ترجمة معاني سورة الطور
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation
And (by) At- Tur, (The Mount)
And (by) a Book inscribed.
In a parchment spread,
And (by) the Home always frequented,
And (by) the roof upraised,
And (by) the sea seething,
Surely your Lord's torment is indeed befalling;
In no way (can) there be any repelling.
The Day when the heaven whirls with (awful) whirling.
And the mountains travel with (awful) traveling.
Then woe upon that day to the beliers.
They are the ones who play at their wading, (i.e., become absorbed)
The Day when they are repulsed to the fire of Hell with (contemptuous) repulsing.
"This is the Fire that you used to cry lies to!
So, is this magic, or is it you (who) do not behold?
Roast in it! So (endure) patiently (in it) or do not (endure) patiently, equal it is to you! Surely you are only being recompensed for whatever you were doing."
Surely the pious will be in Gardens and Bliss,
Jesting with what their Lord has brought them, and their Lord will protect them from the torment of Hell-Fire__
"Eat and drink, (rejoicing) with wholesome appetite for whatever you were doing."__
Reclining upon ranged settees. And We will marry them to wide-eyed huras.
And the ones who believed, and their offspring closely followed them in belief, We will join their offspring with them, and in no way will We withhold from them anything of their deed (s); every person will be a constant pledge for whatever he has earned,
And We will supply them with fruits and flesh such as they crave for.
Therein they will (obligingly) contend with one another cups, and there is no idle talk, and no room for vice.
And (there) go round them youths of their own, as if they were nestled pearl (s);
And some of them come forward to others, asking one another (Literally: some (others) (questions).
They say, "Surely we were before among our families, (feeling) timorous;
Then Allah was bounteous to us, and protected us from the torment of the Pestilential Wind.
Surely we used earlier to invoke Him; surely He, Ever He, is The Ever-Benign, The Ever-Merciful."
Then remind! So in no way are you (The Prophet) by your Lord's favor a soothsayer or a madman.
Or even do they say, "He is a poet for whom we await the uncertainty (i.e., the calamity of death; literally: the suspicion of fortune or fate) of fortune?"
Say, "Await! So surely I will be with you among the awaiting ones."
Or even do their immature understandings command them to do this?
Or even are they an inordinate people?. Or even do they say, "He talked it foolishly?" No indeed, (but) they do not believe.
Then let them come up with a discourse like this, in case they are sincere.
Or even were they created out of nothing? Or even are they the creators?
Or even did they create the heavens and the earth? No indeed, (but) they have no certitude.
Or even do they have in their presence the treasuries of your Lord? Or even are they the dominators?
Or even do they have a ladder wherein they listen? Then let their listener come up with an evident, all- binding authority.
Or even has He the daughters, and you have the sons?
Or even do you ask them for a reward, (and) so they are weighed down with heavy fines?
Or even do they have in their presence the Unseen, (and) so they are writing (it) down?
Or even would they like plotting? Then the ones who have disbelieved are they who are (circumvented) in their plotting.
Or even do they have a god, other than Allah? All Extolment be to Allah above whatever they associate (with Him)!
And in case they saw a dark lump falling down from the heaven, they would say, "Accumulated clouds!"
So, leave them out, till they meet their Day wherein they will be stunned. (i.e., thunderstruck)
The Day when their plotting will not avail them anything, nor will they be vindicated.
And surely, for the ones who did injustice, there is a torment besides that, but most of them do not know.
And (endure) patiently under the Judgment of your Lord, (for) then surely you are under Our Eyes, and extol with the praise (s) of your Lord when you rise up.
And for (part) of the night, then (also) extol Him, and at the with drawing of the stars.