ترجمة سورة الجاثية

Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation
ترجمة معاني سورة الجاثية باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation .


(45:1) Ha'. Mim.

(45:2) This Book is a revelation from the Most Mighty, the Most Wise.1

(45:3) Behold, for those who believe2 there are (myriad) Signs
in the heavens and the earth

(45:4) and in your own creation; and in the animals which He spreads out
over the earth too there are Signs for those endowed with sure faith;3

(45:5) and in the succession of night and day,4 and in the provision5
that Allah sends down from the sky wherewith He gives life to the earth after
it had been lifeless,6 and in the change of the winds:7
(in all these) there are Signs for people who use reason.

(45:6) These are Allah's Signs that We rehearse to you in Truth. In what
kind of discourse after Allah and His Signs will they, then, believe?8

(45:7) Woe to every guilty impostor

(45:8) who hears Allah's Signs being rehearsed to him, and yet persists in
his pride, as though he had not heard it.9 Announce to him, then,
the tidings of a grievous chastisement.

(45:9) Whenever he comes to know anything of Our Signs, he makes them an
object of jest.0 For such there awaits a humiliating chastisement.

(45:10) Hell is behind them.1 Their worldly earnings shall not
avail them, nor those whom they took as protectors instead of Allah.2
An awesome chastisement lies in store for them.

(45:11) This (Qur'an) is the true guidance. Those who deny the Signs of their
Lord shall suffer the torment of a woeful scourge.

(45:12) Allah it is Who has subjected the sea to you so that ships may sail
upon it at His bidding3 and you may seek of His Bounty4
and give thanks to Him.

(45:13) He has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and the earth,5
all being from Him.6 Verily there are Signs in this for those who

(45:14) (O Prophet), tell the believers to indulge those who have no fear
of any evil days coming upon them from Allah8 so that Allah may
Himself requite them for their deeds.9

(45:15) Whoever acts righteously, does so to his own good; and whoever commits
an evil will suffer its consequence. All of you will then be sent back to your

(45:16) Indeed We endowed the Children of Israel with the Book and Wisdom0
and Prophethood, and provided them with good things1 as sustenance,
and exalted them above the peoples of the whole world.

(45:17) We gave them clear directions in matters pertaining to religion.
Yet they differed among themselves (not out of ignorance but) after knowledge
had come to them; and they did so out of the desire to commit excesses against
one another.2 On the Day of Resurrection Allah will judge among
them regarding what they had differed.

(45:18) And then We set you, (O Prophet), on a clear high road in religious
matters.3 So follow that and do not follow the desires of those
who do not know.

(45:19) Surely they will be of no avail to you against Allah.4
Indeed the wrong-doers are friends of each other, whereas Allah is the friend
of the God-fearing.

(45:20) These are the lights of discernment for people and guidance and mercy
for those endowed with sure faith.5

(45:21) Do6 the evil-doers imagine that We shall make them equal
to those who believe and do good, making their lives and deaths alike? How vile
is their judgement!7

(45:22) Allah created the heavens and the earth in Truth8 that
each person may be requited for his deeds. They shall not be wronged.9

(45:23) Did you ever consider the case of him who took his desire as his
god,0 and then Allah caused him to go astray despite knowledge,1
and sealed his hearing and his heart, and cast a veil over his sight?2
Who, after Allah, can direct him to the Right Way? Will you not take heed?3

(45:24) They say: “There is no life other than our present worldly life:
herein we live and we die, and it is only (the passage of) time that destroys
us. Yet the fact is that they know nothing about this and are only conjecturing.4

(45:25) And when Our Clear Signs are rehearsed to them,5 their
only contention is: “Bring back to us our fathers if you are truthful.”6

(45:26) Tell them, (O Prophet): “It is Allah Who gives you life and then
causes you to die,7 and He it is Who will then bring all of you
together on the Day of Resurrection, a Day regarding which there can be no doubt.8
Yet most people do not know.9

(45:27) Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth,0
and on the Day when the Hour (of Resurrection) shall come to pass, the followers
of falsehood shall be in utter loss.

(45:28) On that Day you shall see every people fallen on their knees.1
Every people will be summoned to come forth and see its Record and will be told:
“Today you shall be requited for your deeds.

(45:29) This is Our Record which bears witness against you with truth; We
used to record all what you did.”2

(45:30) As for those who believe and act righteously, their Lord shall admit
them to His Mercy. That indeed is the manifest triumph.

(45:31) But those who denied the Truth, they shall be told: “Were My Signs
not rehearsed to you? But you waxed proud3 and became a guilty people.”

(45:32) And when it was said to them: “Surely Allah's promise is true, and
there is no doubt regarding the Hour of Resurrection,” you were wont to say:
“We do not know what the Hour (of Resurrection) is. We are simply making conjectures
and are not at all certain.”4

(45:33) (On that Day) the evil of their deeds will become apparent to them5
and what they had mocked at will encompass them,

(45:34) and it will be said: “We will forget you today as you forgot the
meeting of this Day of yours. The Fire shall now be your abode, and you shall
have none to come to your aid.

(45:35) You reached this end because you made Allah's Signs an object of
jest and the life of the world deluded you.” So they shall not be taken out
of the Fire nor shall they be asked to make amends (and thus please their Lord).6

(45:36) So all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the
earth, the Lord of the whole Universe.

(45:37) His is the glory in the heavens and the earth. He is the Most Mighty,
the Most Wise.