ترجمة معاني سورة الفتح
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي
We have granted you a glorious victory,
so that God may forgive you all your faults, past and future, bestow upon you the full measure of His blessings and guide you on a straight way.
God will certainly grant you His mighty support.
It is He who sent down tranquillity into the hearts of the believers, so that they may grow more firm in their faith. To God belongs all the forces of the heavens and the earth; He is indeed all-knowing, wise.
He will admit the believers, both men and women, into gardens through which running waters flow, there to abide, and He will forgive them their bad deeds. That is, in God’s sight, a great triumph.
God will also inflict suffering on the hypocrites and the idolaters, men and women, who harbour evil thoughts about God. Evil encompasses them from all sides, and they incur God’s anger. He has rejected them and has prepared for them hell, an evil destination.
To God belongs all the forces of the heavens and the earth; He is indeed almighty, wise.
We have sent you [Muhammad] as a witness, a bearer of good news and a warner
so that you [people] may believe in God and His Messenger, support Him, honour Him and extol His limitless glory morning and evening.
Those who pledge their allegiance to you are actually pledging their allegiance to God: God’s hand is over their hands. He who breaks his pledge does so to his own detriment; but to the one who fulfils his pledge to Him, God will grant a rich reward.
The desert Arabs who stayed behind will say to you, ‘Our property and our families kept us busy; do then ask God to forgive us’. Thus they say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say: ‘Who, then, can avert from you anything that God might have willed, whether it be His will to harm you or to confer a benefit on you? No! God is fully aware of what you do’.
No! You thought that the Messenger and the believers would never return to their families and this thought seemed pleasing to your hearts. You entertained such evil thoughts because you have always been devoid of goodness.
As for those who will not believe in God and His Messenger, We have prepared a blazing fire for the unbelievers.
To God belongs the dominion over the heavens and the earth. He forgives whoever He will and punishes whoever He will. God is much-forgiving, ever-merciful.
When you set forth on a course that promises war gains, those who previously stayed behind will say: ‘Let us come with you’. They thus seek to alter God’s words. Say: ‘You shall not come with us. God has already said so’. They will then say: ‘You begrudge us [our share]’. How little they understand.
Say to the desert Arabs who stayed behind: ‘You will be called upon to fight against a people of great prowess in war: you will have to fight them unless they surrender. If you obey, God will reward you well; but if you turn away as you have done before, He will inflict on you painful suffering’.
No blame attaches to the blind, nor does blame attach to the lame, nor does blame attach to the sick. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger shall be admitted by Him into gardens through which running waters flow; but the one who turns away will He severely punish.
God was indeed well pleased with the believers when they pledged their allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts and so He sent down tranquillity upon them, and rewarded them with a speedy victory,
and with many war gains for them to take. God is almighty, wise.
God has promised you [people] many war gains that you shall achieve. He has hastened this gain for you and He has held back the hands of hostile people from you, so that this may become a sign for the believers. He will guide you on a straight way.
There are still other gains to come, which are still beyond your power. God has full control over them. God has power over all things.
Were the unbelievers to fight you, they would have turned their back in flight. They shall find none to protect or support them.
Such was God’s way which operated in the past; and never will you find any change in God’s way.
It is He who, in the valley of Makkah, stayed their hands from you, and your hands from them, after He gave you the advantage over them. God sees all that you do.
They were the ones who disbelieved, and who debarred you from the Sacred Mosque and prevented your offering from reaching its place of sacrifice. Had it not been for the fact that there were among them believing men and women unknown to you and whom you might have unwittingly trampled underfoot, and on whose account you would have unwittingly incurred guilt… God will admit to His grace whomever He wills. Had they stood apart, We would have inflicted on the unbelievers among them truly painful suffering.
The unbelievers fanned fury in their hearts, the fury of ignorance. Meanwhile, God sent down tranquillity on His Messenger and on the believers, and made the word of piety binding on them. They were most worthy of it and deserved it well. God has full knowledge of all things.
God has shown the truth in His Messenger’s true vision: most certainly you shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if God so wills, in full security, with your heads shaved or your hair cut short, without fear. God knew what you did not, and He granted you, besides this, a speedy victory.
It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth so as to make it prevail over all religions. Sufficient is God as a witness.
Muhammad is God’s Messenger; and those who are with him are firm and unyielding towards the unbelievers, full of mercy towards one another. You can see them bowing down, prostrating in prayer, seeking favour with God and His good pleasure. They bear on their faces the marks of their prostrations. This is how they are pictured in the Torah. And in the Gospels, they are like a seed that brings forth its shoot, strengthens it, grows thick and stands firm on its stem, delighting the sowers. Through them God will enrage the unbelievers. To those of them who believe and do righteous deeds God has promised forgiveness and a rich reward.