ترجمة معاني سورة التكوير
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب الترجمة الإنجليزية - مركز رواد الترجمة
When the sun is wrapped up in darkness,
and when the stars are scattered,
and when the mountains are vanished,
and when pregnant camels are left unattended,
and when wild beasts are gathered,
and when the seas are set on fire,
and when the souls are sorted,
and when the baby girl buried alive is asked,
for what crime she was killed,
and when records of deeds are spread open,
and when the sky is stripped away,
and when the Blazing Fire is flared up,
and when Paradise is brought near –
then every soul will know what it has brought about.
I swear by the receding stars,
that rise and hide,
and by the night as it departs,
and by the day as it breaks –
Indeed, this [Qur’an] is a word conveyed by a noble angel-messenger.
extremely powerful, highly revered with the Lord of the Throne,
obeyed [by other angels] and moreover, trustworthy.
Your fellow [the Prophet] is not madman.
He indeed saw him [Gabriel] on the clear horizon.
He does not withhold [knowledge of] the unseen.
This [Qur’an] is not the word of an accursed devil.
So which way are you going?
It is but a reminder to the worlds,
for those among you who wish to take the straight path.
But you cannot wish except by the Will of Allah, the Lord of the worlds.