ترجمة معاني سورة الفتح
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation
(48:1) (O Prophet), surely We have granted you a clear victory1
(48:2) so that Allah may forgive you your shortcomings, whether earlier or
later,2 and may complete His favours upon you3 and guide
you to the Straight Way,4
later,2 and may complete His favours upon you3 and guide
you to the Straight Way,4
(48:3) and that Allah may bestow upon you a mighty help.5
(48:4) He it is Who bestowed inner peace on the hearts of the believers6
so that they may grow yet more firm in their faith.7 To Allah belong
the legions of the heavens and the earth; Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.8
so that they may grow yet more firm in their faith.7 To Allah belong
the legions of the heavens and the earth; Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.8
(48:5) (He did this) to admit the believers, both men and women,9
to Gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide, and to efface
their evil deeds from them.0 That, in Allah's sight, is the supreme
to Gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide, and to efface
their evil deeds from them.0 That, in Allah's sight, is the supreme
(48:6) (He also did this) to chastise the hypocrites, both men and women,
and those who associate others in His Divinity, both men and women, and who
harbour evil thoughts about Allah.1 They shall be afflicted with
misfortune,2 Allah is wroth with them. He has laid His curse upon
them and has prepared for them Hell. What an evil end!
and those who associate others in His Divinity, both men and women, and who
harbour evil thoughts about Allah.1 They shall be afflicted with
misfortune,2 Allah is wroth with them. He has laid His curse upon
them and has prepared for them Hell. What an evil end!
(48:7) To Allah belong the legions of the heavens and the earth. Allah is
Most Mighty, Most Wise.3
Most Mighty, Most Wise.3
(48:8) (O Prophet), We have sent you forth as a witness,4 as
a bearer of good news, and as a warner5
a bearer of good news, and as a warner5
(48:9) so that (all of) you may all believe in Allah and His Messenger, and
support him, and revere him, and celebrate Allah's glory, morning and evening.6
support him, and revere him, and celebrate Allah's glory, morning and evening.6
(48:10) Those who swore fealty to you, (O Prophet),7 in fact
swore fealty to Allah. The Hand of Allah is above their hands.8
So whoever breaks his covenant breaks it to his own hurt; and whoever fulfils
the covenant that he made with Allah,9 He will bestow on him a great
swore fealty to Allah. The Hand of Allah is above their hands.8
So whoever breaks his covenant breaks it to his own hurt; and whoever fulfils
the covenant that he made with Allah,9 He will bestow on him a great
(48:11) (O Prophet), the bedouins who were left behind say to you:0
“We were occupied with our goods and families. So ask forgiveness for us.” They
say with their tongues what is not in their hearts.1 Say to them:
“Who can be of any avail to you against Allah if He should intend to cause you
any harm or confer upon you any benefit?” Allah is well aware of all that you
“We were occupied with our goods and families. So ask forgiveness for us.” They
say with their tongues what is not in their hearts.1 Say to them:
“Who can be of any avail to you against Allah if He should intend to cause you
any harm or confer upon you any benefit?” Allah is well aware of all that you
(48:12) (But the truth is not what you say.) You had imagined that the Messenger
and the believers would never return to their families, and this notion was
embellished in your hearts.3 You harboured an evil thought, and
you are an immensely evil people.”4
and the believers would never return to their families, and this notion was
embellished in your hearts.3 You harboured an evil thought, and
you are an immensely evil people.”4
(48:13) As for those who do not believe in Allah and His Messenger, for such
unbelievers We have prepared a Blazing Fire.5
unbelievers We have prepared a Blazing Fire.5
(48:14) To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He forgives
whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases. He is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate.6
whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases. He is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate.6
(48:15) When you press forth for the spoils, those who were left behind will
say: “Let us accompany you.”7 They want to change the command of
Allah.8 Say to them (in clear words): “You shall not accompany us.
Thus has Allah already said.”9 Then they will say: “Nay; but you
are jealous of us.” The truth is that they understand little.
say: “Let us accompany you.”7 They want to change the command of
Allah.8 Say to them (in clear words): “You shall not accompany us.
Thus has Allah already said.”9 Then they will say: “Nay; but you
are jealous of us.” The truth is that they understand little.
(48:16) Say to the bedouins who were left behind: “You will be called against
those who possess great might and be asked to fight against them unless they
surrender.0 If you obey (the command to fight), Allah will bestow
upon you a goodly reward. But if you turn away, as you turned away before, He
shall inflict upon you a grievous chastisement.”
those who possess great might and be asked to fight against them unless they
surrender.0 If you obey (the command to fight), Allah will bestow
upon you a goodly reward. But if you turn away, as you turned away before, He
shall inflict upon you a grievous chastisement.”
(48:17) There is no blame on the blind, nor on the lame, nor on the sick
(if they do not go forth to fight).1 Allah will admit those who
obey Allah and His Messenger to the Gardens beneath which rivers flow and will
inflict a grievous chastisement on those who turn away.
(if they do not go forth to fight).1 Allah will admit those who
obey Allah and His Messenger to the Gardens beneath which rivers flow and will
inflict a grievous chastisement on those who turn away.
(48:18) Allah was much pleased with the believers when they swore fealty
to you under the tree.2 He knew what was in their hearts. So He
bestowed inner peace upon them3 and rewarded them with a victory
near at hand
to you under the tree.2 He knew what was in their hearts. So He
bestowed inner peace upon them3 and rewarded them with a victory
near at hand
(48:19) and with abundant spoils which they shall acquire.4 Allah
is Most Mighty, Most Wise.
is Most Mighty, Most Wise.
(48:20) Allah has promised you abundant spoils which you shall acquire.5
He has instantly granted you this (victory)6 and has restrained
the hands of people from you7 that it may be a Sign for the believers8
and He may guide you to a Straight Way.9
He has instantly granted you this (victory)6 and has restrained
the hands of people from you7 that it may be a Sign for the believers8
and He may guide you to a Straight Way.9
(48:21) He also promises you other spoils which you have not yet taken, but
Allah has encompassed them.0 Allah has power over everything.
Allah has encompassed them.0 Allah has power over everything.
(48:22) Had the unbelievers fought against you at that time, they would have
turned their backs (in flight), and would have found none to protect or help
turned their backs (in flight), and would have found none to protect or help
(48:23) Such is Allah's Way that has come down from the past.2
Never shall you find any change in the Way of Allah.
Never shall you find any change in the Way of Allah.
(48:24) He it is Who restrained their hands from you, and your hands from
them in the valley of Makkah, even though He had made you victorious against
them. Allah was watching all that you did.
them in the valley of Makkah, even though He had made you victorious against
them. Allah was watching all that you did.
(48:25) They are the ones who disbelieved and barred you from the Inviolable
Mosque and prevented the animals you had designated for sacrifice from reaching
the place of their offering.3 If it had not been for the believing
men and believing women (who lived in Makkah and) whom you did not know, and
had there not been the fear that you might trample on them and unwittingly incur
blame on their account, (then fighting would not have been put to a stop. It
was stopped so that) Allah may admit to His Mercy whomsoever He pleases. Had
those believers been separated from the rest, We would certainly have inflicted
a grievous chastise-ment on those of them [i.e. the Makkans) who disbelieved.4
Mosque and prevented the animals you had designated for sacrifice from reaching
the place of their offering.3 If it had not been for the believing
men and believing women (who lived in Makkah and) whom you did not know, and
had there not been the fear that you might trample on them and unwittingly incur
blame on their account, (then fighting would not have been put to a stop. It
was stopped so that) Allah may admit to His Mercy whomsoever He pleases. Had
those believers been separated from the rest, We would certainly have inflicted
a grievous chastise-ment on those of them [i.e. the Makkans) who disbelieved.4
(48:26) (This is why) when the unbelievers set in their hearts a fierce bigotry
� the bigotry of ignorance5 � Allah bestowed inner peace upon His
Messenger and upon the believers6 and made the word of piety binding
on them. They were more deserving and worthier thereof. Allah has knowledge
of everything.
� the bigotry of ignorance5 � Allah bestowed inner peace upon His
Messenger and upon the believers6 and made the word of piety binding
on them. They were more deserving and worthier thereof. Allah has knowledge
of everything.
(48:27) Allah indeed showed His Messenger the true vision,7 one
fully in accord with reality. If Allah so wills8 you shall certainly
enter the Inviolable Mosque, in full security,9 you will shave your
heads and cut your hair short,0 and do so without any fear. He knew
what you did not know, and He granted you a victory near at hand even before
(the fulfilment of the vision).
fully in accord with reality. If Allah so wills8 you shall certainly
enter the Inviolable Mosque, in full security,9 you will shave your
heads and cut your hair short,0 and do so without any fear. He knew
what you did not know, and He granted you a victory near at hand even before
(the fulfilment of the vision).
(48:28) He it is Who sent His Messenger with the True Guidance and the Religion
of Truth that He may make it prevail over every religion. Sufficient is Allah
as a witness (to this).1
of Truth that He may make it prevail over every religion. Sufficient is Allah
as a witness (to this).1
(48:29) Muhammad is Allah's Messenger, and those who are with him are firm
with the unbelievers2 but compassionate with one another.3
You see them occupied in bowing and prostrating and in seeking Allah's bounty
and good pleasure. They are distinguished4 from others by the marks
of prostration on their faces. Thus are they described in the Torah.5
And their parable in the Gospel is that of6 a tilth that puts forth
its shoot, then strengthens it so that it becomes stout and stands firmly on
its stem. This is a sight pleasing to the sowers and one by which the unbelievers
will be enraged. As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah has
promised them forgiveness and a great reward.7
with the unbelievers2 but compassionate with one another.3
You see them occupied in bowing and prostrating and in seeking Allah's bounty
and good pleasure. They are distinguished4 from others by the marks
of prostration on their faces. Thus are they described in the Torah.5
And their parable in the Gospel is that of6 a tilth that puts forth
its shoot, then strengthens it so that it becomes stout and stands firmly on
its stem. This is a sight pleasing to the sowers and one by which the unbelievers
will be enraged. As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah has
promised them forgiveness and a great reward.7