ترجمة سورة الليل

Dr. Ghali - English translation
ترجمة معاني سورة الليل باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation .


And (by) the night when it envelops,

And (by) the day when it manifests itself,

And (by) That (i.e., the present life) which created the male and the female,

Surely your endeavor is indeed to diverse (ends).

So, as for him who gives, and is pious,

And sincerely (believes) in the fairest (reward),

Then We will soon ease him to the Easiest.

And as for him who is miserly, and thinks himself self-sufficient,

And cries lies to the fairest (reward),

Then We will soon ease him to the (great) Difficulty.

And in no way will his wealth avail him when he topples (to death).

Surely upon Us (rests) indeed the guidance,

And surely to Us (belong) indeed the Hereafter and the First (i.e., the present life).

So I have warned you of a Fire that blazes fiercely,

Whereat none except the most wretched will be roasted-

(He) who cried lies and turned away-

And which the most pious will soon be made to avoid-

(He) who brings (forth) his wealth to cleanse himself.

And in no way has anyone in his presence any favor to be recompensed,

Except for seeking the Face of his Lord, The Most Exalted.

And indeed he will eventually be satisfied.