ترجمة سورة الطارق

Pickthall - English translation
ترجمة معاني سورة الطارق باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Pickthall - English translation .


By the heaven and the Morning Star

- Ah, what will tell thee what the Morning Star is!

- The piercing Star!

No human soul but hath a guardian over it.

So let man consider from what he is created.

He is created from a gushing fluid

That issued from between the loins and ribs.

Lo! He verily is Able to return him (unto life)

On the day when hidden thoughts shall be searched out.

Then will he have no might nor any helper.

By the heaven which giveth the returning rain,

And the earth which splitteth (with the growth of trees and plants)

Lo! this (Qur'an) is a conclusive word,

It is no pleasantry.

Lo! they plot a plot (against thee, O Muhammad)

And I plot a plot (against them).

So give a respite to the disbelievers. Deal thou gently with them for a while.