ترجمة سورة آل عمران

Dr. Ghali - English translation
ترجمة معاني سورة آل عمران باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation .


Alif, Lam, Mim. (Theses are three letters of the Arabic alphabet and only Allah Knows their meaning here)

Allah, there is no god except He, The Ever-Living, The Superb Upright Sustainer.

He has been sending down upon you the Book with the Truth, sincerely (verifying) what was before it (Literally: between its two hands), and He sent down the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses") and the Injil. (The Book revealed to Isa).

Earlier, as guidance to mankind, and He sent down the all-distinctive Criterion. Surely (the ones) who have disbelieved in the signs of Allah will have a strict torment, and Allah is Ever-Mighty, Owner of vengeance.

Surely for Allah nothing (whatever) in the earth or in the heaven is concealed.

He is (The One) Who fashions you in the wombs as He decides (i.e. in the manner He decides) There is no god except He, The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Wise.

He is The (One) Who has sent down upon you the Book, whereof are clear signs (i.e. Éayah = verses) that are the Essence (Literally: the Mother) of the Book, and others cosimilar (Or: ambiguous). So, as for (the ones) in whose hearts is swerving, they ever follow whatever (parts) of it are cosimilar, (inequitably) seeking temptation (to sedition), and (inequitably) seeking its interpretation; and in no way does anyone know its interpretation except Allah. And the ones firmly established in knowledge say, "We have believed in it; all is from the Providence of our Lord." And in no way does anyone constantly remember except the ones endowed with intellects.

Our Lord, make not our hearts to swerve after that You have guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from very close to You. You, Ever You, are The One Who is The Superb Bestower.

Our Lord, surely You will be gathering mankind for a Day, (and) there is no suspicion about it; surely Allah will not fail the promised (Appointment).

Surely for the ones who have disbelieved, their riches will never avail them, neither their children, any thing with Allah; and those are they who will be fuel for the Fire.

As was the steadfast manner of the house of Firaawn, (Pharaoh) and the ones before them (who) cried lies to Our signs, so Allah took them away for their guilty deeds; and Allah is strict in punishment.

Say to the ones who have disbelieved, "You will be overcome and mustered to Hell, and miserable is the resting place!"

There has already been a sign for you in the two communities that encountered, (The reference is to the Battle of Badr) one community fighting in the way of Allah and another disbelieving. They saw them twice the like of them, as the eye sees, (Literally: as the sight of the eye) and Allah aids with His victory whomever He decides. Surely in that is indeed a lesson for the ones endowed with beholdings. (Literally: eyesights).

Adorned for mankind is the love of lusts, for women and seeds, (Or: sons) and heaped-up, heaps (Literally: "arched" hoarded cantars) of gold and silver, and horses of mark, and cattle and tillage. That is the enjoyment (Literally: the belongings) of the present life; (Literally: the lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) and Allah has in His Providence the fairest resorting.

Say, "Shall I fully inform you of a more charitable (thing) (Literally: the belongings) than that? (Literally: the lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) For (the ones) who are pious (to Allah), from the Providence of their Lord, are Gardens from beneath which Rivers run, (abiding) eternally therein, and spouses purified, and all- blessed satisfaction from Allah; and Allah is Ever-Beholding of (His) bondmen.

Who say, "Our Lord, surely we (ourselves) have believed, so forgive us our guilty (deeds), and protect us from the torment of the Fire."

(The ones who are) patient, and the sincere, and the devout, and the expenders (in the way of Allah), and (the ones who) ask forgiveness (from Allah) before dawn. (i.e. the hours before dawn)

Allah bears witness that there is no god except He, and the Angels and the ones endowed with knowledge, upright with equity (bear witness). There is no god except He, The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Wise.

Surely the religion in the Providence of Allah is Islam. And in no way did the ones to whom the Book was brought differ (among themselves) except even after the knowledge came to them, being inequitable among themselves. And whoever disbelieves in the signs of Allah, then surely Allah is swift at the reckoning.

So, in case they argue with you, then say, "I have surrendered my face to Allah and whoever closely follows me (has surrendered his face to Allah)." And say to the ones to whom the Book was brought and to the common folk, (The pagans) "Have you surrendered (too)?" So, in case they have surrendered, then they are (rightly) guided; and in case they turn away, then surely you have only the proclamation (of the Message). And Allah is Ever-Beholding of (His) bondmen.

Surely (the ones) who disbelieve in the signs of Allah, and kill the Prophets untruthfully, and kill the ones of mankind who command for equity, then give them the tidings (Literally: the good tidings) of a painful torment.

Those are they whose deeds have been frustrated in the present (life) (Literally: the lowly life i.e., the life of this world) and the Hereafter, and in no way do they have any vindicators.

Have you not regarded the ones who were brought an assignment of the Book, being called to the Book of Allah, that it may judge between them? Thereafter a group of them turn back, and they are veering away (from it).

That (is) for that they said, "The Fire will never touch us, except for a (prescribed) number of days." And whatever (lies) they used to fabricate deluded them in their religion.

So, how (will it be) when We have gathered them for a Day. There is no suspicion about it, and every self will be paid in full whatever it has earned, and they will not be done an injustice.

Say, "O Allah, (The Arabic word has the supplication suffix umma) Possessor of the Kingship, You bring the kingship to whomever You decide, and You draw (Literally: pluck out) the kingship from whomever You decide, and You render mighty whomever You decide, and You humiliate whomever You decide. In Your Hand is (the) Charity; (i.e., the choicest) surely You are Ever-Determiner over everything.

You insert the night into the daytime and You insert the daytime into the night, and You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living, and You provide whomever You decide without reckoning."

The believers should not take to themselves the disbelievers for constant patrons, apart from (i.e. rather than) the believers; and he who performs that, (then) he has nothing (to look to) from Allah, excepting that you may protect yourselves against them (in manner) of protection. And Allah bids you beware Himself; and to Allah is the Destiny.

Say, "In case you conceal whatever is in your breasts or display it, Allah knows it, and He knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And ? Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything.

The Day every self will find whatever it has done of charity presented (forward); and whatever it has done of odious (deeds), it would like that there were a far span between it and (such deeds). (Or: between it and that Day) And Allah bids you beware Himself, and Allah is Ever-Compassionate with (His) bondmen.

Say, "in case you (really) love Allah, then closely follow me, (and) Allah will love you and forgive you your guilty (deeds); and Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful."

Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger."Yet in case they turn away, then surely Allah does not love the disbelievers.

Surely Allah has elected Adam and Nuh (Adam and Noah, respectively) and the house of Ibrahim (Abraham) and the house of Imran over the worlds.

An offspring of one another, (Literally: some of them from some "others) and Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.

As the wife of Imran said, "Lord! Surely I have vowed to you what is in my belly in dedication; so (graciously) accept (it) from me. Surely You, (Ever) You, are The Ever-Hearing, The Ever-Knowing."

So, as soon as she brought her forth, (i.e. gave birth to her) she said, "Lord! Surely I have brought her forth, a female." And Allah knows best what she brought forth, and the male is not as the female. "And surely I have named her Maryam. (Mary) And surely I take refuge with You for her and her offspring from the outcast Ash- shaytan." (The all vicious, i.e., the Devil)

Then, her Lord graciously accepted her with fair acceptance, and caused her to grow a fair growth, and He made Zakariyya (Zechariah) her sponsor. Whenever Zakariyya entered the Chamber to her, he found (a) provision in her presence. He said, "O Maryam, however does this (come) to you?" She said, "It is from the Providence of Allah; surely Allah provides whomever He decides without reckoning."

Thereover Zakariyya (Zechariah) invoked his Lord (and) said, "Lord! Bestow upon me from very close to You a goodly offspring. Surely You are The Ever-Hearer of invocation."

So, the Angels called out to him (as) he was upright praying in the Chamber, " Allah gives you the good tidings of Yahya, (John) sincerely (verifying previous scriptures) with a Word from Allah, and a master, and chaste, and a Prophet, one of the righteous."

He said, "Lord! However will I have a youth, and age (Literally: great (with years) has already reached me and my wife is barren?" He (i.e. the angel) said, "Thus Allah performs whatever He decides."

He (Zakariyya) said, "Lord! Set for me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not speak to mankind for three days, except by tokens. And remember your Lord much, and extol (Him) at nightfall and before the risings of the sun."

And as the Angels said, "O Maryam, (Mary) surely Allah has elected you and purified you and has elected you over the women of the worlds.

O Maryam, (Mary) be devout to your Lord, and prostrate yourself and bow down with the ones who bow down (for Him)."

That is of the tidings of the Unseen. We reveal it to you; and in no way were you close to them as they were casting quills (Literally: pens) (to determine) which of them should sponsor Maryam, (Mary) and in no way were you close to them as they took adverse stands (about that) (and).

As the Angels said, "O Maryam, (Mary) surely Allah gives you good tidings of a Word from Him whose name is the Masih Isa (Literally: pens) son of Maryam, esteemed in the present (life) (Literally: the lowly "life", i.e., the life of this world) and the Hereafter, and one of the near -stationed (i.e., stationed near to' Allah).

And he will speak to mankind in the cradle and in maturity and will be one of the righteous."

She said, "Lord! However will I have a child, and no mortal has touched me?" He said, "Thus Allah creates whatever He decides. When He has decreed a Command, then He only says to it, 'Be!' so it is!."

And He will teach him the Book, and (the) Wisdom, and the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses", of which the extant Torah is a corruption) and the Injil (The Book revealed to Isa "Jesus", of which the extant Gospel is a corruption).

And a Messenger to the Seeds (Or: sons) of Israel) (saying) that, "I have already come to you with a sign from your Lord that I create for you out of clay as the semblance of a bird, then I blow into it, so it is a bird by the permission of Allah; and I heal him (who was born) blind and the leper, and give life to the dead by the permission of Allah; and I (fully) inform you of what things you eat, and what you (safely) store in your homes. Surely in that is indeed a sign for you, in case you are (true) believers.

And (I have came) sincerely (verifying) what was before me (Literally: between my two hands) of the Tawrah, (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses", of which the extant Torah is a corruption) and to make lawful some of that which was prohibited to you. And I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. So be pious to Allah and obey me.

Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is a straight Path".

So, as soon as Isa (Jesus) perceived disbelief among them, he said, "Who are my ready vindicators to Allah?" (i.e., in the cause of Allah) The Disciples said, " We are the ready vindicators to Allah; we have believed in Allah, and bear (you) witness that we are Muslims.

Our Lord, we have believed in what You have sent down, and we have closely followed the Messenger, so write us down with (the ones) who bear witness."

And they schemed, and Allah schemed, and Allah is The Most Charitable of schemers.

As Allah said, "O Isa, (Jesus) surely I am taking you up to Me, and I am raising you up to Me, and I am purifying you of the ones who have disbelieved. And I am making the ones who have closely followed you above the ones who have disbelieved until the Day of the Resurrection. Thereafter to Me will be your return; so I will judge between you as to whatever you used to differ in.

So, as for the ones who have disbelieved, then I will torment them a strict torment in the present (life) (Literally: the lowly "life", i.e., the truth) and the Hereafter; and in no way will they have any vindicators."

And as for the ones who have believed and done deeds of righteousness, then He will pay them in full their rewards, and Allah does not love the unjust.

This We recite to you of the signs and the Wise Remembrance.

Surely the likeness of Isa (Jesus) in the Providence of Allah is as the likeness of Adam. He Allah) created him of dust, thereafter He said to him, "Be!" so he is (i.e., he was).

The Truth is from your Lord, so do not be of the constant wranglers.

So, whoever argues with you concerning him, (Or: it, i.e., the truth) even after (such) knowledge as has come to you, then say, "Come! We should call our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves; thereafter we should imprecate, (and) so lay (Literally: make) the curse of Allah on the liars."

Surely this is indeed the true narrative; and in no way is there any god except Allah; and surely Allah indeed, Ever He, is The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Wise.

So, in case they turn away, then surely Allah is Ever-Knowing of the corruptors.

Say, "O population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and christians) come to a level word between us and you, that we worship none except Allah, and that we do not associate anything with Him, and that some of us do not take to themselves others (Literally: some "others") as lords, apart from Allah." So, in case they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims." (Literally: we have surrendered "to Allah").

O population of the Book, why do you argue about Ibrahim? And in no way were the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa "Moses") and the Injil (The Book revealed to Isa "Jesus") sent down except even after him. Do you not then consider?

Now you are the ones who have argued about what you have (some) knowledge (of); so, why do you argue about what you have no knowledge (of); and Allah knows and you do not know.

In no way was Ibrahim a Jew, neither a Christian; (i.e. a follower of Isa "Jesus", Nasraniyyan) but he was an unswervingly (upright) (i.e. veering away from idolatry) Muslim; and in no way was he one of the associators (Those who associate others with Allah).

Surely the ones of mankind who are most deserving of Ibrahim's patronage are indeed the ones who closely followed him, and this Prophet, and the ones who have believed; and Allah is the Ever-Patronizing Patron of the believers.

A section of the population of the Book (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and christians) would like to lead you into error; and in no way do they lead anyone into error except themselves, and in no way are they aware of it.

O population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) why do you disbelieve in the signs of Allah, and you witness (them)?

O population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) why do you confound the Truth with the untruth and keep back the Truth, and you know (that)?

And a section of the population of the Book (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) said, "Believe in that which has been sent down upon the ones who have believed in the early part (Literally: the face of the daytime) of the daytime and disbelieve at the last part of it, that possibly they would return (i.e. to your religion).

And do not believe anyone except him who has followed your religion." Say, "Surely the guidance is the guidance of Allah, "- that anyone should be brought the like of what you have been brought, or that they would argue against you in the (Meeting) with your Lord. Say, "Surely Grace is in the Hand of Allah; He brings it to whomever He decides; and Allah is Ever- Embracing, Ever-Knowing."

He appropriates of His mercy to whomever He decides; and Allah is The Owner of the magnificent Grace.

And of the population of the Book is he who, in case you put in his custody a hundred- weight, (Literally: a Kantar) will pay it back to you; and of them is he who, if you put in his custody one dinar, will not pay it back to you, except as long as you are upright over him. (Or: over it) That (is) so because they said, "There is no way over us as to the common folk." (i.e., the illiterates or the Gentiles) And they say lies against Allah, and they know (that).

Yes indeed, (but) whoever fulfils his covenant and is pious (to Allah), then surely Allah loves the pious.

Surely the ones who trade the covenant of Allah and their oaths for a little price, those will have no apportioning in the Hereafter, and Allah will not speak to them, nor look upon them on the Day of the Resurrection, nor will He cleanse them; and they will have a painful torment.

And surely (there is) indeed a group of them who twist their tongues with the Book that you may reckon it a (part) of the Book, and in no way is it a (part) of the Book, And they say, "It is from the Providence of Allah, " and in no way is it from the Providence of Allah; and they say lies against Allah, and they know (that).

In no way should a mortal (to whom) Allah brings the Book and the Judgment and the Prophethood thereafter say to mankind, "Be bondmen to me, apart from Allah." But, (i.e. But he should say) "Be lordly (i.e. teachers of Divine Law and worshipers of Allah) in that you used to teach the Book and in that you used to study (it)."

And he (i.e. any religious Messenger) should not command you to take the Angels and Prophets to yourselves as lords. Would he command you to (adopt) disbelief after you have (become) Muslims? (i.e. have surrendered "to).

And as Allah took compact with the Prophets (that), "Indeed, whatever I bring you of Book and Wisdom, thereafter a Messenger comes to you sincerely verifying what is with you, indeed you shall definitely believe in him, and indeed you shall definitely vindicate him." He (i.e., Allah) said, "Do you ratify (that)? And do you take My obligation on those (conditions)?" They said, "We have ratified (that)." He said, "Then, bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses."

So whoever turns away after that, then those are they (who) are the immoral.

Do they then (inequitably) seek other than the religion of Allah, and to Him has surrendered whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly and unwillingly, and to Him they will be returned?

Say, "We have believed in Allah, and in whatever has been sent down on us, and whatever was sent down on Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaaqub, (Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob, respectively) and the Grandsons, (i.e. the Tribes) and in whatever was brought to Musa and Isa (Moses and Jesus, respectively) and the Prophets from their Lord; we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we are Muslims" (i.e. we surrender).

And whoever inequitably seeks for himself as a religion other than Islam, then it will never be accepted from him, and in the Hereafter (he) will be among the losers.

How does Allah guide a people who have disbelieved after their belief, and bore witness that the Messenger is true, and the supreme evidences came to them? And Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Those will have their recompense in (that there will rest) on them the curse of Allah and of the Angels and of mankind all together,

Eternally (abiding) therein. The torment will not be lightened for them, and they will not be respited.

Except for the ones who repent even after that and act righteously; (only) then, surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

Surely the ones who have disbelieved after their belief, thereafter have increased in disbelief, their repentance will never be accepted, and those are they (who) are the erring ones.

Surely the ones who have disbelieved and died (when) they are steadfast disbelievers, then (there) will never be accepted from any one of them the (whole) earth full of gold, even if he would ransom himself thereby. Those will have a painful torment, and in no way will they have any vindicators.

You will never attain benignancy until you expend of whatever you love; and whatever thing you expend, then surely Allah is Ever-Knowing of it.

All food was rightly lawful to the Seeds (Or: Sons) of Israel) except what prohibited for himself even before the Tawrah (The Book revealed to Musa: Moses) was being sent down. Say, "So come up with Tawrah, then recite it, in case you are sincere."

So whoever fabricates lies against Allah even after that, then those are they (who are) the unjust.

Say, " Allah has (spoken) sincerely, so closely follow the creed of Ibrahim, (Abraham) the unswervingly (upright) (i.e., veering away from idolatry) and in no way was he one of the associators." (i.e., those who associate others with Allah)

Surely the first Home laid down for mankind was indeed at Bakkah, (Another name of Makkah) a blessed (place) and a guidance to the worlds.

Therein are supremely evident signs: the station of Ibrahim. (Abraham) And whoever enters it is secure. And it is (a duty) upon mankind towards Allah (to come) to the Home on Pilgrimage, for whomever is able to make a way to it. And (as for) him who has disbelieved, then surely Allah is Ever-Affluent, (Literally: Ever-Rich) (dispensing) with the worlds.

Say, "O Population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) why do you disbelieve in the signs of Allah, and Allah is Ever-Witness of whatever you do?"

Say, "O Population of the Book, (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) why do you bar from the way of Allah him who has believed (while you) inequitably seek to make it crooked, and you are witnesses?" And in no way is Allah ever heedless of whatever you do.

O you who have believed, in case you obey a group of the ones who were brought the Book, they will turn you back after your belief into disbelievers.

And how can you disbelieve, and the ayat (i.e., signs or verses) of Allah are recited to you, and His Messenger is among you? And whoever firmly adheres to Allah, then he is already guided to a straight Path.

O you have believed, be pious to Allah with His true piety, and definitely do not die except as Muslims.

And adhere firmly to the Rope (i.e. the Covenant of Allah=the Qur'an) of Allah, altogether, and do not be disunited; and remember the favor of Allah upon you as you were enemies, then He brought your hearts together, (Literally: joined "between") so you have become brethren by His favor. And you were upon the brink of a hole of the Fire, so He rescued you from it. Thus Allah makes evident His signs to you, that possibly you would be guided.

And let (i.e. there shall indeed be. the Arabic is emphatic) there be a nation of you (who) call to charity, and command beneficence, and forbid maleficence; and those are they (who are) the prosperers.

And do not be as the ones who were disunited and differed (among themselves), even after the supreme evidences came to them. And those will have a tremendous torment.

The Day when (some) faces are whitened, and (some) faces blackened. Then, as for the ones whose faces are blackened- "Did you disbelieve after your belief? Then taste the torment for that you disbelieved."

And as for the ones whose faces are whitened, they will be in the mercy of Allah, they are therein eternally (abiding).

Those are the ayat (i.e., signs or verses) of Allah; We recite them to you with the Truth; and in no way does Allah will injustice to the worlds.

And to Allah (belongs) whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; and to Allah all Commands are returned.

You have been the most charitable nation brought out to mankind: you command beneficence, and forbid maleficence, and believe in Allah. And if the population of the Book (Or: Family of the Book; i.e., the Jews and Christians) believed, it would indeed have been charitable for them; (some) of them are the believers, and the majority of them are the immoral.

111. They will never harm you except a (little) hurt; and in case they fight you, they will tur n on you their backs; (Literally: their hind parts) thereafter they will not be granted victory.

Humiliation has been stricken upon them wherever they were caught, except they be with a Rope (i.e., the Covenant of Allah "the Qur'an and Sunnah) from Allah and a rope (i.e., a bond of other nations) from mankind. And they have incurred anger from Allah and have been stricken with indigence. That (is) because they used to disbelieve in the signs of Allah and to kill the Prophesiers (i.e., the Prophets) untruthfully; (i.e., without right) that (is) because they disobeyed and they were transgressing.

They are not (all) equal. Of the population of the Book (Or: Family of the Book; i.e., the Jews and Christians) is an upright nation (who) recite the signs (i.e., verses) of Allah at various times of the night as they prostrate themselves (to Him).

They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and command beneficence, and forbid maleficence, and vie swiftly in charitable deeds; and those are of the righteous.

And whatever charity they perform, (then) they will never be disavowed (the reward of it), and Allah is Ever-Knowing of the pious.

Surely the ones who have disbelieved, their riches will never avail them, neither their children, anything against Allah; and those are the companions (i.e., the inhabitants) of the Fire, and they are therein eternally (abiding).

The likeness of whatever they expend in this present life (Literally: the lowly "life", i.e., the life of this world) is as the likeness of a wind wherein there is clamoring cold that afflicted the tillage of a people who did injustice to themselves, and so it did cause it to perish. And in no way did Allah do any injustice to them but they did injustice to themselves.

O you who have believed, do not take to yourselves retainers, apart from your (people); they spare nothing to (cause) confusion to you; they would like to (bring you) whatever distresses you. Abhorrence has already been displayed of their mouths, and whatever their breasts conceal is (still) greater. We have already made evident to you the signs, in case you consider.

Now, you are those ones who love them, and they do not love you, and you believe in the Book, all of it. And when they meet you, they say, "We have believed." And when they go away in private, they bite at you their finger-tips in rage. Say, "Die in your rage; surely Allah is Ever-Knowing of the inmost (thoughts) in the breasts " (Literally: what the breasts own).

In case a fair (reward) touches you, (i.e. the believers) it vexes them; and in case an odious (disadvantage) afflicts you, they exult with it. And in case you are patient and pious, their plotting will harm you nothing. Surely Allah is Supremely Encompassing of whatever they do.

And (remember) as you went forth early from your family to locate the believers in their positions (Literally: seats) for fighting; (The reference is to the Battle of' Uhud) and Allah is Ever-Hearing, Ever-Knowing.

(Remember) as two sections of you were about to be disheartened, and Allah is their Ever- Patronizing Patron; and on Allah let the believers then put their trust.

And indeed Allah readily granted you victory at Badr, and you were humble; so be pious to Allah, that possibly you would thank (Him).

As you said to the believers, "Is it never sufficient for you that your Lord should supply you with three thousand of the Angels sent down (upon you)?"

Yes indeed, in case you are patient and pious, and (the enemy) comes up (against) you instantly, (Literally: this instant of theirs) your Lord will supply you with five thousand of the Angels, markedly swooping.

And in no way has Allah made (this supply) except as good tidings to you and that thereby your hearts may be composed; and in no way does victory (come) except from the Providence of Allah, The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Wise.

That He may cut off a fringe of the ones who have disbelieved or suppress them, so they would turn over disappointed.

You have nothing to do concerning the Command, (i.e. My Command) whether He relents towards them or torments them, as surely they are unjust.

And to Allah (belongs) whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. He forgives whomever He decides and torments whomever He decides; and Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

O you who have believed, do not eat riba, (i.e., usury; interest and other unlawful gains) doubled (and) redoubled, and be pious to Allah that possibly you would prosper.

And protect yourselves from the Fire that is prepared for the disbelievers.

And obey Allah and the Messenger that possibly you would be granted mercy.

And vie swiftly with one another for forgiveness from your Lord and for a Garden whose breadth is the heavens and the earth, prepared for the pious.

Who expend in easiness and tribulation, and (are) the repressors of (their) rage, and are the clement towards (their) fellow-men; (Literally: mankind) and Allah loves the fair-doers.

And who, when they (perform) an obscenity or do an injustice to themselves, remember Allah, and so they ask forgiveness for their guilty deeds- and who forgives guilty deeds except Allah (only)? - and who do not persist in the actions they performed, and they know (that).

Those will have their recompense (as) forgiveness from their Lord and Gardens from beneath which rivers run, eternally (abiding) therein; and excellent (Literally: favorable) is the reward of the (fair) doers!

Enactments (Reward for good or punishment for evil) have already passed away before you; so travel in the earth, then look into how was the end of the beliers.

This is an evidence for mankind and a guidance and an admonition for the pious.

And do not feel feeble nor grieve; and you are the most exalted in case you are believers.

In case a blow touches you, (This refers to the Battle of 'Uhud) then a like blow has already touched the (disbelieving) people. And such days We interchange (i.e. the change of fortune) among mankind and that Allah may know (the ones) who have believed and take to Him martyr-witnesses from among you; and Allah does not love the unjust.

And that Allah may prove (i.e. purge them by clearing out the hypocrites and confirming the believers) (the ones) who have believed and expunge the disbelievers.

Or (even) did you reckon that you would enter the Garden and Allah does not as yet know (i.e., has not yet proved, tested) who of you have striven, and that He may know the patient?

And indeed you readily coveted death even before you met it; then you have already seen it, and you were looking (at it).

And in no way is Muhammad (anything) except a Messenger; the Messengers have already passed away before him. Then, will it be that, in case he dies or is killed, will you turn (Literally: turn (s) over on) on your heels? And whoever turns (Literally: turn (s) over on) on his heels, then he will never harm Allah in anything; and Allah will recompense the thankful.

And in no way is a self to die except by the permission of Allah, at an appointed term; (Literally: an appointed book) and whoever is willing to have the requital of the present (life), (Literally: this lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) We will bring him of it; and whoever is willing to have the requital of the Hereafter, We will bring him of it; and We will soon recompense the thankful.

And similarly many a Prophet there has been along with whom myriads manifold have fought; so in no way did they feel feeble for whatever afflicted them in the way of Allah, and in no way did they weaken, and in no way did they yield themselves; and Allah loves the patient.

And in no way was their saying anything except that they said, "Our Lord, forgive us our guilty (deeds), and our extravagance in our Command, (Your Command to us) and make firm our feet, and vindicate us over the disbelieving people."

So Allah has brought them the requital of the present (life), (Literally: this lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) and the fairest requital of the Hereafter; and Allah loves the fair-doers.

O you who have believed, in case you obey the ones who have disbelieved, they will turn you back on your heels; so you turn over, losers.

No indeed, (but) Allah is your Supreme Patronizer, and He is The Most Charitable of vindicators.

We will soon cast in (to) the hearts of the ones who have disbelieved horror for whatever they associated with Allah for which He has not sent down an all-binding authority; and their abode will be the Fire, and miserable is the lodging of the unjust!

And indeed Allah has already sincerely (made good) His promise (Literally: was truly sincere in His promise) to you as you overwhelmed them by His permission until you were disheartened and contended together about the Command (i.e. the Command of Allah) and disobeyed (i.e. disobeyed the Messenger) even after He had shown you what you love (The reference is to the Battle of 'Uhud when the archers deserted their posts to share in the spoils). Some of you (there were) who would have the present (life) (Literally: the lowly (life), i.e., life of this world) and some of you (there were) who would have the Hereafter. Thereafter He has made you turn about away from them, that he may try you. And He has already been clement towards you; and Allah is The Owner of Grace upon the believers.

As you were mounting and did not twist about for anyone, and the Messenger was calling you in your rear, so He requited you with suffering for suffering that you might not grieve for whatever eluded you nor for what afflicted you; and Allah is Ever-Cognizant of whatever you do.

Thereafter He sent down upon you, even after suffering, secure (reassurance), a drowsiness enveloping a section of you; and a section already (became) anxious, surmising other than the truth about Allah, the surmise (s) of (pagan) ignorance. They say, "Have we anything to do with the Command?" Say, "Surely the Command is entirely to Allah." They conceal within themselves what they do not display to you; they say, "If we had had anything to do with the Command, we would not have been killed here now." Say, "If you had been in your homes, the ones for whom killing was prescribed would indeed have gone forth to their recumbencies." And that (is so that) Allah might try whatever was in your breasts, and that He might prove whatever is in your hearts; and Allah is Ever-Knowing of whatever is within the breasts (Literally: what the breasts own).

Surely the ones of you who turned away the day the two gatherings encountered, surely it was only that Ash-shaytan (The ever-vicious, i.e., the Devil) made them slide back for some of that which they had earned; and Allah has indeed already been clement towards them. Surely Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Forbearing.

O you who have believed, do not be as the ones who have disbelieved and have said to their brethren when they strike in the earth (i.e. journey in the land) or are upon expeditions, "If they had been in our presence, they would not have died and not been killed." that (is so that) Allah may make that a regret in their hearts. And Allah gives life and makes to die, and Allah is Ever-Beholding of whatever you do.

And indeed in case you are killed in the way of Allah or die, indeed forgiveness from Allah and mercy are more charitable than whatever they (heap) together.

And indeed in case you die or are killed, indeed to Allah you will be mustered.

So it was by (some) mercy from Allah that you have been lenient with them; and if you had been stern (and) harsh of heart, they would indeed have broken away from round about you. So be clement towards them, and ask forgiveness for them, and take counsel of them in the command. Yet when you are resolved, then put your trust in Allah; surely Allah loves the (ones) trusting (in Him).

In case Allah grants you victory, then none can overcome you, (Literally: none can be your over comer) and in case He abandons you, who then can give you victory after Him? And in (Literally: on) Allah let the believers put their trust.

And in no way has a Prophet (the right) to exploit. And whoever exploits will come up with whatever he exploited on the Day of the Resurrection; thereafter every self will be paid in full whatever it has earned, and they will not be done an injustice.

Then is he who closely follows the all-blessed satisfaction of Allah like him who has drawn upon (himself) wrath from Allah and whose abode is Hell? And miserable is the Destiny!

They are degrees (of honor) in the Providence of Allah; and Allah is Ever-Beholding of whatever they do.

Allah has indeed already been bounteous to the believers as He sent forth among them a Messenger from (among) themselves (who) recites to them His ayat (i.e., signs, verses) and cleanses them, and teaches them the Book and (the) Wisdom; and decidedly they were earlier indeed in evident error.

And is it that as soon as an affliction befell (Literally: afflicted) you, (and) you had already afflicted (i.e. afflicted) twice over the like of it, did you say, "However is this?" Say, "It is from your own selves; surely Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything."

And what afflicted you, the day the two gatherings encountered, was then by the permission of Allah and that He might know the believers.

And that He might know the ones who acted the hypocrite (Literally: hypocrised) and to whom it was said, "Come, fight in the way of Allah or repel (the enemy)." They said, "If we knew (about) fighting, we would indeed closely follow you." They, upon that day were nearer to disbelief than to belief; they say with their mouths that which is not in their hearts; and Allah best knows whatever (secrets) they keep back.

Who said to their brethren, (i.e. after they returned from fighting) and they (i.e. the hypocrites) (themselves) sat back, "If they had obeyed us, they would not have been killed." Say, "Then parry yourselves away from death in case you are (truly) sincere."

And do not ever reckon the ones who have been killed in the way of Allah (as) dead; no indeed, they are alive in the Providence of their Lord, by Him provided.

Exulting with what Allah has brought them of His Grace, and cheered at the tidings (are) the ones who have not yet joined them, (who are) behind them that no fear shall be on them, nor will they grieve.

They are cheered at the tidings of favor from Allah and (His) Grace and that Allah leaves not to waste the reward of the believers.

The ones who responded to Allah and the Messenger even after the blow had afflicted them, to the ones of them who did fair (deeds) and were pious will be a magnificent reward.

173.The ones to whom the multitude (Literally: mankind) said, "Surely the multitude have already gathered against you, so be apprehensive of them." Yet, it increased them in belief, and they said, " Allah is The Reckoner enough for us, and how excellent is The Ever-Trusted Trustee!"

So they turned over (Or: turned around) with favor from Allah and (His) Grace; no odious (disadvantage) did touch them; and they followed closely the all-blessed Satisfaction of Allah; and Allah is The of Owner of magnificent Grace.

Surely that is only Ash-Shaytan (The all-vicious; i.e., the devil) frightening his patronized ones, so do not fear them and fear Me in case you are believers.

And let them that vie swiftly in disbelief not grieve you surely they will never harm Allah anything; Allah wills that He will set them no portion in the Hereafter, and they will have a tremendous torment.

Surely the ones who have traded disbelief (at the price) of belief will never harm Allah anything, and they will have a painful torment.

And definitely let not the ones who have disbelieved reckon that We reprieve them only (because) it is charitable for themselves; surely We only reprieve them that they might increase in vice, and they will have a degrading torment.

In no way indeed will Allah leave out the believers in whatever (state) you are till He discriminates the wicked from good, and in no way indeed will Allah (allow you) to view the Unseen; but Allah selects out of His Messengers whom He decides. So believe in Allah and His Messengers, and in case you believe and are pious, then there will be for you a magnificent reward.

And definitely let not the ones who are miserly with what Allah has brought them of His Grace reckon that it is charitable for them. No indeed, it is an evil (thing) for them. They will have wrapped (about their necks) whatever they were miserly with, on the Day of the Resurrection, and to Allah is the inheritance of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is Ever-Cognizant of whatever you do.

Indeed Allah has already heard the saying of the ones who said, "Surely Allah is poor and we are rich." We will write down what they have said, and their killing of the Prophesiers (i.e., the prophets) untruthfully, (i.e. without right) and We will say, "Taste the torment of the burning."

That (is) for what your hands have forwarded and that Allah is not unjust (The Arabic adjective here is in the strong from) to (His) slaves.

The ones who said, "Surely Allah has covenanted (with) us that we (should) not believe any Messenger until he comes up to us with an all-sanctified sacrifice to be eaten (up) by fire." Say, "Messengers even before me already came to you with supreme evidences and with that which you said. Why then did you kill them in case you are sincere?"

So, in case they cry lies to you, then lies were cried to Messengers before you (who) came with the supreme evidences, and the Scriptures, (Zubur, pI. of Zabur, sometimes understood as the Psalms) and the Enlightening Book.

Every self will be tasting death, and surely you will be paid your rewards in full only on the Day of the Resurrection. So, whoever is moved away from the Fire and caused to enter the Garden, then he has already triumphed; and in no way is the present life (Literally:, the lower (life), i.e., the life of this world) anything except the enjoyment of delusion.

Indeed you will definitely be tried in your riches and your selves and indeed you will definitely hear much hurt from the ones to whom the Book was brought even before you, and from (the ones) who have associated; (i.e. have associated others with Allah) and in case you are patient and pious, then surely that is (an indication) of (true) resolve concerning His (i.e. the Commands of Allah) Commands.

And as Allah took Compact with the ones to whom the Book was brought: "Indeed you shall definitely make it evident to mankind and not keep it back." Yet, they flung it off beyond their backs and traded it for a little price. Miserable then is that which they traded!

Definitely do not reckon that the ones who exult with what they have come up with and love to be praised for what they have not performed, so definitely do not reckon them exempted (i.e., that they will have a place of safety, or triumph) from torment, and they will have a painful torment.

And to Allah (belongs) the Kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and Allah is Ever-Determiner over everything.

Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of (Or: differences) the night and the daytime there are signs indeed for ones endowed with intellects.

The ones who remember Allah, upright and seated and on their sides, and meditate upon the creation of the heavens and the earth: "Our Lord, in no way have You created this untruthfully. All Extolment be to You! So protect us from the torment of the Fire!

Our Lord, surely whoever You cause to enter the Fire, him then You have readily disgraced; and in no way will the unjust have any ready vindicators.

Our Lord, surely we (ourselves) have heard a caller calling out to (us) to belief, "Believe in your Lord." So we have believed. Our Lord, so forgive us our guilty (deeds), and expiate for us our odious deeds, and take us to You with the ever benign (ones).

Our Lord, and bring us what You have promised us by Your Messengers, and do not disgrace us on the Day of the Resurrection; surely You do not fail the Promised Appointment."

Then their Lord responded to them, "I do not waste the deed of any doer among you, any male or female. The one of you is as the other (Literally: some of you from some others). So, the ones who emigrated, and were driven out of their residences, and were hurt in My way, and fought, and were killed, indeed I will definitely expiate them of their odious deeds, and indeed I will definitely cause them to enter Gardens from beneath which Rivers run." A requital from (the Providence of) Allah; and Allah has in His Providence the fairest requital.

Definitely let not the moving about in the lands on the part of the ones who have disbelieved delude you.

A little enjoyment, thereafter their abode will be Hell, and miserable is the restingplace!

But (the ones) who are pious to their Lord will have Gardens from beneath which Rivers run, eternally (abiding) therein, a hospitality from the Providence of Allah. And whatever is in the Providence of Allah is the most charitable for the benign.

And surely there are (some) of the Population of the Book (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and Christians) who indeed believe in Allah, and what has been sent down to you, and what has been sent down to them, being submissive to Allah; they do not trade the signs of Allah for a little price. Those have their reward in the Providence of their Lord; surely Allah is swift at the reckoning.

O you who have believed, be patient, and vie in patience, and be garrisoned (i.e., Keep a standing army ready to defend you) and be pious to Allah, that possibly you would prosper.