Allah had enjoined upon him.6

(80:24) So let man just consider his food:7

(80:25) We poured water, pouring it in great abundance,8

(80:26) and cleaved the earth, cleaving it asunder;9

(80:27) then caused the grain to grow out of it,

(80:28) together with grapes and vegetables,

(80:29) and olives and palms,

(80:30) and dense orchards,

(80:31) and fruits and pastures –

(80:32) all this as a provision for you and your cattle.0

(80:33) But when the deafening cry shall be sounded1

(80:34) on the Day when each man shall flee from his brother,

(80:35) and his mother and his father;

(80:36) and his consort and his children;2

(80:37) on that Day each will be occupied with his own business, making him
oblivious of all save himself.3

(80:38) Some faces on that Day shall be beaming with happiness,

(80:39) and be cheerful and joyous.

(80:40) Some faces on that Day shall be dust-ridden,

(80:41) enveloped by darkness.

(80:42) These will be the unbelievers, the wicked.