surah.translation .

Those who disbelieve and debar others from God’s path will have their deeds brought to nothing by Him,
whereas those who have faith and do righteous deeds, and believe in what has been revealed to Muhammad, for it is indeed the truth from their Lord – He will forgive them their bad deeds and bring them to a happy state.
This is because the unbelievers follow falsehood, whereas those who believe follow the truth from their Lord. Thus does God lay down for mankind their rules of conduct.
Now when you meet the unbelievers in battle, smite their necks. Then when you have thoroughly subdued them, bind them firmly. Thereafter, set them free either by an act of grace or against ransom, until war shall lay down its burden. Thus [shall it be]. Had God so willed, He could have punished them Himself, but it is His will that He tests you all by means of one another. And as for those who are slain in God’s cause, never will He let their deeds go to waste.
He will grant them guidance, and bring them to a happy state,
and will admit them to the Garden He has already made known to them.
Believers! If you support [the cause of] God, He will support you and will make your steps firm;
but as for the unbelievers, ill fortune awaits them as He will bring their deeds to nothing.
This is because they hate what God has bestowed from on high, and thus He causes their deeds to go to waste.
Have they never travelled through the land and seen what was the end of those who lived before their time? God destroyed them utterly. A similar fate awaits the unbelievers.
This is because God protects the believers, while the unbelievers have no one to protect them.
God will indeed admit those who believe and do righteous deeds into gardens through which running waters flow, while those who disbelieve will enjoy their life [in this world] and eat as cattle eat; but the Fire shall be their abode.
How many cities of greater power than this your city which has driven you out have We destroyed, and they had none to help them.
Is he who takes his stand on a clear evidence from his Lord like one to whom the evil of his own deeds seems goodly, or like those who follow their own desires?
Such is the Paradise which the God-fearing are promised: In it are rivers of water for ever pure, rivers of milk the taste of which never alters, rivers of wine, a delight for those who drink, and rivers of honey pure and clarified. In it they shall have all kinds of fruit. And they receive there forgiveness by their Lord. Are they to be compared to those who are to abide in the Fire and be given a drink of scalding water that tears their bowels?
Some of them listen to you, but no sooner do they leave your presence than they [scornfully] say to those endowed with knowledge: ‘What is it that he said just now?’ Such are the ones whose hearts God has sealed, and who follow their desires.
As for those who accept divine guidance, God increases them in guidance and causes them to grow in the quality of being God-fearing.
Are they waiting for the Last Hour to come upon them of a sudden? Its portents have already come; but once it has arrived, what benefit will it then be to them if they take heed?
Know, then, that there is no deity other than God, and pray to Him to forgive you your sins, and to forgive all believing men and women. God knows all your comings and goings, as well as your abiding at rest.
The believers say: ‘Would that a surah had been revealed’. Yet when a surah of clear import is revealed, and fighting is mentioned in it, you see those who are sick at heart staring at you like one who is about to faint for fear of death. Far better for them would be
obedience and an appropriate word. Moreover, when fighting is decided upon, it is better for them to be true to God.
If you turn away now, is it to be expected of you that you will spread corruption in the land and break your ties of kinship?
It is such as these whom God rejects, leaving them deaf and blind.
Will they not, then, try to understand the Qur’an? Or are there locks on their hearts?
Those who turn their backs after guidance has been given to them are seduced by Satan who fills them with false hopes.
That is because they say to those who abhor all that God has revealed, ‘We will obey you in some matters’, but God knows all their secret schemes.
How will they feel when the angels gather them in death, striking their faces and their backs.
That is because they follow what incurs God’s anger, and hate what pleases Him. Therefore, He will surely make all their deeds come to nothing.
Do those who are sick at heart assume that God will never bring their malice to light?
Had We so willed, We could have pointed them out to you, and you would have recognised them by their marks; but you will most certainly recognise them by the tone of their speech. God knows all that you people do.
Most certainly We shall put you to the proof to see who of you strive hard and remain firm; and We shall test the truth of your assertions.
Those who disbelieve and debar others from the path of God, and take a hostile stand against the Prophet after they have seen the light of guidance, can in no way harm God; but He will surely make all their deeds come to nothing.
Believers, obey God and obey the Messenger, and do not let your deeds come to nothing.
Those who disbelieve and debar others from the path of God, and in the end die unbelievers shall not be granted forgiveness by God.
Therefore, do not lose heart or sue for peace. It is you who have the upper hand, and God is with you. He will never let your deeds go to waste.
The life of this world is but play and amusement, but if you believe and are God-fearing, He will grant you your reward. He does not ask you to give up all your possessions.
If He were to ask you all and press you hard, you would grow tight-fisted, and He would bring your malice to light.
You are called upon to give in God’s cause, but some among you will turn out to be niggardly. Whoever is niggardly [in God’s cause] is niggardly towards himself. God is the source of all wealth, whereas you are the ones in need. If you turn away, He will substitute other people for you, and they will not be like you.