surah.translation .


(90:1) Nay!1 I swear by this city2

(90:2) – this city wherein you have been rendered violable–3

(90:3) and I swear by the parent and his offspring:4

(90:4) Verily We have created man into toil and hardship.5

(90:5) Does he think that no one can overpower him?6

(90:6) He says: “I have squandered enormous wealth.”7

(90:7) Does he believe that none has seen him?8

(90:8) Did We not grant him two eyes,

(90:9) and a tongue and two lips?9

(90:10) And did We not show him the two highroads (of good and evil)?0

(90:11) But he did not venture to scale the difficult steep.1

(90:12) And what do you know what that difficult steep is?

(90:13) It is freeing someone's neck from slavery;

(90:14) or giving food on a day of hunger

(90:15) to an orphan near of kin;

(90:16) or to a destitute lying in dust;2

(90:17) and, then besides this, he be one of those who believed,3
and enjoined upon one another steadfastness and enjoined upon one another compassion.4

(90:18) These are the People of the Right Hand.

(90:19) As for those who rejected Our Signs, they are the People of the Left

(90:20) Upon them shall be a Fire that will hem them in.6