ترجمة معاني سورة البقرة
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي
Alif Lām Mīm.
This is the Book, there is no doubt about it: a guidance for the God-fearing.
Those who believe in what lies beyond the reach of human perception, attend regularly to prayer and give generously of what We bestow upon them.
Those who believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you, and are certain of the hereafter.
Those follow their Lord’s guidance, and they shall surely prosper.
For the unbelievers, it is alike whether you forewarn them or not, they will not accept the faith.
God has sealed their hearts and ears; their eyes are covered; and a grievous punishment awaits them.
There are some who say: ‘We believe in God and the Last Day’, yet, in truth, they do not believe.
They seek to deceive God and the believers, but they are only deceiving themselves, though they may not realise it.
There is sickness in their hearts, and God has aggravated their sickness. Painful suffering awaits them for the lies they keep telling.
When it is said to them: ‘Do not spread corruption in the land’, they say: ‘We are but doers of good’.
But, they indeed are the ones who do spread corruption, though they do not realise it.
When it is said to them, ‘Believe as other people have believed’, they say, ‘Are we to believe as the fools believe?’ It is indeed they who are fools, though they do not know it.
When they meet the believers, they say, ‘We believe’, but when they are alone with their devilish allies, they say, ‘We are with you, we are only mocking’.
God will put them to derision and let them continue their transgression, blundering blindly along.
These are the ones who barter away guidance for error. Their transaction is profitless and they will receive no guidance.
They are like one who sought to kindle a fire, and as it lit up all around him God took away their light and left them in darkness, unable to see anything.
Deaf, dumb and blind, they can never return to the right path.
Or, when there is a storm-cloud, dark, charged with thunder and lightning, they thrust their fingers in their ears at every thunder-clap, for fear of death; but God encompasses the unbelievers.
. The lightning all but snatches away their sight; whenever it flashes over them they walk on, but when darkness overtakes them they stand still. Should God will it, He would take away their hearing and their sight, for God has power over all things.
Mankind, worship your Lord who has created you and those who lived before you, so that you may become God-fearing.
He made the earth a couch for you, and the heavens a ceiling. He sent down water from the sky to bring forth fruits for your sustenance. Do not, then, knowingly set up equals to God.
If you are in doubt as to what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce one surah comparable to it and call upon all your witnesses, other than God, if what you say is true.
But if you fail, as you will certainly do, then guard yourselves against the Fire, fuelled by human and stones, prepared for the unbelievers.
To those who believe and do good deeds give the good tidings that they shall reside in gardens through which running waters flow. Whenever they are offered fruits therefrom, they say, ‘We have been given the same before’, for they shall be provided with what looks similar. They shall also have pure spouses and they shall reside there for ever.
God does not disdain to give a parable of a gnat, or a higher creature. Those who believe know that it is the truth from their Lord, while the unbelievers ask, ‘What could God mean by such a parable?’ In this way, God lets many go astray and gives guidance to many others, but none does He leave to go astray except the evildoers,
who violate God’s covenant after having accepted it, and cut asunder what He has ordered to be joined, and spread corruption in the land. They are the losers.
How can you reject God who has given you life after you were dead? He will cause you to die again then He will bring you back to life. To Him you shall return?
It is He who created for you all that is on earth. He then turned to heaven and fashioned it into seven heavens. He has knowledge of all things.
Your Lord said to the angels, ‘I am appointing a vicegerent on earth’. They said, ‘Will You appoint on it someone who would spread corruption and shed blood, whereas we celebrate Your praises and extol Your holiness?’ He said, ‘I surely know that of which you have no knowledge’.
And He taught Adam the names of all things and then turned to the angels and said, ‘Tell Me the names of these things, if what you say is true’.
They said, ‘Limitless are You in Your glory! We only know what You have taught us. Indeed, You alone are all-knowing, wise’.
He said, ‘Adam! Tell them their names’. When he had told them all their names, He said, ‘Have I not said to you that I know all that is in the heavens and the earth, and I know all that you reveal and conceal?’
When We said to the angels, ‘Prostrate yourselves before Adam’, they did so except for Iblis who refused, swelled in insolence, and was thus an unbeliever.
And We said to Adam, ‘Dwell you with your spouse in Paradise and eat freely whatever you wish of its fruit, but do not come near this one tree, lest you would be wrongdoers’.
But Satan lured them away from it [Paradise] and thus caused them to be ousted from where they had been. We said, ‘Get you down. You shall be enemies to one another. On earth you shall have an abode and sustenance, for a while’.
Thereupon Adam received from his Lord certain words, and He accepted his repentance; for He alone is the One who accepts repentance, the Ever-Merciful.
We said, ‘You shall all descend from it [Paradise]. Guidance shall reach you from Me. Those who follow My guidance shall have nothing to fear nor shall they grieve.
But those who deny and gainsay Our revelations shall have the Fire, wherein they shall abide.
Children of Israel! Remember My favour which I have bestowed on you. Fulfil your covenant with Me and I will fulfil Mine with you; and of Me alone stand in awe.
Believe in what I have revealed, confirming that which you already have, and be not the first to reject it. Do not barter away My revelations for a paltry price, and fear Me alone.
Do not overlay the truth with falsehood, nor knowingly suppress the truth.
Attend regularly to your prayers, pay your zakat, and bow down in prayers with those who bow down.
How can you bid others to be righteous and forget yourselves, even when you read the Scriptures? Do you not understand?
Seek strength in patient perseverance and in prayer, which is indeed a demanding task except for the devout,
who know that they shall meet their Lord and to Him they shall ultimately return.
Children of Israel! Remember My favour which I bestowed on you, and that I have preferred you over all people.
Fear the day when no soul shall avail another in any way, nor shall intercession be accepted from any of them, nor ransom taken from them, and none shall receive help.
And remember how We delivered you from Pharaoh’s people, who afflicted you with cruel suffering, killing your sons and sparing only your women. That was a grievous trial from your Lord.
We parted the sea for you, led you to safety and drowned Pharaoh’s people before your very eyes.
And [remember, too], when We appointed for Moses forty nights, and in his absence you took to worshipping the calf, and thus became wrongdoers.
Yet even after that We pardoned you, so that you might be thankful.
We gave Moses the Scriptures and the Standard [by which to distinguish right from wrong], so that you might be rightly guided.
Moses said to his people, ‘You, my people, have wronged yourselves by worshipping the calf. Turn, then, in repentance to your Maker and slay one another. That will be better for you in your Maker’s sight’. Thus, He accepted your repentance; for He is the One to accept repentance, the Ever-Merciful.
And [remember] when you said, ‘Moses, we will not believe in you until we see God in person’. You were then struck by a thunderbolt while you were looking on.
But We raised you again after you had been as dead, so that you might be thankful.
We caused the clouds to provide shade for you, and sent down for you manna and quails. ‘Eat of the good things We have provided for you.’ Indeed, to Us they did no harm, but themselves did they wrong.
And [remember] when We said, ‘Enter this city, eat of its abundant food as you may desire, prostrate yourselves as you enter the gates and say: “Lord, relieve us of our burden”. We will then forgive you your sins and We will richly reward those who do good’.
But the wrongdoers among them substituted other words for those which they had been given. Therefore We let loose against them a scourge from heaven in requital for their transgression.
And [remember] when Moses prayed for water for his people We said to him, ‘Strike the rock with your staff’. Twelve springs gushed forth from it. Each tribe knew their drinking place. ‘Eat and drink of what God has provided and do not persistently spread corruption in the land.’
And [remember] when you said, ‘Moses! We can no longer put up with one kind of food. Pray to your Lord, then, to bring forth for us some of what the earth produces of green herbs, cucumber, garlic, lentils and onions’. He said, ‘Would you take a lesser thing in exchange for what is much better? Go down to any land and you shall have what you asked for’. Ignominy and humiliation were stamped upon them and they incurred the wrath of God, because they denied His revelations and slew prophets against all right, and because they persisted in their disobedience and transgression.
Those who believe, and those who are Jews, and Christians and Sabians - anyone who believes in God and the Last Day, and does what is right, shall have their reward with their Lord. They have nothing to fear nor shall they grieve.
We accepted your solemn pledge and raised Mount Sinai above you, saying, ‘Take with firmness and strength what We have given you, and bear in mind all its contents, so that you may remain God-fearing’.
Yet after that you turned away, and but for God’s grace and mercy you would have surely been among the losers.
You are well aware of those of you who broke the Sabbath. To them We said, ‘Be as despicable apes’.
Through that [punishment] We set an example to their own time and for all times to come, and an admonition to the God-fearing.
When Moses said to his people, ‘God commands you to sacrifice a cow’, they said, ‘Are you mocking at us?’ He said, ‘God forbid that I should be so ignorant’.
They said, ‘Pray on our behalf to your Lord to make plain to us what kind of cow she should be.’ He said, ‘He says let her be neither an old cow nor a young heifer, but of an age in between. Do, then, as you are commanded’.
They said, ‘Pray on our behalf to your Lord to make clear to us of what colour she should be’. [Moses] replied, ‘He says let her be a yellow cow, bright of hue, pleasing to the beholder’.
They said, ‘Pray on our behalf to your Lord to make plain to us of what exact type she should be, for to us cows are much alike. We shall, God willing, be guided aright’.
[Moses] answered, ‘He says let her be a cow, not broken-in to plough the earth or water the tillage, free of all fault, without markings of any other colour’. Said they, ‘Now you have given the right description’. They sacrificed her, although they had almost left it undone.
Having slain a human being, you cast the blame on one another for this [murder]. God would definitely reveal what you have concealed.
We said, ‘Strike him with a piece of it. Thus God brings the dead back to life and shows you His signs, so that you may use your reason’.
Yet after all this, your hearts hardened until they were as hard as rocks or even harder; for there are rocks from which rivers gush forth; others split so that water flows through them, and some other rocks fall down for fear of God. Indeed, God is not unaware of what you do.
Do you hope that they will accept your message when some of them would listen to the word of God then, having understood it, knowingly distort it?
When they meet the believers, they say, ‘We believe’, but when they find themselves alone, they say to one another, ‘Need you tell them that which God has disclosed to you? They will only use it in argument against you before your Lord? Will you not use your reason?’
Do they not know that God is well aware of all that they conceal and all that they reveal?
There are among them illiterate people who have no real knowledge of the Scriptures, entertaining only wishful beliefs and conjecture.
Woe, then, to those who write down, with their own hands, [something which they claim to be of] the Scriptures, and then say, ‘This is from God’, in order to get for it a trifling price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.
They declare, ‘The Fire will not touch us except for a few days’. Say, ‘Have you received such a promise from God - for God never breaks His promise - or do you attribute to God something of which you have no knowledge?’
Indeed, those who earn evil and become engulfed by their sin are destined for the Fire where they shall abide,
but those who believe and do righteous deeds are destined for Paradise where they shall abide.
We made this covenant with the Children of Israel: ‘Worship none but God; show kindness to parents and kinsfolk and to the orphans and the poor; speak kindly to all people; attend regularly to your prayers and pay the obligatory charity’. But, except for a few, you turned away and paid no heed.
We made a covenant with you that you shall not shed your own blood or drive yourselves out of your own homeland. You acknowledged all that and bore witness to it.
Yet there you are, slaying yourselves, and driving some of your own people out of their homes, collaborating against them in sin and injustice. Had they come to you as captives you would have ransomed them. Their expulsion is indeed forbidden to you. Do you, then, believe in some parts of the Scriptures and deny others? Those of you who do this will have nothing for their reward other than ignominy in this life and, on the Day of Resurrection, they shall be committed to a most grievous suffering. For God is not unaware of what you do.
Such are the ones who buy the life of this world at the price of the life to come. Their suffering shall not be alleviated, nor shall they receive any succour.
We gave Moses the Book and caused a succession of messengers to follow him. To Jesus, son of Mary, We gave clear proofs and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Why is it that every time a messenger comes to you with a message that does not suit your fancies, you glory in your arrogance, charging some (messengers) with lying and slaying others?
They say, “Our hearts are sealed”. No! God has cursed them for their disbelief. They have but little faith.
And now that a Book confirming their own has come to them from God, and they had repeatedly forecast its coming to the unbelievers, they have denied what they know to be the truth. God’s curse be upon the unbelievers!
Vile is that for which they have bartered their souls, because they have denied what God has revealed, grudging that He should, by His grace, send down His revelations to whom He chooses from among His servants. Thus they have incurred God’s wrath over and over again. Ignominious suffering is in store for the unbelievers.
When it is said to them, ‘Believe in what God has revealed’, they say, ‘We believe in what has been revealed to us’. They deny everything else, although it is the truth, corroborating the revelations they have. Say, ‘why, then, did you in the past kill God’s prophets, if you were true believers?’
Moses came to you with clear proofs, but in his absence you transgressed, worshipping the calf.
We accepted your solemn pledge, and We raised Mount Sinai above you, saying, ‘Take with firmness and strength what We have given you and hearken to it’. They said, ‘We hear but we disobey’. For their unbelief they were made to drink the calf into their hearts. Say, ‘Vile is that which your faith enjoins upon you, if indeed you are believers’.
Say, ‘If the ultimate abode with God is yours alone, to the exclusion of all others, then wish for death, if your claim is true’.
But they will never wish for it because of what their hands have wrought in this life. God is well aware of the wrongdoers.
Indeed, you shall find that they cling to life more eagerly than any other people, even more than the idolaters. Each one of them would love to live a thousand years, although the grant of a long life could not save him from punishment. God sees all that they do.
Say, ‘Whoever is an enemy of Gabriel should know that he revealed it [the Qur’an] to your heart by God’s leave’. It confirms the Scriptures revealed before it, and is a guidance and joyful tiding for believers.
Whoever is an enemy of God, His angels, His messengers, and to Gabriel and Michael will surely find that God is indeed the enemy of the unbelievers.
We have sent down to you clear revelations: none will deny them except the evildoers.
Is it always to be the case that every time they make a solemn pledge some of them will violate it? The truth is that most of them do not believe.
And now that a Messenger from God has come to them, confirming what is already in their possession, some of those who had been given the Scriptures cast God’s Book behind their backs as though they know nothing.
They follow what the devils relate of Solomon’s kingdom. Solomon never disbelieved, but the devils did. They instruct people in witchcraft which was certainly not revealed to the two angels, Harut and Marut, at Babylon. Yet these two [angels] never taught anyone without first declaring, ‘We are but a temptation to evil, so do not renounce your faith’. From these two, some people learned what they would use to cause discord between a man and his wife. However, with that knowledge they can harm no one except by God’s leave. Indeed, they learn what harms them and brings them no profit. They knew full well that whoever contracted such a deal would have no share in the life to come. Vile indeed is what they had sold their souls for, if they but knew it!
Had they embraced the faith and been God-fearing, God’s reward would have been far better for them, if they but knew it.
Believers, do not say [to the Prophet]: ‘Listen to us’, but say: ‘Have patience with us’, and hearken. Grievous suffering awaits the unbelievers.
Neither the unbelievers among the people of earlier revelations nor the idolaters would like to see any blessing ever bestowed upon you by your Lord. But God favours with His mercy whom He wills; His grace is infinite.
Any revelation We annul or consign to oblivion We replace with a better or similar one. Do you not know that God has power over all things?
Do you not know that God has sovereignty over the heavens and the earth, and that apart from God you have no one to protect you or give you help?
Do you wish to ask of the Messenger who has been sent to you the same as was formerly asked of Moses? He who barters faith for unbelief has surely strayed away from the right path.
Many among the people of earlier revelations would love to lead you back to unbelief, now that you have embraced the faith. This they do out of deep-seated envy, after the truth has become manifest to them; so forgive and forbear until God makes known His decree. Indeed, God has power over all things.
Attend regularly to your prayer and pay zakat; for, whatever good you do for your own sake you shall find it with God. God sees all that you do.
They declare, ‘None shall enter Paradise unless he is a Jew or a Christian’. Such are their wishful fancies. Say, ‘Produce your proof, if what you say is true’.
Indeed, whoever surrender themselves to God, while doing good works, shall have their reward with their Lord; they shall have nothing to fear nor shall they grieve.
The Jews say the Christians have no basis for their faith and the Christians say the Jews have no basis for their faith. Yet they both recite the Scriptures. Those devoid of knowledge say likewise, and on the Day of Judgement God shall judge between them on all their disputes.
Who is more unjust than he who forbids God’s name to be mentioned in His places of worship, and seeks to destroy them? Such people have no right to enter them except with fear in their hearts. They shall suffer ignominy in this world and grievous suffering awaits them in the life to come.
To God belong the east and the west: wherever you turn there will be the face of God. Truly, God is limitless in His bounty and He knows all.
They say, ‘God has taken to Him a son’. Limitless is He in His glory! His is all that is in the heavens and on earth; all things are devoutly obedient to Him.
He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He wills something to be, He need only say, ‘Be’, and it is.
Those devoid of knowledge say, ‘Why does not God speak to us, nor is a sign shown to us?’ The same demands were made by people before them: their hearts are all alike. We have made the signs very clear for those with firm conviction.
We have sent you with the truth; a bearer of glad tidings and a warner. You shall not be questioned about those who are destined for the blazing Fire.
Never will the Jews nor yet the Christians be pleased with you unless you follow their faith. Say, ‘God’s guidance is the only true guidance’. Should you follow their desires after all the knowledge that has come to you, you would have none to protect you from God, nor to give you help.
Those to whom We have given the Book, and who recite it as it ought to be recited, truly believe in it; those who deny it are utter losers.
Children of Israel! Remember My favour which I bestowed on you, and that I have preferred you over all people.
Fear the Day when no soul shall avail another in any way, nor shall ransom be accepted from any of them, nor shall intercession be of any benefit, and none shall receive help.
When his Lord tested Abraham with certain commandments and he fulfilled them, He said, ‘I have appointed you a leader of mankind’. Abraham asked, ‘And what of my descendants?’ God said, ‘My covenant does not apply to the wrongdoers’.
We made the House [i.e. the Ka[bah] a resort for mankind and a sanctuary: ‘Make the place where Abraham stood as a place of prayer’. We assigned to Abraham and Ishmael the task of purifying My House for those who walk around it, those who sojourn there for meditation and those who bow down and prostrate themselves in prayer.
Abraham said, ‘Lord, make this a land of security and make provisions of fruits for those of its people who believe in God and the Last Day’. God said, ‘And as for he who disbelieves, I shall let him enjoy life for a while and then I shall drive him to suffering through the Fire; and what a terrible end!’
As Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House, [they prayed]: ‘Our Lord, accept this from us; You are the One that hears all and knows all’.
‘Our Lord, make us surrender ourselves to You, and make out of our offspring a community that will surrender itself to You. Show us our ways of worship and accept our repentance; You are the One who accepts repentance, the Ever-Merciful.
Our Lord, send them a Messenger from among themselves who shall declare to them Your revelations, and instruct them in the Book and in wisdom, and purify them. You are the Mighty One, the Wise’.
Who but a foolish person would turn away from the faith of Abraham? We raised him high in this life, and in the life to come he shall be among the righteous.
When his Lord said to him, ‘Submit yourself’, he said, ‘I have submitted myself to the Lord of all the worlds’.
Abraham enjoined the same on his children, and so did Jacob, saying, ‘My children, God has given you the purest faith. Do not let death overtake you before you have submitted yourselves to God’.
Were you present when death approached Jacob? He asked his children, ‘Whom will you worship when I am gone?’ They replied, ‘We will worship your God, the God of your forefathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, the One God. To Him do we submit ourselves’.
That community have passed away. Theirs is what they had earned and yours is what you have earned. You shall not be questioned about what they did.
They say, ‘Follow the Jewish faith - or, follow the Christian faith - and you shall be rightly guided’. Say, ‘No. We follow the faith of Abraham, who was truly devoted to God, and was not of those who associated partners with God’.
Say [all of you], ‘We believe in God and in what has been revealed to us, and in what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and in what all prophets have been given by their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to God we have surrendered ourselves’.
If they come to believe in the way you believe, they will be rightly guided; but if they turn away, they will be in schism, but God will protect you from them; He hears all and knows all.
[This message takes its] hue from God; who can give a better hue than God? Him alone do we worship.
Say, ‘Would you dispute with us about God? He is our Lord and your Lord. To us our deeds shall be credited and to you, your deeds. To Him alone are we devoted’.
Do you claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes were Jews or Christians? Say, ‘Do you know better than God?’ Who is more wicked than one who suppresses a testimony he has received from God? God is not unmindful of what you do.
That community have passed away. Theirs is what they earned and yours is what you have earned. You shall not be questioned about what they did.
The weak-minded among people will say, ‘What has turned them away from the direction of prayer which they have so far observed?’ Say, ‘To God belong the east and the west. He guides whomever He wills to a straight path’.
Thus We have made you the community [ummah] of the middle way, so that you may stand witness against the rest of mankind, and the Messenger shall be a witness against you. We appointed the direction of prayer which you formerly followed in order that We might distinguish those who follow the Messenger from those who turn on their heels. It was indeed a hard test except for those whom God has guided. God would never have let your faith be in vain. God is ever compassionate and merciful to mankind.
We have seen you often turn your face towards heaven. We shall, therefore, make you turn in prayer towards a direction you will be happy with. Turn your face, then, towards the Sacred Mosque; and wherever you all may be, turn your faces [in prayer] towards it. Those who have been granted revelations in the past know well that it is the truth from their Lord. God is not unaware of what they do.
Were you to bring every possible sign before those who had been granted revelations, they would not follow your direction of prayer. And neither may you follow their direction of prayer, nor would they even follow one another’s direction. If you were to follow their whims and desires after all the knowledge that has been given to you, you would certainly be among the wrongdoers.
Those to whom We granted revelation know it as well as they know their own children, but some of them knowingly conceal the truth.
This is the truth from your Lord; never, then, be among the doubters.
Each one has a goal towards which he turns; so vie with one another in good works. Wherever you may be, God will bring you all together. God has power over all things.
From wherever you may come forth, turn your face [in prayer] towards the Sacred Mosque. It is indeed the truth from your Lord. God is not unaware of what you do.
From wherever you may come forth, turn your face [in prayer] towards the Sacred Mosque; and wherever you all may be, turn your faces towards it, so that people may have no argument against you, except those who are bent on wrongdoing. Have no fear of them, but fear Me, so that I may perfect My grace on you, and that you may be rightly guided.
Thus We have sent forth to you a Messenger from among yourselves to recite to you Our revelations, purify you, and instruct you in the Book and in wisdom and teach you what you did not know.
Remember Me, then, and I will remember you; give thanks to Me and never deny Me.
Believers, seek strength in patience and prayer. God is with those who are patient.
Do not say of those who are killed in God’s cause, ‘They are dead’. They are alive, although you do not perceive that.
We shall certainly try you with a certain measure of fear and hunger, and with diminution of wealth, lives and crops. But give glad tidings to those who remain patient in adversity;
who, when a calamity befalls them, say, ‘To God we belong, and to Him we shall return’.
On such people, blessings and mercy are bestowed by their Lord; Such people will be rightly guided’.
Safa and Marwah are among the symbols set up by God. Whoever visits the Sacred House for pilgrimage or [umrah, would do no wrong to walk to and fro between them. He who does good of his own accord shall find that God is most thankful, all-knowing.
Those who conceal the clear proofs and guidance We bestowed from on high, after We have expounded it clearly for mankind in the Book, shall be cursed by God and by others who curse.
Excepted, however, shall be those who repent, mend their ways and make known the Truth: from these I shall accept their repentance; for I alone accept repentance and I am the Ever-Merciful.
Those who reject the faith and die unbelievers shall incur the curse of God, the angels and all mankind.
They shall remain under that curse forever, their torment shall not be alleviated, nor shall they have respite.
Your God is the One God: there is no deity but He, the Lord of Grace, the Ever-Merciful.
In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of night and day; in the vessels that sail through the sea with what is useful for mankind; in the water God sends down from the sky giving life to the earth after it had been lifeless, causing all manner of living creatures to multiply on it; in the movement of the winds, and the clouds that run their courses between sky and earth: in all this there are signs for people who use their reason.
Yet there are people who worship beings other than God, giving them a status equal to His, loving them as God alone should be loved; whereas the believers love God more than all else. If the wrongdoers could but see, as see they will when they are made to suffer, that all might belongs to God alone, and that He is stern in retribution.
[On that Day] those who were followed will disown their followers and they all shall see their punishment, while all their ties are severed.
The followers will say, ‘Would that we had another chance so that we can disown them as they have disowned us!’ Thus will God show them their works [in a way which causes them] bitter regrets. They shall never come out of the Fire.
Mankind, eat of what is lawful and wholesome on earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps: he is indeed an open enemy for you.
He enjoins you only to commit evil and indecency and to attribute to God something of which you have no knowledge.
When it is said to them, ‘Follow what God has revealed’, they say, ‘No; but we will follow only what we found our forefathers believing in’. Why, even if their forefathers did not use reason at all, and followed no guidance.
The unbelievers are like the one who shouts to that which hears nothing but a call and a cry. Deaf, dumb and blind, they understand nothing.
Believers, eat of the wholesome things We have provided for you, and give thanks to God, if it is truly Him that you worship.
He has only forbidden you carrion, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which a name other than God’s has been invoked. But he who is driven by necessity, not intending to transgress nor exceeding his need, incurs no sin. God is much-forgiving, merciful.
Those who suppress any part of the Scriptures God has revealed, and barter it away for a paltry price, eat nothing but fire in their bellies. God will not speak to them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them. Painful suffering awaits them.
It is they who barter guidance for error and forgiveness for suffering. How great is their endurance of the Fire!
That is because God has revealed the Book with the truth. Those who are at variance with the Book are most deeply in the wrong.
Righteousness is not that you turn your faces towards the east or the west, but truly righteous is he who believes in God, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets; and gives his money, much as he may cherish it, to his kinsfolk, orphans, the needy, a stranded wayfarer, beggars, and for the freeing of slaves; who attends to his prayers and pays zakat; and [truly pious are] they who keep their promises once made, and are patient in misfortune and adversity and in time of peril. Such are those who have proved themselves true, and such are the God-fearing.
Believers, just retribution is prescribed for you in cases of killing: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and a female for a female. If something [of his guilt] is remitted to a person by his brother, this shall be pursued with fairness, and restitution to his fellow-man shall be made in a goodly manner. This is an alleviation from your Lord, and an act of His grace. He who transgresses thereafter shall face grievous suffering.
There is life for you, men of understanding, in this law of just retribution, so that you may remain God-fearing.
It is prescribed for you, when death approaches any of you and he is leaving behind some property, to make bequests in favour of his parents and other near of kin in fairness. This is a duty incumbent on the God-fearing.
If anyone alters a will after having come to know it, the sin of acting thus shall fall only on those who have altered it. God hears all and knows all.
If, however, one fears that the testator has committed a mistake or a wrong, and brings about a settlement between the parties concerned, he will incur no sin thereby. God is indeed much-forgiving, ever-merciful.
Believers, fasting is decreed for you as it was decreed for those before you, so that you may be God-fearing.
[Fast] on a certain number of days. But whoever of you is ill, or on a journey, shall fast instead the same number of days later on. Those who find fasting a strain too hard to bear may compensate for it by feeding a needy person. He who does good of his own account does himself good thereby. For to fast is to do good to yourselves, if you only knew it.
It was in the month of Ramadan that the Qur’an was revealed: a guidance for mankind and a self-evident proof of that guidance and a standard to distinguish right from wrong. Therefore, whoever of you is present in that month shall fast throughout the month; but he who is ill or on a journey shall fast instead the same number of days later on. God desires that you have ease. He does not desire that you be afflicted with hardship. You are, however, required to complete the necessary number of days and to extol and glorify God for having guided you aright and to tender your thanks.
If My servants ask you about Me, well, I am near; I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he calls to Me. Let them then respond to Me, and believe in Me, so that they may follow the right way.
It is lawful for you to be intimate with your wives during the night preceding the fast. They are as a garment for you, as you are for them. God is aware that you have been deceiving yourselves in this respect, and He has turned to you in His mercy and pardoned you. So, you may now lie with them and seek what God has ordained for you. Eat and drink until you can see the white streak of dawn against the blackness of the night. Then resume the fast till nightfall. Do not lie with your wives when you are in retreat in the mosques. These are the bounds set by God, so do not come near them. Thus God makes clear His revelations to people, that they may remain God-fearing.
Do not devour one another’s property wrongfully, nor bribe with it the judges in order that you may sinfully, and knowingly, deprive others of any part of what is rightfully theirs.
They ask you about the new moons. Say, ‘They are signs for people to mark fixed periods of time, and for the pilgrimage’. Righteousness does not mean that you enter houses from the rear, but truly righteous is he who fears God. Enter houses by their doors and fear God, so that you may be successful.
Fight for the cause of God those who wage war against you, but do not commit aggression. Indeed, God does not love aggressors.
Slay them wherever you may come upon them, and drive them away from wherever they drove you away; for oppression is even worse than killing. Do not fight them near the Sacred Mosque unless they fight you there first. Should they fight you, then kill them. Such is the reward of the unbelievers.
But if they desist, know that God is much-forgiving, ever-merciful.
Fight them until there is no more oppression, and submission is made to God alone. If they desist, let there be no hostility except against the wrongdoers.
A sacred month for a sacred month: for just retribution also applies to the violation of sanctity. If anyone commits aggression against you, attack him just as he has attacked you. Have fear of God, and be sure that God is with those who are God-fearing.
Give generously for the cause of God and do not with your own hands throw yourselves to ruin. Persevere in doing good, for God loves those who do good.
Perform to their completion both the pilgrimage and the [umrah purely for God’s sake. If you are prevented from doing so, then make whatever offering you can easily afford. Do not shave your heads until the offerings have reached their appointed destination. If any of you is ill or suffers from an ailment of the head, he shall redeem himself by fasting, or alms, or sacrifice. When you are in safety, then he who takes advantage of performing the [umrah before the pilgrimage shall make whatever offering he can easily afford; but he who lacks the means shall fast three days during the pilgrimage and seven more days on returning home; that is, ten days in all. All this applies to those whose families are not resident in the vicinity of the Sacred Mosque. Fear God, and know well that He is severe in retribution.
The pilgrimage takes place in the months appointed for it. Whoever undertakes the pilgrimage in those months shall, while on pilgrimage, abstain from lewdness, all wicked conduct and wrangling. Whatever good you do God is well aware of it. Provide well for yourselves: the best provision of all is to be God-fearing. Fear Me, then, you who are endowed with insight.
It is no sin for you to seek the bounty of your Lord. When you surge downward from [Arafat, remember God at al-Mash[ar al-Haram. Remember Him who has given you guidance. Before this you were certainly in error.
Surge onward from the place where all other pilgrims surge and pray to God to forgive you. He is much-forgiving, ever-merciful.
When you have fulfilled your sacred duties, remember God as you remember your fathers - nay with a yet keener remembrance. Some people say, ‘Our Lord, give us abundance in this world’. They shall have no share in the rewards of the life to come.
There are others who say, ‘Our Lord, grant us what is good in this world and what is good in the life to come and protect us from the torment of the Fire’.
These shall have their portion in return for what they have earned; for God is swift in reckoning.
Give glory to God during certain appointed days. Those who hasten their departure after two days incur no sin, and those who stay longer incur no sin, provided that they are truly God-fearing. Have fear of God and know well that you shall all be gathered before Him.
There is a kind of man who pleases you greatly in the present life by what he says, and he cites God as witness to what is in his heart, whereas he is the most hostile of adversaries.
Yet, no sooner does he turn his back than he strives to spread corruption in the world, destroying crops and progeny. God does not love corruption.
When it is said to him, ‘Have fear of God’, his false pride drives him into sin. Therefore, hell will be his allotted portion, and how vile a resting place.
But there is also a kind of man who would willingly sell himself, seeking God’s pleasure. God is most compassionate to His servants.
Believers, submit all of you to God and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is indeed your open foe.
If you should stumble after all evidence of the truth has come to you, then know that God is almighty, wise.
Are they waiting for God to reveal Himself to them in the shadows of clouds, together with the angels? The case will have been settled then. To God shall all things return.
Ask the Children of Israel how many a veritable sign We have given them. He who alters the grace of God after it has been bestowed on him [should know that] God is severe in punishment.
The life of this world has been made alluring to the unbelievers; hence, they scoff at those who believe; but those that fear God shall be above them in rank on the Day of Resurrection. God grants sustenance to whom He wills beyond all reckoning.
All mankind were once one single community. Then God sent forth prophets to give them good tidings and to warn them, and with them He sent down the Book, setting forth the truth, to judge between people over all on which they differed. Yet none other than those who had been given the Book started, out of injustice to one another, to dispute it after clear evidence of the truth had come to them. God, by His will, guided the believers to the truth concerning that which they had differed. God guides whom He will to the straight path.
Do you reckon that you will enter paradise while you have not suffered like those [believers] who passed away before you? Affliction and adversity befell them, and so terribly shaken were they that the messenger and the believers with him would exclaim, ‘When will God’s help come?’ Surely, God’s help is close at hand.
They ask you what they should spend [in charity]. Say ‘Anything good you spend of your wealth should go to parents and the near of kin, to orphans and the needy, and to travellers in need. God is well aware of whatever good you do’.
Fighting is ordained for you, even though it is hateful to you. But it may well be that you hate a thing while it is good for you, and it may well be that you love a thing while it is bad for you. God knows, whereas you do not know.
They ask you about fighting in the sacred month. Say, ‘Fighting in it is a grave offence, but to turn people away from God’s path, to disbelieve in Him and in the Sacred Mosque, and to expel its people from it - [all this] is far more grave in God’s sight’. Religious persecution is worse than killing. They shall not cease to fight you until they force you to renounce your faith, if they can. But whoever of you renounces his faith and dies an unbeliever, his works shall come to nothing in this world and in the world to come. Such people are destined for hell, wherein they shall abide.
Those who have believed and those who have forsaken their homeland and striven hard for God’s cause are indeed the ones who may look forward to God’s mercy. God is much-forgiving, ever-merciful.
They ask you about intoxicants and games of chance. Say, ‘In both there is great evil although they have some benefits for people, but their evil is far greater than their benefit’. They ask you what they should spend in charity; say, ‘Whatever you can spare’.’ Thus God makes plain His revelations so that you may reflect
upon this life and the life to come. They ask you about orphans; say, ‘To improve their conditions is best. If you mix their affairs with yours, remember that they are your brothers. God knows him who spoils things and him who improves. Had God so willed, He would indeed have overburdened you. God is indeed almighty, wise’.
Do not marry women who associate partners with God unless they embrace the true faith. Any believing bondwoman is certainly better than an idolatress, even though the latter may well please you. And do not give your women in marriage to men who associate partners with God unless they embrace the true faith. Any believing bondman is certainly better than an idolater, even though the latter may well please you. These invite to the Fire; whereas God invites to paradise and to the achievement of forgiveness by His leave. He makes plain His revelations to mankind so that they may bear them in mind.
They ask you about menstruation. Say: ‘It is an unclean condition; so keep aloof from women during menstruation, and do not draw near to them until they are cleansed. When they have cleansed themselves, you may go in unto them in the proper way, as God has bidden you. God loves those who turn to Him in repentance, and He loves those who keep themselves pure’.
Your wives are your tilth; go, then, to your tilth as you may desire, but first provide something for your souls. Fear God and know that you shall meet Him. Give the happy news to the believers.
Do not allow your oaths in the name of God to become an obstacle to your being kind and God-fearing, or to promoting peace among people. God hears all and knows all.
God shall not take you to task for oaths which you may have uttered without thought, but He will take you to task for what your hearts have conceived in earnest. God is much-forgiving, clement.
Those who take an oath that they will not approach their wives shall have four months of grace. If they go back on their oaths, God is much-forgiving, ever-merciful;
And if they are resolved on divorce, [let them remember that] God hears all and knows all.
Divorced women shall wait, by themselves, for three monthly courses. It is unlawful for them to conceal what God might have created in their wombs, if they believe in God and the Last Day. During this period, their husbands are entitled to take them back, if they desire reconciliation. Women shall, in all fairness, enjoy rights similar to those exercised against them, although men have an advantage over them. God is almighty, wise.
Divorce may be [revoked] twice, whereupon a woman may either be retained in fairness or released with kindness. It is unlawful for you to take back from women anything of what you have given them [as dowry], unless they both [husband and wife] fear that they may not be able to keep within the bounds set by God. If you have cause to fear that they would not be able to keep within the bounds set by God, it shall be no offence for either of them if she gives up whatever she may in order to free herself. These are the bounds set by God; do not, then, transgress them. Those who transgress the bounds set by God are wrongdoers indeed.
Should he divorce her [a third time], she shall not thereafter be lawful for him to remarry until she has wedded another husband. If the latter then divorces her it shall be no offence for either of the two if they return to one another, if they feel that they will be able to keep within the bounds set by God. Such are the bounds set by God. He makes them plain for people who have knowledge.
When you have divorced women and they have reached the end of their waiting-term, either retain them with fairness or let them go with fairness. Do not retain them out of malice in order to hurt them. He who does so wrongs his own soul. Do not take God’s revelations in a frivolous manner. Remember the blessings God has bestowed upon you, and all the revelation and wisdom He has bestowed upon you from on high in order to admonish you. Fear God and know well that He has full knowledge of everything.
And when you have divorced women and they have reached the end of their waiting-term, do not prevent them from marrying their husbands if they have agreed with each other in a fair manner. This is an admonition for everyone of you who believes in God and the Last Day. That is more virtuous for you, and purer. God knows, whereas you do not know.
Mothers may breast-feed their children for two whole years; [that is] for those who wish to complete the suckling. The father of the child is responsible to provide in a fair manner for their sustenance and clothing. No human being shall be burdened with more than he is well able to bear. Neither shall a mother be allowed to cause her child to suffer, nor shall a father cause suffering to his child. The same shall apply to the father’s heir. If, by mutual consent and after due consultation, the parents choose to wean the child, they will incur no sin thereby. Nor shall it be any offence on your part if you engage wet nurses for your children, provided that you hand over what you agreed to pay, in a fair manner. Fear God, and know that God sees all that you do.
Those of you who die leaving wives behind, their wives shall wait, by themselves, for four months and ten days. When they have reached the end of their waiting-term, you shall incur no sin in whatever they may do with themselves in a lawful manner. God is aware of all that you do.
You will incur no sin if you give a hint of a marriage offer to [widowed] women or keep such an intention to yourselves. God knows that you will entertain such intentions concerning them. Do not, however, plight your troth in secret; but speak only in a decent manner. Furthermore, do not resolve on actually making the marriage tie before the prescribed term [of waiting] has run its course. Know well that God knows what is in your minds, so have fear of Him; and know that God is much-forgiving, clement.
You will incur no sin if you divorce women before having touched them or settled a dowry for them. Provide for them, the rich according to his means and the straitened according to his means. Such a provision, in an equitable manner, is an obligation binding on the righteous.
If you divorce them before having touched them but after having settled a dowry for them, then give them half of that which you have settled, unless they forgo it or he in whose hand is the marriage tie forgoes it. To forgo what is due to you is closer to being righteous. Do not forget to act benevolently to one another. God sees all that you do.
Attend regularly to your prayers, particularly the middle prayer, and stand up before God in devout obedience.
If you are in fear, pray walking or riding. When you are again secure, remember God, since it is He who has taught you what you did not know.
Those of you who die leaving their wives behind, shall bequeath to their wives provisions for one year without their being obliged to leave [their deceased husbands’ homes]. Should they leave home [of their own accord], you shall incur no sin for what they may do with themselves in a lawful manner. God is almighty, wise.
Divorced women shall have a provision according to what is fair. This is an obligation on the God-fearing.
Thus God makes clear to you His revelations that you may understand.
Are you not aware of those who left their homes in their thousands for fear of death? God said to them: ‘Die’, and later He brought them back to life. Surely, God grants limitless bounty to mankind, but most people are ungrateful.
Fight for the cause of God and know that God hears all and knows all.
Who will offer God a generous loan, which He will repay multiplied many times over? It is God who straitens people’s circumstances and it is He who gives abundantly; and to Him you shall all return.
Are you not aware of those elders of the Children of Israel, after the time of Moses, when they said to one of their prophets, ‘Appoint for us a king, and we shall fight for the cause of God’. He said, ‘Would you, perchance, refuse to fight if fighting is ordained for you?’ They said, ‘Why should we not fight for the cause of God when we have been driven out of our homes and our families?’ Yet, when fighting was ordained for them, they turned back, save for a few of them. God is fully aware of the wrongdoers.
Their Prophet said to them, ‘God has appointed Saul [Talut] to be your king’. They said, ‘How can he have the kingship over us when we are better entitled to it than he is? Besides, he has not been given abundance of wealth’. He said, ‘God has chosen him in preference to you, and endowed him abundantly with knowledge and physical stature. God grants His dominion to whom He will. He is munificent, all-knowing’.
Their Prophet also said to them, ‘The portent of his kingship is that a casket shall be brought to you, wherein you shall have peace of reassurance from your Lord, and a legacy left behind by the House of Moses and the House of Aaron. It will be borne by angels. That will be a sign for you, if you are true believers’.
And when Saul set out with his troops, he said, ‘God will now put you to the test by a river. He who drinks from it will not belong to me, but he who does not taste its water will indeed belong to me, except him who takes a scoop with his hand’. They all drank [their fill] of it, except for a few of them. When he and those who kept faith with him crossed the river, they said, ‘No strength have we today to stand up to Goliath and his forces’. But those of them who were certain that they would meet their Lord said, ‘How often has a small host triumphed over a large host by God’s grace. God is with those who remain patient in adversity’.
And when they came face to face with Goliath and his troops, they prayed, ‘Our Lord, grant us patience in adversity, make firm our steps, and grant us victory over the unbelievers’.
They routed them, by God’s will. David slew Goliath, and God bestowed on him the kingdom and wisdom, and taught him whatever He willed. Had it not been for the fact that God repels one group of people by another, the earth would have been utterly corrupted. God is limitless in His bounty to all the worlds.
These are the revelations of God. We recite them to you in all truth, for you are indeed one of Our messengers.
Those are the messengers! We have exalted some of them above others. To some God spoke directly, and some He raised in rank. We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, clear signs and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. Had God so willed, those who succeeded them would not have fought against one another after the clear proofs had come to them. But they differed with one another: some of them accepted the faith and some rejected it. Yet had God so willed, they would not have fought one another. But God does whatever He wills.
Believers, spend [for God’s cause] out of that with which We have provided you before there comes a day when there will be no trading, or friendship or intercession. Truly, the unbelievers are the wrongdoers.
God: there is no deity but Him, the Ever-Living, the Eternal Master of all. Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. Who is there that can intercede with Him, except by His permission? He knows all that lies open before them and all that lies hidden from them; whereas they cannot attain to anything of His knowledge save as He wills. His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of both does not weary Him. He is the Most High, the Most Great.
There shall be no compulsion in religion. The right way is henceforth distinct from error. He who rejects false deities and believes in God has indeed taken hold of a most firm support that never breaks. God hears all and knows all.
God is the patron of the believers. He leads them out of darkness into the light. As for the unbelievers, their patrons are false deities who lead them out of light into darkness. Those are the people destined for the Fire, therein to abide.
Are you not aware of him who argued with Abraham about his Lord simply because God had given him kingship? Abraham said, ‘My Lord gives life and causes death’. ‘I, too’, said he, ‘give life and cause death’. Abraham said, ‘Well, God causes the sun to rise in the east; cause it, then, to rise in the west’. Thus the unbeliever was dumbfounded. God does not guide the wrongdoers.
Or, [are you not aware] of him who, passing by a township which had fallen into utter ruin, exclaimed: ‘How can God bring this town back to life now that it is dead?’ Thereupon God caused him to be dead for a hundred years, then brought him back to life, and said, ‘How long have you remained thus?’ He said, ‘I have remained thus a day or part of a day’. God said, ‘No. You have remained thus for a hundred years. Just look at your food and drink: none of it has rotted. And look at your ass. We will make you a sign for mankind. Look you at the bones, how We put them up and then clothe them with flesh’. When it had all become clear to him, he said, ‘I know now that God has power over all things’.
When Abraham said, ‘My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead’, He replied, ‘Have you, then, no faith?’ ‘Indeed, I have’, said Abraham, ‘but I only wish my heart to be fully reassured’. God said, ‘Take four birds and draw them close to you, then [having cut them into pieces] place a part of them on each mountain. Then call them back and they will come to you in haste. Know that God is almighty, wise’.
The case of those who spend their property for the cause of God is like that of a grain that brings forth seven ears, each bearing a hundred grains. God gives manifold increase to whom He wills. God is munificent, all-knowing.
Those who spend their property for the cause of God and do not follow their spending by vaunting their own generosity, or by hurting others, shall have their reward with their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
A kind word with forgiveness is better than charity followed by injury. God is free of all wants, clement.
Believers, do not render your charitable deeds worthless by vaunting your generosity and hurting others, as does he who spends his wealth to impress people, while he believes neither in God nor in the Last Day. Such a person is like a smooth rock covered with earth. Then heavy rain falls on it and leaves it hard and bare. Such as these shall gain nothing from their works. God does not guide the unbelievers.
But those who give away their money out of a genuine desire to please God, and out of their own inner certainty, are like a garden on a hillside. When heavy rain falls on it, it yields up twice its normal produce. If no heavy rain falls on it, then a light drizzle [will suffice]. God sees all that you do.
Would any of you wish to have a garden of palm-trees and vines, through which running waters flow, bringing forth all kinds of fruits, then to be well advanced in age, with helpless offspring; and then a fiery whirlwind smites it and leaves it all burnt down? Thus God makes plain to you His revelations, so that you may reflect.
Believers, spend on others out of the good things you have earned, and out of that which We bring forth for you from the earth. Do not choose for your spending the inferior things which you yourselves would not accept without turning your eyes away in disdain. Know that God is free of all want, ever to be praised.
Satan promises you poverty and bids you to commit indecency, whereas God promises you His forgiveness and bounty. God is munificent, all-knowing.
He grants wisdom to whom He wills. He who is granted wisdom has indeed been granted abundant good. Yet only those with sound minds would take heed.
Whatever charity you give or vows you make are known to God. The evildoers shall have none to help them.
If you give your charity openly, that is well; but if you give it to the poor in private, it is even better for you, and will atone for some of your bad deeds. God is aware of all you do.
It is not for you to make people follow the right guidance. It is God who guides whom He wills. Whatever good you may spend in charity is for your own good. You should only give out of pure dedication to God. And whatever good you give in charity will be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged.
[Give] to the needy who, being wholly preoccupied with God’s cause, are unable to go about earning their livelihood. The unthinking take them for men of wealth on account of their restrained behaviour. You can recognise them by their special mark: they do not importune people for alms. Whatever good you give is certainly known to God.
Those who give out of their possessions by night and by day, in private and in public, shall have their reward with their Lord. They have nothing to fear and they shall not grieve.
Those who gorge themselves on usury cannot rise up except as he may rise up whom Satan has confounded with his touch. That is because they say, ‘Trade is just the same as usury’, whereas God has made trade lawful and usury forbidden. He who receives an admonition from his Lord, and thereupon desists [from usury] may retain his past gains, and it will be for God to judge him. Those who revert to the practice [of usury] are indeed the inmates of the Fire, wherein they shall abide.
God blots out usury and causes charitable offerings to grow and increase. God does not love confirmed unbelievers who persist in wrongdoing.
Those that have faith and do good deeds, attend regularly to their prayers and pay zakat, shall have their reward with their Lord. They shall have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
Believers, fear God and give up what remains outstanding of usury gains, if you are true believers.
If you do not, then war is declared against you by God and His Messenger. If you repent, however, you shall remain entitled to your principal. Thus, you shall commit no wrong, nor suffer any wrong yourselves.
If [the debtor] is in straitened circumstances, grant him a delay until a time of ease. And if you waive [the debt entirely] as a gift of charity, it will be better for you, if you but knew it.
Fear the day when you shall all return to God; when every soul shall be repaid in full for what it had earned, and none shall be wronged.
Believers, when you contract a debt for a fixed term, put it in writing, and let a scribe write it down for you with fairness. No scribe shall refuse to write as God has taught him. So he shall write. And let the one who incurs the liability [the debtor] dictate; and [in so doing] let him be conscious of God his Lord and not diminish anything of it. If he who incurs the liability is weak of mind or body, or unable to dictate himself, then let his guardian dictate with fairness. Call in two of your men to act as witnesses, but if two men are not available, then a man and two women, whom you consider acceptable as witnesses, so that if either of them should make a mistake, the other will remind her. Witnesses must not refuse when they are called in. Do not be averse to writing down debts, be they small or great, together with the time when they fall due; that is more equitable in the sight of God and lends greater credence to the testimony and is more likely to spare you any doubt. In the case of a commercial deal transacted on the spot, you shall incur no sin by not writing it down. Have witnesses when you make business deals; but let no harm be suffered by scribe or witness; if you do [harm them], that is sinful on your part. Have fear of God, for it is God who teaches you. God has knowledge of all things.
If you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe, pledges taken in hand [are sufficient]. If you trust one another, let him who is trusted fulfil his trust, and let him fear God, his Lord. You shall not withhold testimony, for he that withholds testimony is sinful at heart. God has full knowledge of all you do.
To God belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Whether you make known what is in your minds or conceal it, God will bring you to account for it. He will then forgive whom He wills and punish whom He wills. God has power over all things.
The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him by his Lord, and so do the believers. Each one of them believes in God, His angels, His books, and His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers. And they say, ‘We hear and we obey. Grant us Your forgiveness, our Lord; to You we shall all return’.
God does not charge a soul with more than it can bear. In its favour shall be whatever good it does, and against it whatever evil it does. Our Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or unwittingly do wrong. Our Lord, do not lay on us a burden such as that You laid on those before us. Our Lord, do not burden us with what we do not have the strength to bear. Pardon us, and forgive us our sins, and bestow Your mercy on us. You are our Lord Supreme; grant us victory against the unbelievers.