surah.translation .

In the Name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever-Merciful. He frowned and turned away
when the blind man came to him.
How could you tell? He might have sought to purify himself.
He might have been reminded and the reminder might have profited him.
But to the one who considered himself self-sufficient
you were all attention.
Yet the fault would not be yours if he remained uncleansed.
As to him who comes to you with zeal,
and with a feeling of fear in his heart,
him you ignore.
No indeed! This is an admonition.
Let him who will, bear it in mind.
It is written on honoured pages,
exalted, purified,
by the hands of noble and devout scribes. (15-16) Perish man! How ungrateful he is!
Of what did God create him?
Of a drop of sperm. He created him and proportioned him.
He makes his path smooth for him.
He then causes him to die and to be put in his grave.
He will surely bring him back to life when He pleases.
But by no means has man fulfilled His bidding.
Let man reflect on the food he eats:
how We pour down the rain in torrents,
then cleave the earth in fissures;
how We bring forth the grains,
the grapes, and the fresh vegetation,
the olive and the palm,
the dense-treed gardens,
the fruit-trees and the green pastures,
for you and your cattle to delight in.
But when the stunning blast is sounded,
on that Day everyone will forsake his brother,
his mother and his father,
his wife and his children:
for each one of them will on that Day have enough preoccupations of his own.
Some faces on that Day shall be beaming,
smiling and joyful.
Some other faces on that Day shall be covered with dust,
veiled with darkness.
These shall be the faces of the unbelievers, the hardened in sin.